Yu-Gi-Oh Tenth Anniversary Movie/Awesome

  • Yugi and Jaden working together to stop Paradox from winning; when Jaden plays The Flute of Summoning Kuriboh to let Yugi get his Kuriboh to his hand, then Yugi discarding it to save the rest of their life points from Malefic Stardust Dragon. The way Kuriboh stops the attack stands as the best moment in the whole movie, as Kuriboh awesomely takes one for the team. Yeah!
  • When Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl came out. That demands you to clap.
  • The three main protagonists and their iconic monsters combining their powers together to defeat Paradox and Sin Truth Dragon. The crowd goes wild. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_B5uZ7hqs7E
  • In the Japanese version, during Yugi's turn, just to really highlight how awesome - and I don't mean that in a casual way, I mean ACTUALLY AWE INSPIRING - he is in comparison to everyone else, they play the song Passionate Duelist. This makes everything he does in this turn just seem 20% more awesome.
  • In the English dub, we get a twofer, first Yugi, Jaden, and Yusei each spouting off their respective catch phrase in turn. "Get Your Game On!" "Let's Rev It Up!" and last but not least, the classic, "It's Time to Duel!" And then to tie it all together, the ending credits feature the theme song to all three shows.