ZX Spectrum: Difference between revisions

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Some of the earlier joystick interfaces included ROM cartridge slots, but the cartridges never caught on: only ten commercial games were ever released this way<ref>[http://www.fruitcake.plus.com/Sinclair/Interface2/Cartridges/Interface2_RC_Cartridges.htm List here.]</ref> and they were discontinued within months. Later interfaces sometimes shipped with empty spaces on their circuit boards for the cartridge slot.
* ZX Interface 2 - The official one, sporting two joystick ports and the original ROM cartridge connector. The joystick part was built in to the Spectrum +2. Joystick movements simulate number key presses (1-5 for the left stick, 6-0 for the right) to make life easier for game developers.
* Kempston - the most popular, launched before the Interface 2.
* Cursor - which emulates arrow key presses instead of number keys<ref>Although the arrow keys are technically shifted number keys</ref>.
* Protek.
* Fuller.
* RAM Turbo - one of several attempts to combine multiple joystick protocols in one unit. At least two of the protocols worked, and it had a reset button to make reboots easier for owners of preruber-Pluskey Spectrums.
==== Printers ====