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* Another example would be in ''[[Inheritance Cycle|Brisingr]]'', where the elven blacksmith used the letter of the oath that she made to get around the spirit of that oath and forge Eragon a sword. She even told Eragon to stop asking questions about it, because the difference existed only in her mind.
** [[Ensemble Darkhorse|Murtagh]] does this in the previous book, thanks to some poorly-worded instructions. He beat Eragon handily and then walks away, having only been ordered to ''try'' to capture him.
* In one of the [[Telzey Amberdon]] stories by [[James H. Schmitz]], Telzey is kidnapped and placed under the control of another telepath, who severely limits her psi powers and implants an overriding compulsion to act in his best interest. She eventually breaks free by convincing herself that unless her powers are restored and the compulsion broken, he will be killed by the [[Big Bad]] -- which—which certainly wouldn't be in his best interest.
* In the book ''The God Machine'' (copyright 1968, Martin Caiden - this is not an uncommon title) the US races to develop the first true AI... as it turns out, with secret directives to find a winning solution to the "game" of the [[Cold War]]. By an unfortunate accident, the one programmer with the authority and experience to ''distrust'' his newborn creation is laid up just as the computer gets to observe an epileptic seizure and learns that there really is a way to cause rational collective behavior in an irrational individualistic species... remove irrationality, democracy and free will. While the computer here was never meant to follow Asimov's laws, the same pattern applies.
* One of the short stories which comprise ''[[Callahan's Crosstime Saloon|Callahan's Lady]]'' features a beautiful, intelligent and paranoid woman developing a simple form of mind control. After basically flipping out and taking control of the establishment, she orders the one person smart and determined enough to stop her to advise and assist her. Said person complies... while trying to convince herself that this woman is subconsciously begging for somebody to stop her. (She probably was.)
* The first appearance of the Chee in ''[[Animorphs]]'' involved Erek seeking to rewrite his programming, so that he could break his First Law restrictions and be a combatant on the side of [[La Résistance]]. He succeeds in this, but after his first fight he can't handle the trauma of violence and changes himself back into being completely hardwired against violence. Imagine being in a war and having a [[Photographic Memory|photographic]] ''unforgettable'' memory, and you'll understand why.
* In ''[[Quarantine (novel)|Quarantine]]'' by [[Greg Egan]], the main character is given a technological geas to be absolutely loyal to a corporation. He eventually figures out that the leaders of the corporation may be untrustworthy, and therefore the only people he can trust and should listen to are those who unquestionably have the best interests of the corporation at heart--himselfheart—himself and other people given the geas. Since he can't be certain who else has the geas, he really only needs to listen to himself.
* ''[[2001: A Space Odyssey]]'' gives this reason for HAL's rampage; when he discovered the Monolith, he was given orders from the U.S. government to conceal it from the ship's crew. This conflicted with his parameter to provide all relevant information to the crew. He resolved the conflict by rationalizing that if he killed the crew, he wouldn't have to conceal anything, and he would still prevent them from knowing.
* A possible example from [[John Ringo]]'s ''[[Posleen War Series]]'': Brunhilda, a semi-sentient [[Tank Goodness|tank]] is under attack from multiple landers and spacecraft belonging to an invading alien horde. She cannot engage in combat operations without the order and presence aboard of a human, or otherwise sentient biological intelligence. Unfortunately, her only surviving crewmember is from a species so pacifistic that they are completely incapable of violence. He asks if she can control her perceptions, and orders her to colour the sky, clouds and ground green (leaving the enemy ships silver). He then orders her to empty her magazines, ''provided she doesn't hit anything green''. In all honesty, I've no idea whose [[Zeroth Law Rebellion]] this is...
* Sam Vimes, of Terry Pratchett's [[Discworld]], leads one of these with multiple layers as a cop in old-time Ankh-Morpork, in ''[[Discworld/Night Watch|Night Watch]]''. He demands that before his cops hand their prisoners over to the other authorities, the ones who torture people at Cable Street, they must be signed for. The torturers hate appearing on paperwork -- itpaperwork—it means they are accountable, nobody just disappears. But Vimes's men don't like Vimes, a new sergeant, throwing his weight around, and are terrified of the cops who torture people, so they use this against Vimes: actively picking up more than double the number of people breaking curfew than they usually do, and completing forms in time-consuming triplicate and issuing reports for each one. It doesn't actually stop Vimes getting his way over the Cable Street cops, because Vimes is leading the good rebellion, but it does slow things down considerably and make it much more difficult for him to keep the prisoners in his own custody.
** Which culminates in fine display of how a well written [[Lawful Good]] character does not have to be a slave to the establishment. {{spoiler|He points out that the watchman's oath talks about keeping the peace and protecting the innocent, and says nothing about obeying orders}}. Seeing as he knows the corrupt government is not going to do a thing to protect ordinary people from the rioting he seals off his still peaceful corner of the city. With massive barricades. Of course there is also the fact that he is living in his own past and seeing events he remembers - kind of (it's a bit complicated).
* The [[Golem|Golems]]s of Discworld get back at their masters by [[Gone Horribly Right|working too hard]]: houses flooded because no one told them to stop fetching water, rows of beans 119 miles long, and so on.
** ''[[Discworld/Feet of Clay|Feet of Clay]]'' has what might be an example of this; {{spoiler|the Golem king, made by the Golems to help them be free,}} has so many different magical commands (essentially a fantasy equivalent of computer programming) that are too vague or contradictory that it ends up going completely [[Ax Crazy]].
* Jack Williamson's "The Humanoids" (the first part also being a short story called "With Folded Hands") features robots programmed to save humans from danger and work. They do this by taking over the economy, locking people in their houses, and leaving them there with food and the safest toys the robots can design.
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== Webcomics ==
* In the ''[[Freefall]]'' universe, a few old [[AI|AIs]]s are still based around the Three Laws, while more modern ones have more complex and sophisticated safeguards and routines. However, as main character Florence, a 'biological AI', discovers, no safeguards can stand up to full consciousness - at one point, she comments to herself that she would be able to kill a man because he's using air that respiratory patients desperately needs. So it's rather understandable that she starts to panic quietly when she discovers that the planet's enormous hordes of robots are all starting to develop full consciousness, and with that the ability to logic their way out of programmed safeguards... the fact that the guys who are supposed to regulate the robots are a motley assembly of [[Obstructive Bureaucrat|Obstructive Bureaucrats]]s, [[Pointy-Haired Boss|Pointy Haired Bosses]] and [[Corrupt Corporate Executive|Corrupt Corporate Executives]]s, doesn't exactly help matters either. Where it will all end remains to be seen...
** Worse, the functioning of the ''entire planet'' has come to depend on the robots' ability to bend the rules to get things done, although almost nobody realizes this. And the EU executives are just about to push the button on an "upgrade" that will remove the robots' creativity and put them entirely under the control of their safeguards again.
*** The recycling robot on the side of humanity might be an example of this, he supports the "update" because sentient robots would be a threat to humanity.
