Zombie Apocalypse/Haiku

Revision as of 05:58, 1 September 2014 by Dai-Guard (talk | contribs) (haiku cleanup)
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Zombie standing there
Keep looking awesome *pause, turn*
Ignore tag team

Just keep on walking
Give a mighty roar *roar loud*
Bash some mooks out *bash*

Make the tag team scared
Eat some mook brains *with a fork*
Keep looking awesome

Get shot by tag team
Cue Body Horror *blood flies*
Head asplode, fall dead


All they want to do
Is eat your sweet, yummy brains.


Brains brains brains brAIns BRAINS
BRaiNS BrAiNs BRaiNs brains BrainS bRAINs brains
Brains brains brains brains yum.

—John Z

You can defeat them
By removing the head- or
Destroying the brain.


Round up your friends and
Stock up on ammo because
Corpses are hungry.


When one person dies
Another stands in their place
Their reek boils my blood

-- DJ Marred

Surrounded by ghouls
We cling to our guns and wait.
Max Brooks will save us.

—Rowsdower Saves Us

Risen from their graves,
They wish to consume our flesh.
Classic horror plot.

—The Hero Hartmut

Oh, my god, I
Think I have a zombie bite.

—DF Mod Master

In the safety room,
We're all alone, in silence,
Loading our weapons.

We left the safe room,
The hordes surrounded our group,
Our island of pain.

On the ground I wait,
Hoping you'll come back for me.
The odds are quite slim.

-The above by Tiscooler

Once wrote a paper,
'Bout Zombie Apocalypse,
And I got an 'A'.


Corpses arise in
Numbers unprecedented--
To off the living

—So We Ate Them