Zombie Gait: Difference between revisions

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* In ''[[Blassreiter]]'', the zombies, called demoniacs, follow this trope straight until they start being aggressive. They then break this trope by running on all fours, run along walls, and to more extremes, merge with vehicles like cars, motorcycles, and later on, Typhoon jets, to go really, really fast.
* Subverted in ''[[One Piece]]''. Yes, they moan and groan like in the movie, but take this example:
{{quote| '''Usopp''': We're alright. They just came up from from the ground They can't dash after us. Zombies just move slow and groan. Even walking should be hard for them.<br />
''(The zombie horde runs much faster)''<br />
'''Zombies''': HOLD IT!<br />
'''Usopp''': THEY'RE FAST! }}
** Double subverted when they become out of breath...and call for a time out! More powerful zombies on Thriller Bark avert this trope entirely, though.
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* Zombies in the horror/comedy series [[Death Valley]] move fast shortly after they've become infected, but they develop a slow gait the more their bodies decay. There are corpulent zombies in the series who shuffle at a snail's pace.
* In an episode of ''[[Mr. Meaty]]'', a horde of zombies advance on the eponymous fast food restaurant, substituting "meat" for "brains". The same scene also parodies this.
{{quote| '''Hippie Zombie''': ''Tofuuuu... I mean, meeeat...''}}
* While not exactly zombies, the Borg of ''[[Star Trek]]'' fame play by many of the rules of zombies, including continuing to walk slowly no matter how many of them get shot, never using weapons other than their [[The Virus|Virus]] nature, and ignoring the good guys until they take at least one drone out.
** Having fifty pounds of electronics enmeshed with their muscles and organs probably makes movement a little bit awkward, too, and ''any'' [[Hive Mind]] will usually suffer from multitasking or attention-span problems. To their credit, they can afford to be like that because of their personal shields and tendency to keep moving when injured (as opposed to lying down and yelling for a medic).
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* The zombies in ''[[I Am Not Infected]]'' exhibited the traditional [[Zombie Gait]] until recently, which stopped them from being threatening. Lately they've learned to run.
* Mocked in ''[[Unskippable]]'' during the ''[[Left 4 Dead 2]]'' cutscenes
{{quote| I like that, just as in old zombie moves, the only way to make slow zombies viable is to pit them against the stupidest, most lethargic humans ever.}}
* [[Inverted]] on [[Were Alive|We're Alive]]. Most zombie move relatively fast, while some can run at incredible speeds.