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* Near the end of ''[[Friday the 13th (Film)|Friday the 13 th]] Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan'' Jason develops a Zombie Gait after getting toxic waste hurled into his face - he stumbles around bumping into walls in a pretty comical fashion.
** Let's not forget that beginning in Part VI, Jason ''is'' in fact a zombie, and yet displays very few of the classic traits of the walking dead. He doesn't shamble, he's lethally intelligent, and while he rarely moves at more than a brisk walk, he is clearly capable of superior speed. Pretty much the only true "zombie" traits he follows are the rotting flesh and extreme resistance to/ignorance of physical damage.
* Played for fun in ''[[Shaun of the Dead]]'', where the protagonists [[Pretend WereWe're Dead|mimic zombie gait]] to fool other zombies.
* The Missing Link does it in ''[[Monsters vs. Aliens]]'', but only because he had just been in the pool and his eyes were burning with chlorine.
** Dr. Cockroach walks like this for a few seconds after his transformation in the General's video clip.
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* The MMO ''[[Urban Dead]]'' both plays this straight and averts this - zombie characters walk only half as fast as human characters until they buy the Lurching Gait skill.
** ''Urban Dead'' also plays the zombie groan straight. Feeding Groan is a purchasable skill that can only be used while in the same room as human characters, and is heard farther away when more humans are present. The most common use of it is to alert other zombies as to the whereabouts of juicy brains.
* The ReDeads of ''Zelda'' franchise (most notably ''[[The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Video Game)|The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time]]'', ''[[The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker (Video Game)|The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker]]'', and their reincarnations, Gibdos, in ''[[The Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask (Video Game)|The Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask]]'') both play this trait straight and avert it: they walk slow as molasses, usually accompanied by a low kind of thrum sound, and then they SHRIEK and [[Video Games/Nightmare Fuel|as you're paralyzed, they reach and set about apparently RAPING you.]]
* Ordinary Sims allow commands to walk, run or skip to a certain location. In ''[[The Sims]] 2: University'', Sims that have been brought [[Back From the Dead]] as zombies can only "shamble."
* [[Half Life]]'s zombies follow this trope; in HL2 however they do have fast zombies along with the slower types.
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* Averted in ''[[Hanna Is Not a Boys Name]]'' -- {...}, the zombie, walks like a normal person, but occasionally seems to have faster reflexes than a normal person.
* Unity from [[Skin Horse]] (a frankensteinesque super-soldier) will occasionally lurch with her arms out moaning "Snaaaaaacks", but mostly she is perfectly mobile. She has also worked as a fundraiser for the "Lurch For Life" campaign...
* Played straight, [[Subverted Trope|subverted]] ''and'' [[Inverted Trope|inverted]] in ''[[The Zombie Hunters]]'', in which the typical groan-and-shamble zombie is just one of [[Our Zombies Are Different|seven possible classes]].[[Night of the Living Mooks|Crawlers]], [[Breath Weapon|Spitters]], [[Evil Eye|Basilisks]] and [[Make Me Wanna Shout|Howlers]] all shuffle about. [[Mercy Kill|Mercies]] move like particularly graceful [[Subverted Trope|humans]]. [[The Berserker|Berserkers]] and [[Super -Persistent Predator|Hunters]] however, are [[Super Speed|faster]] and [[Super Reflexes|more agile]] than humans, with the Berseker in particular [[Inverted Trope|outclassing human sprinters]].
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