Topic on Forum:Tech Wishlist And Bug Reports

Privacy status buttons in Social Profile broken for me

SelfCloak (talkcontribs)

I've had this problem for quite a while. I set some profile info to private, and that apparently broke the setting, since I can't make the info go back to public. The settings are "public" and "hidden", but I have a third one: "⧼user-profile-privacy-status-privacy-⧽".

Derivative (talkcontribs)

I've had a very similar or possibly exact problem which meant that my music wouldn't show, I asked @GethN7 but he said he didn't see any problem on his end.

GethN7 (talkcontribs)

It's a friends of friends options, which apparently doesn't show properly on some browsers. I'm using Firefox and see no issues.

SelfCloak (talkcontribs)

I use Google Chrome 55.0.2883.103 (64-bit).