Tear Jerkers in Farscape include:

  • The Season 1 finale.

John: I have a job to do, and I am unafraid.

  • Crichton seeing his child at the end of "Look at the Princess". I've always had mildly insane visions of Chricton somehow being alive or somesuch... * sniff*
  • Many, many scenes from "The Way We Weren't," especially the scene where Aeryn tearfully relives taking part in the execution of Moya's former pilot.
  • Stark's temporary death in "The Ugly Truth." Brought home by Zhaan crying over his discarded mask.
  • Crichton, suffering a Split Personality Takeover at the end of the "Liars Guns And Money" trilogy and begging D'Argo to kill him. Worse still, in the buildup to this moment, he's seen quietly singing "Daisy... daisy... give me your answer true..." as he tries in vain to shut out Scorpius' voice inside his head.
  • The Season 2 finale: Aeryn's funeral, including D'Argo giving her his Qualta blade and Rygel giving her his pendant.
  • The death of Zhaan in Season 3. The fact that even Aeryn starts crying and begging her not to sacrifice herself somehow makes it much more real.
  • "Different Destinations." Dear god, Set Right What Once Went Wrong has never been so cruelly subverted. Perhaps the worst part was where D'Argo finds the inscription left by the eight year-old novice he befriended, knowing that she was murdered hours after making it.
    • That or the preceding scene with Crichton and Aeryn. Not only do they know what happened to those poor people, but the planet's unique properties and viewing masks allow them or anyone else to see what happened. Without even wearing the mask, Crichton and Aeryn can still hear the nurses' screams as they're being killed.
  • The Season 3 episode where one of the Crichtons dies, particularly because Claudia Black doesn't cry prettily, making it seem far more real. It doesn't hurt that the dying Crichton was the one in a blissful relationship with Aeryn.
    • Every single second of "The Choice". Dear God, is Aeryn in pain.
      • The death of Xhalax, Aeryn's mother.
  • Crais being forced to deactivate Talyn to stop him from growing any more homicidal until corrective surgery can be performed. The scene itself- intercut with the sorrowful reactions of Moya and Pilot- concludes with Crais leaving the darkened command deck in complete silence- no music, and no sound except for his footsteps fading into the distance.
  • Crais and Talyn's self-sacrifices near the end of Season 3.

Crais: "Talyn, Starburst."

  • Crichton's showdown with Scorpius during the destruction of the command carrier: Scorpius wearily admits that destroying Earth for revenge would be meaningless, because the revenge he really cared about is permanently out of reach; he and Crichton deactivate their I-Yensch bracelets, and finally:

Crichton: If we're gonna get off this boat now would be a good time.
Scorpius: (softly) I may not be getting off this ship, John. (a pause) Goodbye, Crichton.

  • Dog With Two Bones. Specifically the vision of Crichton returning to Earth with all his friends and marrying Aeryn... only for a squad of Peacekeepers to show up and kill everyone, including Aeryn.
    • Talyn's funeral, where Chiana tries to give a eulogy, only to break down in floods of tears, leaving Rygel to give his own short but heartfelt eulogy for the dead Leviathan
  • Harvey's first death during Season 4. Made even more saddening because of Harvey's genuinely hurt expression as he tries in vain to argue for his continued existence.

Harvey: How could I leave your mind? It's full of so many wonderous memories! Cool jazz piano, chocolate ice cream, women's perfume... Women! (A pause) How could you take that from me?
Crichton: (Coldly) You're not real.
Harvey: I'm real to you! I'm real to myself...

  • A lot of scenes in "Prayer," especially Aeryn's final breakdown under the influence of Truth Serum and violent beatings, because it's reduced her to the level of choking out her confession though a mouthful of her own saliva.
  • The Season 4 finale. Aeryn and Crichton embracing one last time and being blown apart, the ring in their remains, and D'Argo's animalistic howls of anguish.
  • Strangely enough, Scorpius killing Sikozu for betraying Crichton and the others in The Peacekeeper Wars proved quite sad. It's in that moment, despite being a Magnificent Bastard Chessmaster, he actually sounds regretful at murdering his lover when he says "You have ruined something... unique."
    • We're not quite sure she's dead.
  • And obviously D'Argo's Heroic Sacrifice in The Peacekeeper Wars.
  • Harvey's death in Peacekeeper wars, lying on the bed next to Crichton. In spite of all he had done, it was still a beautifully made scene. "Thank you... for your memories..."
  • In "Kansas", the crew travels back in time to 1986 and has to correct a sudden change. (Crichton's father, Jack, is assigned the doomed Challenger mission, and they have to ground him to preserve the timeline.) Though they succeed, Crichton (in an understandable moment of weakness) unsuccessfully tries to warn his mother of her future death. "MOM, LISTEN! When you first feel the pain... (she's already gone) don't wait."
    • In the same vein is "Won't Get Fooled Again." Very much off the wall humor and craziness... until Crichton is confronted with a recreation of his mother. Suddenly, the episode isn't so funny anymore, as Crichton is nearly broken by being reminded what happened to her.

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