...And Show It to You: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom (Film)|Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom]]''. "Kali Ma!"
* Stamper planned to do this to [[James Bond (Film)|James Bond]] in ''[[Tomorrow Never Dies (Film)|Tomorrow Never Dies]]''. Bond escapes before he can, obviously.
* Viktor from ''[[Underworld (Film)|Underworld]]'' doesn't even realise that Selene's [[Single -Stroke Battle|swing]] had hit until she shows him the blade covered in his blood. He then dies.
* In ''[[Dumb and Dumber]]'', Jim Carrey's character daydreams about fighting the staff of a restaurant, culminating in him ripping the chef's heart out, putting it inside a doggy bag, closing the bag up, and handing it back to the chef just before he falls over.
* ''[[Sin City]]''
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* The cover of [[Eagles of Death Metal]]'s album ''Heart On''.
* The video for Gnarl's Barkley's "Who's Gonna Save My Soul Now" has a guy doing this to the girl that dumped him.
* According to [["Weird Al" Yankovic (Music)|Weird Al Yankovic]]'s song "CNR" and as demonstrated in the music video, [[Memetic Badass|Charles]] [[Match Game|Nelson Reilly]] can do this to you.
== [[Stand Up Comedy]] ==
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== [[Video Games]] ==
* In ''[[Mortal Kombat]]'', Kano and his various imitators can rip people's hearts out, while they don't directly hold the hearts in front of their victims, they ''do'' hold the hearts up for everyone to see (Including the victim, if that particular game makes him fall backward afterwards). Kobra takes it one step further by shoving the heart into the victim's mouth.
** In ''[[Undercover Brother]]'' [[Token Minority|token white guy]] Lance is so enraged at being called a sissy towards the end of the movie, he performs various fatalities from [[Mortal Kombat]] on the guards; including Kano's [[...And Show It to You]] move.
** In ''[[MK 9]]'', Kano's heart rip fatality actually fits the "Show it to 'em" criteria, as he spins them around, so he faces his opponent's back, and then rams his fist through their back and out their chest, clutching their heart in his hand right in front of their face.
* One of the many, many over-the-top finishers available in ''[[Mad World]]''. And it's one of the ''tamer'' ones.
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* [http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/2010/05/31/2010-05-31_mma_fighter_jarrod_wyatt_allegedly_ripped_out_training_partner_taylor_powells_he.html MMA fighter Jarrod Wyatt]apparently ripped out his training partner's heart (along with tongue and most of his face) because he thought Satan was in him after getting high on "mushroom tea". According to the [http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1282647/US-cage-fighter-Jarrod-Wyatt-rips-training-partner-Taylor-Powells-heart.html#ixzz0pWlIykDe Daily Mail] (so take that as you will), Taylor Powell was still alive when the heart came out, so it might fit under [[Beat Still My Heart|here]] as well.
* The Aztecs did this on a daily basis with their captives. They thrust a dagger under the ribs of the victim, yanked their heart out, and held it up as an offering of blood to their gods.
* A prisoner named Henri Languille, condemned to the Guillotine, became part of [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/:Guillotine#Living_headsLiving heads|a scientific experiment]]. Immediately upon decapitation, Dr. Beaurieux took the head and spoke the prisoner's name until the eyes stopped responding and looking in the doctor's eyes. Because no EEG was attached, nobody knows whether it was a conscious mental or unconscious muscle/nerve response. One might assume the prisoner got a glimpse of his own body in those few seconds between being severed and unconsciousness.
** Which is why the Guillotine is now considered by many to be an unnecessarily cruel death.
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