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** An entire episode was based around the fact that Nikki absolutely ''destroyed'' Jonesy's bathroom after a particularly terrible bowel movement, and Jonesy's forced to accept the fact that this trope does not exist in reality, and that girl's aren't, in fact, above such grotesque things.
* [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]]: Jonesy and Nikki.
* [[Building of Adventure]]: The Galleria Mall.
* [[Bittersweet Ending]]: In the [[Grand Finale]] {{spoiler|Nikki's family moves to Iqaluit after her father gets his dream job; the episode ends with the remaining five realizing that while she's not there right now, their lives will still be all right with out her.}}
** [[Hope Spot]]: {{spoiler|Nikki's family even agrees not to move after seeing how much Nikki's friends care about her, but she decides that she has to do the mature thing and move anyway so her father can have his dream.}}
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** In "Mr. Nice Guy" they cut the part where the girls said they thought Jonesy and Wyatt were gay, but they accidentally left in Jonesy saying "They thought I was gay!"
* [[Broke Episode]]: Some of them seem to have unlimited money, but Jude gets a broke/jobless episode once in awhile.
* [[Building of Adventure]]: The Galleria Mall.
* [[Burger Fool]]: Burger Mc Flipster's, The restaurant itself appears to be a combination parody of Mc Donald's & Burger King.
* [[Butt Monkey]]: Jen and Wyatt.
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* [[Christmas Episode]]: There are actually 3 of these,... all taking place [[Not Allowed to Grow Up|within the same year?]]
** It's even weirder, as Jen's mom and Jonesey's dad were just dating at the start of the show. They weren't even engaged yet. Then they had to be engaged for awhile (it certainly looked like a full-blown wedding), and apparently conceived a child within wedlock. So I'd assume they were, in fact, seventeen by the end of the series.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]] (Jude appears to show signs every now and then of him being a little off)
* [[Closet Geek]]: Chrissy is a big Star Wars geek but hides it from her popular friends, "The Clones", who are three [[Alpha Bitch|Alpha Bitches]] who act and dress exactly the same. She'd always been the most independent of them.
** This is [[Hilarious in Hindsight]] because she's one of the '''clones'''.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]] (Jude appears to show signs every now and then of him being a little off)
* [[Curse Cut Short]] (There are many uses of this involving the word 'Bitch', it's ridiculous. Once completely averted in "The Sushi Connection" when The Clones teased Nikki due to her assistant manager nametag saying ASS. MAN, short for Assistant Manager)
* [[Cool Big Sis]]: Jen has one who she's jealous of.
* [[Credit Card Plot]]: The reason that Caitlin got her job at The Lemon and met the other 5. Also a recurring weakness, if she ever gets completely out of debt.
* [[Cringe Comedy]]: In "The Birthday Boy" when the gang fail to throw Wyatt a birthday party and make him think someone else's party is his.
* [[Curse Cut Short]] (There are many uses of this involving the word 'Bitch', it's ridiculous. Once completely averted in "The Sushi Connection" when The Clones teased Nikki due to her assistant manager nametag saying ASS. MAN, short for Assistant Manager)
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Sometimes Nikki, but Wayne takes this to an extreme extent.
* [[Depending on the Writer]]: As mentioned, sometimes the six friends act twice their age and are making witty pop-culture references, and next episode they're making fart jokes.
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* [["Everybody Laughs" Ending]]: Practically every episode
* [[Evil Is Petty]]: In "Losing Your Lemon" after Caitlin gets her credit card back and quits her job Tricia encourages her to go on a shopping spree just to get her back into debt and so she and her friends can steal the gang's spot in front of the Lemon while Caitlin is away.
* [[Hair Decorations]]: Caitlin always wears a pink butterfly hair clip. This may possibly be to show that she's supposed to be the biggest girly girl in the group.
* [[Fan Boy]]: Darth.
* [[Feigning Intelligence]]: When Caitlin pretends to be a college student in Smarten Up.
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[[Team Pet]]: {{spoiler|Talon (after he bit by zombie kid, later he dumped by Caitlin)}} }}
** Ron the Rent-a-cop called their codenames in "The New Guy":
{{quote|[[The Hero|Hang Ten]]: Jude
[[The Lancer|Maverick]]: Jonesy
[[The Big Guy|Nose Ring]]: Nikki
[[The Smart Guy|Coffee Pot]]: Wyatt
[[The Heart|Gym Sock]]: Jen
[[The Chick|Cupcake]]: Caitlin }}
* [[Five-Token Band]]: There's some element of this, as you can tell by the picture, but in this case the white male is ''not'' the leader.
* [[Flirty Stepsiblings]]: Jonesy and Jen
* [[PowerFreudian Trio]]: The male main characters
** Id: Jonsey
** Ego: Jude
** Superego: Wyatt
* [[Geek]] (Darth, most particularly. Chrissy (of the Clones) shows occasional signs of being a closet case.)
* [[Gender Equal Ensemble]]: Three boys (Jonesy, Jude and Wyatt) and three girls (Nikki, Jen and Caitlin).
* [[George Jetson Job Security]] (Jonesy gets fired [[Once Per Episode]], but always manages to find a new job by the next episode)
** And always a job in the mall...even excluding the episodes where his job is on his own entrepreneurial spirit (usually of dubious morality, but I digress) [[Fridge Logic]] sets in on just how big IS that mall?!
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** In "The One with the Cold Sore" Nikki and Wyatt think Caitlin and Jude are secretly dating, and when they call Caitlin while she's riding the rollercoaster with Jude, they mistake Caitlin's excited screams for orgasms and think they're having sex.
{{quote|'''Caitlin:''' Let's do it again!}}
* [[Girls Are Really Scared of Horror Movies]]
* [[Gender Equal Ensemble]]: Three boys (Jonesy, Jude and Wyatt) and three girls (Nikki, Jen and Caitlin).
* [[Gold Digger]]: Trisha tries to be a platonic girlfriend version to Caitlin in "Prank'd" when she thinks Caitlin is rich.
* [[Hair Decorations]]: Caitlin always wears a pink butterfly hair clip. This may possibly be to show that she's supposed to be the biggest girly girl in the group.
* [[Hair of Gold]]: Several characters; Jude, Caitlin, and the Khaki Clones prominently.
* [[Halloween Episode]]: ''Boo, Dude'' and the hour long special ''Dude of the Living Dead''.
* [[Handsome Lech]]: Jonesy.
* [[Heartbreak and Ice Cream]]: Almost a [[Running Gag]].
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: Several of the voice actors on this show were also on [[Total Drama Island|the various Total Drama series]].
** Jonesy is [[Scaredy Squirrel]].
** In Spain, Caitlin is [[Atomic Betty]].
* [[High School Dance]]: In ''Snow Job'' and ''Spring Fling''.
* [[High School Hustler]]: Jonesy, when he's not getting caught.
* [[Hide Your Lesbians]]: Averted with a one shot character. Not only it was outright stated she was gay, we actually see her and her date (in the background, though).
** In earlier seasons, a [[Gay Cowboy]] keeps bidding to win a Valentines Day date with Jonesey, and Jonesey and Wyatt were once [[Mistaken for Gay]] by two girls they were trying to hit on.
* [[High School Dance]]: In ''Snow Job'' and ''Spring Fling''.
* [[High School Hustler]]: Jonesy, when he's not getting caught.
* [[Hypocritical Humor]]: Sometimes Caitlin will get mad because she thinks her boyfriend has dumped her or will dump her for some superficial reason, but will later end up dumping him for the same reason.
** When the gang reveal their embarassing secrets to each other, Caitlin adamantly tells them that hers won't be repeated before telling. Soon after, she goes and blabs their secrets to her boyfriend of the day because since they're dating, they shouldn't keep secrets from each other (while conveniently neglecting to tell him her own). This goes downhill as said boyfriend blabs said secrets while under hypnosis, causing the gang to cut Caitlin off from them for breaking their trust. Once the gang plan to take their revenge, she says best friends don't go blabbing other people's secrets (which she had done in the first place).
** When Jen and Nikki are taking a survey and ask Jonesy if he'd dump a girl for answering the phone with "Y'ello" he says he would because it's annoying. Later in the episode he answers his phone that same way.
** In the pilot, Tricia ends her friendship with Caitlin because of her Big Squeeze uniform, leaving her devastated as to why Tricia would do that to her for such a trivial reason. Wyatt comments on this, asking what kind of person would judge people by their clothes, which Caitlin admittedly raised her hand to. She then tries to justify it by saying she wouldn't do that to a friend at least.
* [[Girls Are Really Scared of Horror Movies]]
* [[Halloween Episode]]: ''Boo, Dude'' and the hour long special ''Dude of the Living Dead''.
* [[Handsome Lech]]: Jonesy.
* [[If You Die, I Call Your Stuff]]: The Clones are apt to do this because they're all the same size and they have the same taste in clothes.
* [[Inept Aptitude Test]]: Not so much the test, but the fact that their {{spoiler|tests got switched}}.
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* [[The One With...]]: Some episode titles (in an homage to [[Friends]] )
* [[Overdrawn At the Blood Bank]]: In one episode Jude donates blood seventeen times in order to score free doughnuts.
* [[The Picture Came with the Frame]]: Done on the Christmas special, to show how lonely Ron the mall cop is.
* [[Power Trio]]: The male main characters
** Id: Jonsey
** Ego: Jude
** Superego: Wyatt
* [[The Psycho Rangers]]: In the episode "Doppelgangers", a darker version of the [[Six-Student Clique]] comes to take over their table.
* [[Public Domain Soundtrack]]: "Pomp and Circumstance" plays whenever Jude makes a speech.
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* [[Similar Squad]]: Tricia's new friends in "Losing Your Lemon" are Expies of the main gang.
* [[Single-Minded Twins]]: Kristen and Kirsten, even though they're not really twins.
* [[Sixth Ranger]] (While not a [[Five-Man Band]] ensemble per se, Caitlin joins the core group of five in the first episode and spends part of the next couple trying to win a place in the group)
* [[Six-Student Clique]]
** The main character - Wyatt
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** The Smart One - Jen
** The Wild One - Nikki
* [[Sixth Ranger]] (While not a [[Five-Man Band]] ensemble per se, Caitlin joins the core group of five in the first episode and spends part of the next couple trying to win a place in the group)
* [[Skyward Scream]]: Jen, {{spoiler|after she kissed Jonesy, think he was her boyfriend Smithy. Yet, she now realized they look alike.}}
* [[The Slacker]] - Jonesy
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* [[Sue Donym]] (When Jude tries to be a goth, he goes by "Judas")
* [[Sweetheart Sipping]]: Jonesy and Nikki. Nikki, really?
* [[Talent Show]]: On Idol Time At The Mall, an [[American Idol]]-type show [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|comes to the mall]].
* [[Tall, Dark and Snarky]]: Nikki's [[Girl of the Week|Guy of the week]] Stone
* [[Theme Twin Naming]] (The Clones)
* [[Talent Show]]: On Idol Time At The Mall, an [[American Idol]]-type show [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|comes to the mall]].
* [[The Picture Came with the Frame]]: Done on the Christmas special, to show how lonely Ron the mall cop is.
* [[The Three Faces of Eve]]: The female main characters
** Child: Caitlin
** Mother: Jen
** Seductress: Nikki
* [[Too Dumb to Live]] (The Clones. One time they thought Jude trapped in an air vent was ''God''. Even after they told them, one still asked "You mean Jude is God?")
** I know it was {{spoiler|[[All Just a Dream]]}}, but what about ''Dude of the Living Dead''? One of them became a zombie, and the others wanted her to make them zombies too because they were afraid of being behind on the latest trend.
** One time they were tricked into believing that hot steam would be sent through the phone lines to clean them, so they should avoid using their phones for a while. What makes this even dumber? The phones are cordless!
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: Jen and Caitlin.
** Nikki and Caitlin too.
** Also Nikki and Jen
*** Jen seemed to bounce back and fourth between being tomboy to Caitlin's girlie girl and girlie girl to Nikki's tomboy since she had traits of both.
* [[Too Dumb to Live]] (The Clones. One time they thought Jude trapped in an air vent was ''God''. Even after they told them, one still asked "You mean Jude is God?")
** I know it was {{spoiler|[[All Just a Dream]]}}, but what about ''Dude of the Living Dead''? One of them became a zombie, and the others wanted her to make them zombies too because they were afraid of being behind on the latest trend.
** One time they were tricked into believing that hot steam would be sent through the phone lines to clean them, so they should avoid using their phones for a while. What makes this even dumber? The phones are cordless!
* [[Town Girls]]: Caitlin (the fashionable girly girl), Nikki (the sarcastic punk-rocker), and Jen (the smart, sensible girl).
** The interesting thing about this is, while Caitlin acts more like the uptown girl and Nikki the out of town girl, Caitlin is the one who is technically from out of town since she is the newest member of the group.
* [[Theme Twin Naming]] (The Clones)
* [[True Companions]]: There's a sense of it, considering they actually spend ''Christmas'' and other important holidays together, and most of their families are either dysfunctional or not mentioned.
* [[Vomit Chain Reaction]] (food-poisoning related, but still...)