A Tale of Fiction: Difference between revisions

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[[File:TOF_TVTropes_5137.png|frame|[[Big No|NOOOOOOOO!!!]] Why did it have to be the Teevee? [http://www.taleoffiction.com/chapter-3-episode-3/ Now we'll never know how the third season of "Unhuman Rogue Wrestlers" ends]!]]
{{quote|''After all, you didn’t even bother to name your particular species; we defined the whole bunch of you as being NOT-human, so you must be a what, monster? That makes sense. After all, you are digging the mines, I am writing – as in, putting words together, making stuff up, naming things.''|'''I am not fiction''', Baruch Caan's blog}}
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A Tale Of Fiction has a large amount of background material on the world and other goodies available on the site via Vauxhall's "Dragbook", including an in-universe news feed, an ambiguously DUF-critical [http://www.taleoffiction.com/dragbook/browser/im-not-fiction/ web-column] (updated roughly twice a month) and an [[Show Within a Show|in-universe webcomic]] called "Bison and the Boar Boys" (originally updated every Tue/Thu/Sat, but often subject to [[Schedule Slip]], now on indefinite hiatus).
=== ''A Tale of Fiction'' provides examples of: ===
* [[All There in the Manual]]: Information on certain things mentioned in the comic (e.g., [[Mind Control Device|turn-masks]]) but not further explained can be found in the Dragbook.
* [[Art Evolution]]: The art style becomes more detailed and sharp as the series progresses,.
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