A Thin Veneer: Difference between revisions

Added trope, copyedits, deleted "Fusion Fic" entry as inappropriate -- no one from one setting is replacing anyone from the other
(Added trope, copyedits, deleted "Fusion Fic" entry as inappropriate -- no one from one setting is replacing anyone from the other)
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It can be found [http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1944628/1/A_Thin_Veneer here].
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* [[Crossover]]
* [[Curb Stomp Battle]]: Well, just about every single time the allies go against the Minbari, and even sometimes the Vorlons. The B5 powers are just that outmatched in terms of speed, firepower, durability (at least while the shields are up), and actual combat experience. It's hard not to feel sorry for the Minbari.
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: A protest in the Minbari capital against the war -- and the means used to suppress it -- very deliberately echo [[w:1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre|Tiananmen Square]], right down to a column of tanks being halted by a single protester.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards|Even]] [[Sufficiently Advanced Aliens|First Ones]] [[Even Evil Has Standards|Have Standards]]: None of the other "elder races,", or "first ones," -- such as the Metrons, Medusans, Organians, or even the Q -- like the Vorlons. The Shadows don't like them either, but they have a history to back it up.
* [[Everything's Better with Dinosaurs]]: The Federation classifies Gorn ships by Dinosaur name. The flagship of the Gorn group that arrives at ''Beccara Alpha One'' is a [[Tyrannosaurus Rex]] class dreadnought.
* [[External Retcon]]: -- theThe Vorlons led the Dominion into the Dominion War. The Vorlons and the Dominion are for Order, and the Federation and its allies are sheer chaos just a wormhole away.
** Also, the Vree's "Dimensional Slip" technology came from reverse-engineered tech from an abandoned Iaconian outpost.
* [[Foregone Conclusion]]: The events of this story are interspersed with occasional looks into the future of the ATV-verse, including [[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine|Sisko]] and [[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Picard.]] The war ends with the remnants of the Minbari Republic signing an agreement with the Federation/Klingon alliance, followed by close to a century of cold war with the Vorlons, who eventually lead the Dominion to war with the Federation and help along the Ciona Imperex in their attempt to dominate the Alpha Quadrant races in the name of order. Meanwhile, the Narn Regime and the Centauri RepublicsRepublic join the United Federation of Planets.
* [[Fusion Fic]]
* [[How Unscientific]] -- when the ship from Babylon 5's Earth realizes for the first time that the new ship has warp drive -- which is strictly forbidden by Babylon 5 physics, but which is the only way to explain the sensor readings.
* [[Humanity Is Infectious]]: The fic continues the ''Babylon 5'' tradition of making humans community builders, and the prologue reveals that the Narn and the Centauri have joined the Federation in the future.
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* [[Moral Myopia]]: The Minbari attitude toward their defeats.
** Later, the Minbari are shown up at this by the Aschen.
* [[Mythology Gag]]: Sheridan, when he first appears, is surprised that he doesn't feel disgust at the idea of half-human hybrids in the Federation, or at humans mating with aliens. In the canon ''Babylon 5'' storytimeline, he eventually married and had children with Delenn, a Minbari.
* [[Normal Fish in a Tiny Pond]]: Many Federation technologies are considered normal, even weak for the setting, but are very effective against the Minbari simply because ''they have had no exposure to these technologies.''
** Of particular note are tricobolttricobalt explosives. While they've been largely phased out in the Federation due to the prevalence of more effective antimatter explosives, the tricobolttricobalt devices have the unique benefit of ''royally'' screwing up Minbari gravity drives.
* [[Shout-Out]]: The Gorn battleship program is rumored to be called ''[[Godzilla]].'' The names of two of the ships in the mini-fleet they bring include ''Mothra'' and ''Rodan,'' more Godzilla monsters.
** Another ship is the ''[[The Lord of the Rings|Smaug,]]'' named after the dragon from ''The Hobbit.''
** When Kirk is going over some of the officers participating in the war, he mentions that he used to work on a ship with [[Airplane!|Ted Stryker and Buck Murdock]], and even mentions Stryker's [[Visual Pun|Drinking]] [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Problem.]]
** One of Captain Acaltha's crew has a liking for late 20th and early 21st century pop culture. Among other things, he quotes ''[[Zero Wing]]'' ("We get signal!") on the bridge and makes more than a few jokes that would be incredibly obscure for the era.
*** When they use a quirk of Minbari ship architecture to broacastbroadcast music and sounds directly into thetheir ships to discomfit and confuse the Minbari, one of the pieces he selects is [[Undocumented Features|the theme song from]] ''[[Kingyo Chuihou|Goldfish Warning]]''. Another is [[The Dance of Shiva|"Bob and his Chainsaw"]].
** Another of Acaltha's command staff is Aya Nakajima from the 1991 ''Star Trek'' fan manga ''[https://fanlore.org/wiki/Star_Trekker Star Trekker]''.
** An embedded reporter from the Earth Alliance has [[WKRP in Cincinnati|Bailey Quarters]] as his cameraman.