Abandon Shipping: Difference between revisions

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== Literature ==
* The ''[[Harry Potter (novel)|Harry Potter]]'' fandom has several examples:
** ''[[Order of the Phoenix]]'':
*** After the events of the book, previously vocal [[The Hero|Harry]]/Cho Shippers appeared to ''Evanesco''.
*** It also saw the once-popular Percy/Penelope ship (it had the advantage in the early days of being the only [[canon]]ical ship whose characters weren't old, dead or both. For a time, it was probably the largest ship not involving some permutation of [[The Hero|Harry]], [[The Smart Guy|Hermione]], [[The Lancer|Ron]] and [[Anti-Villain|Draco]].) dwindle away to virtually nothing, for [[Face Heel Turn|a different reason.]] J.K. Rowling later stated in an interview that {{spoiler|Percy went on to marry a woman who was not seen in the books}}, which killed off a lot of the remaining shippers.
** ''[[Half Blood Prince]]'':
*** [[The Lancer|Ron]]/Lavender Brown used to be a popular [[Beta Couple]] among [[Ship Mates|supporters of Harry/Hermione]] (that is, when he didn't fall victim to [[Die for Our Ship]]), which changed when it became [[Canon]] in the sixth book and turned Lavender into the [[Stalker with a Crush]]. They broke up on very bad terms and from then on, Ron was more commonly shipped with [[Cloudcuckoolander|Luna Lovegood]] among those who don't support the [[Canon]] Ron/[[The Smart Guy|Hermione]] and [[The Hero|Harry]]/Ginny.
** Believe it or not, Sirius/Narcissa was actually a moderately popular ship during the "Three-Year Summer" between the releases of ''[[Goblet of Fire]]'' and ''[[Order of the Phoenix]]''. (The ship's popularity probably had much to do with it being a significant part of the ridiculously influential ''[[The Draco Trilogy]]'' [[Fanfic]].) When it was revealed in ''[[Order of the Phoenix|Order]]'' that Narcissa was actually a Black and [[Kissing Cousins|Sirius's cousin]] ({{spoiler|and then Sirius went ahead and died, to top it all off}}), the ship vanished from [[Fandom]] seemingly overnight. Ironic, really, since incest and death haven't stopped [[Crack Pairing|plenty of other ''Harry Potter'' ships.]]
*** Or the Blacks, for that matter.
* ''[[Tortall Universe]]'''s ''Song of the Lioness'' series. An example of an Abandon Shipping that took place within the story itself occurred when [[Tamora Pierce|Pierce]] realized that her planned ending of Alanna marrying Prince Jonathan wasn't really what Alanna wanted and wrote them breaking up after Jonathan proposed to her. Instead Pierce paired Alanna off with her [[Gentleman Thief]] friend George Cooper and introduced [[Rebellious Princess]] Thayet for Jonathan.