Abandon Shipping: Difference between revisions

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Then there are the other types, who, when something unexpected is revealed, drop a Ship faster than a hot potato. Maybe it's because a character had a [[Wangst|deep dark secret]] that severely makes people question their ability to even be in a relationship, maybe they're [[Brother-Sister Incest|really siblings]], or maybe there's some sort of [[Oedipus Complex|other aspect to their relationship]] that suddenly [[Squick]]s people. When that happens and it suddenly seems like the former Shippers have dropped off the face of the Earth, they have '''Abandoned Ship'''.
There are also notable subversions, when what would seem like a cause to '''Abandon Shipping''' not only doesn't work, but makes the Shippers fight ''harder'' for it, especially in cases where theories about who will end up with who are [[Jossed]] or declared invalid by [[Word of God]].
Some will drop a pairing because [[Die for Our Ship|the fans are rabid]], but [[Rule of Cautious Editing Judgement|let's not talk about that.]]
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** [[Romantic Comedy]] [[Alternate Continuity|'official spinoffs']] such as the video games ''Girlfriend of Steel 2'' (adapted into the ''Angelic Days'' [[Manga]]) and ''Ikari Shinji Raising Project'' actually encourage this at a certain level. But then, most of Hideaki Anno's characters seem to have a massive [[Oedipus Complex|mother or father complex]].
** And then, of course, there's the ''[[Rebuild of Evangelion]]'' [[film]]s, which brings along a nuclear-powered bilge pump to the ship. At this point it's hard to tell if the [[film]]s are a result of Shinji/Rei shippers [[Running the Asylum]] or if Anno is just screwing with us.
* ''[[Paradise Kiss]]'': During the first volumes, Arashi Nagase and Miwako Sakurada attracted massive amounts of [[Shipping]]. However, as the series progressed, readers tended to gradually back away from the (''[[Canon]]'') ship, as Arashi's attitude towards Miwako started to become aggressive and sometimes violent, {{spoiler|and then came [[The Reveal]] that he [[Victim Falls For Rapist|raped her]] during their first time}}. Even though Miwako doesn't hold it against him, [[The Atoner|Arashi feels]] ''[[The Atoner|very]]'' [[The Atoner|guilty]] about his behaviour, [[Must Make Amends|and tries to correct what he has done]]. Despite this, {{spoiler|the fact that they end up together and even have a child}} has proven too [[squick]]y for many fans to overcome.
* ''[[Shoujo Kakumei Utena]]'': Many fans dropped Mikage/Mamiya (the show's first [[canon]]ically gay couple) when it turned out that {{spoiler|Mamiya was an illusion acted out by Anthy, a ''girl''. Even without the [[Het Is Ew]] aspect, the fact that it was all an elaborate ploy by Anthy and her brother Akio to make Mikage an [[Unwitting Pawn]] was also more than enough for the ship to be abandoned.}}
* ''[[Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle]]'': What had been a very vocal group of Fay/Chii Shippers (in contrast to the majority of Kurogane/Fay shippers) mysteriously disappeared after it was revealed that {{spoiler|Fay had based the design of Chii off of his late mother}}. Apparently this was enough to turn most, if not all, of the Shippers away from the pairing (and the former [[Trope Namer]] comes from the reaction of a poster on an internet forum.) There was also the small fact that {{spoiler|Chii disintegrated after the [[Soul Jar|Feather]] used to create her was removed}}, and that probably put a major damper on the idea of them being involved in the future.
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* ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'': Many abandoned the Spike/Buffy ship after the infamous [[Moral Event Horizon|attempted rape]] in season six.
** 'The Fluke' and its attendant awkwardness pretty much blew up the Xander/Willow ship, and then her turning gay in season 4 went back and nuked the wreckage. Oddly enough the Fluke did ''not'' sink the Xander/Cordelia ship, despite the fact that that's the relationship the Fluke specifically destroyed in canon.
* ''[[Dollhouse]]'': More than half of [[ReluctantEngineer MadExploited ScientistFor Evil|Topher]] and [[The Conscience|Claire]]'s [[Fandom]] abandoned shipping when it was revealed that {{spoiler|Claire was actually a Doll and claimed she hated Topher's guts}}. Those who left began to ship [[ReluctantEngineer Exploited MadFor ScientistEvil|Topher]] with [[Defrosting Ice Queen|Adelle]], until [[Pair the Smart Ones|Bennett]] came into the picture and killed whatever was left of ''both'' pairings. (Before, you know, getting {{spoiler|killed off by Claire...}})
* ''[[Friends]]'': The Ross/Rachel ship was popular when the show started, but much of the fandom tired of the pairing somewhere around the end of season 3. The writers annoyingly remained hooked on the ship, keeping the [[Unresolved Sexual Tension]] drawn out for the rest of the show's run, with [[Word of God]] even later admitting that whenever there weren't any major relationship-related plots going on they could always bring out another airing of "Ross and Rachel", believing this to be what the fandom wanted.
* ''[[Heroes (TV series)|Heroes]]'': [[The Reveal]] that Peter and Claire are related did scare off most of the more casual [[Shipping|'shippers]]. However, many stuck to it, either pretending that the reveal didn't happen or just accepting it regardless. Considering that the [[Fandom|fandom's]] most popular [[Ho Yay]] pairing is Peter and his brother, this isn't too surprising.
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** There seems to have been a significant drop in Mohinder being paired with ''anyone'' ever since {{spoiler|his experiments with [[Super Serum]] kicked off a mutation into... whatever the heck it is he's turning into.}}
* ''[[iCarly]]'': The Seddie ([[Ambiguously Gay|Sam]]/[[Hollywood Nerd|Freddie]]) ship seems to lose shippers every time [[The McCoy|Sam]] ups the [[Comedic Sociopathy]] against [[The Spock|Freddie]] or she bumps her [[Moral Event Horizon]]. Examples include throwing [[The Spock|Freddie]] out of a treehouse after delivering to him a harsh beating with a tennis racquet in "iMeet Fred" and running a child labor sweatshop during "iSell Penny Tee's."
** As with many pairings that get together and then break up later, there are fans who abandoned Seddie after their break up in ''iLove You''. Either through having seen the relationship and not be satisfied with it or because they were satisfied by what they saw and wanted the show to go back to being about comedy.
* ''[[Lost]]'': A decent amount of shippers in the [[Fandom]] jumped ship when it was revealed that Jacob and the Man in Black are {{spoiler|twin brothers. Others have continued to ship it.}}
* Although there was [[Ship Tease]] between Arthur and Morgana in the first series of ''[[Merlin (TV series)|Merlin]]'', many shippers soon lost interest simply because they barely interacted in series two, and were then revealed to be half-siblings in series three (and ''still'' didn't interact in any meaningful way). Despite the potential for [[Foe Yay]], they only had one brief scene together throughout the entirety of series four.
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* ''[[Stargate Universe]]'': the Eli/Chloe ship was already on life support by Season Two, but the arrival of Ginn put the nail in the coffin.
* ''[[Star Trek: Enterprise]]'': During the first couple of seasons all signs pointed towards a ship between Captain Archer and T'Pol, until the third season when all of a sudden the ship turned into one between T'Pol and Trip Tucker.
** With the series finale bringing back the idea of a T'Pol/Archer pairing.
* ''[[24]]'': The potential Jack/Nina ship came apart at the end of Season 1 for [[The Mole|very]] [[It's Personal|obvious]] [[Friendly Target|reasons]].
* ''[[Kamen Rider Den-O]]'' appeared to have quite a bit of ship tease between Ryotaro and Hana, until Hana's actress left the show and the character reverted to her ten-year-old self, "Kohana." However, Ryotaro/Hana remained popular in fandom until the reveal that Hana was Ryotaro's niece; fans jumped ship abruptly.
* ''[[Doctor Who]]'' fandom saw a marked drop-off in the number of fics where River was paired with Amy and/or Rory after the reveal that {{spoiler|she's their daughter.}}
** It did a fairly good job of killing [[One True Threesome|Doctor/Amy/Rory]] too, which, as you can probably guess from the way it's that trope's page picture, was previously pretty popular.
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* ''[[Tales of Symphonia]]'': Kratos/Lloyd was looking good for most of the game. From Lloyd's jealousy of Kratos's strength, and Kratos's efforts at training and defending him, the strengthening of their bond while they traveled together, and Kratos's obvious desire to protect Lloyd (and Lloyd's equally obvious desire to trust him) after {{spoiler|Kratos's [[Face Heel Turn]]}}, the connection was obvious and easily made. ...Then near the end of the game, it turns out that {{spoiler|[[Luke, I Am Your Father|Kratos is Lloyd's father]].}}
* ''[[The World Ends With You]]'': Some people began to ship Beat and Rhyme due to their close interactions at the beginning. This was quickly dropped by most when we found out that they are siblings. And that Rhyme is SUBSTANTIALLY younger than Beat. But...
== [[Web Comics]] ==
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** Around this same time, it was revealed that Louie, Ian, and Gino were all related (Louie and Ian are brothers, and they are both Gino's half-brothers). Upon this revelation, those that shipped these three in some form or way eventually abandoned ship.
* ''[[Homestuck]]'' did this when it revealed {{spoiler|John is Jade's brother genetically while Dave is Rose's brother genetically.}}
== [[Western Animation]] ==
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* ''[[Total Drama World Tour]]'' provides an in-universe example: [[Loony Fan]] Sierra seems to have been a [[Shipper on Deck]] for [[Fan-Preferred Couple]] [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|Duncan]]/[[Perky Goth|Gwen]], at least in part because Cody has a crush on Gwen and ''Sierra'' has a crush on him. ([[All Love Is Unrequited|You following this]]?) However, Duncan was already with [[Well, Excuse Me, Princess!|Courtney]], and when he and Gwen [[Your Cheating Heart|hooked up behind her back]], Sierra turned on Gwen out of principle. (Though the fact that Cody ''[[Subverted Trope|didn't]]'' abandon the himself/Gwen ship probably helped.)
** Out-of-universe, many Duncan/Courtney fans abandoned ship after Courtney became a [[Jerk Sue|Jerk]]/[[Villain Sue|Villain]]/GodModeSue in ''[[Seasonal Rot|TDA]],'' most switching to Duncan/Gwen. Her personality improved in season three, but it didn't stop the D/G [[Relationship Upgrade]].
* ''[[The Legend of Korra]]'' might set a record for turnaround time for a ship being created, then abandoned:
** A promotional [http://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/61387742.html poster] for the show distributed at ComicCon 2011 featured Korra with an Earthbender boy and a Firebender boy. Naturally, some fans started [[Ho Yay Shipping]] them right away. Later, during the panel for the show, it was revealed that the boys were siblings, and everyone not into [[Incest Yay Shipping]] jumped ship.
** When all that was known about Meelo was that there was a character with his name, people thought he might be Korra's [[Love Interest]]. Needless to say, when he turned out to be a toddler, that thought died out completely.
** Tenzin and Korra. They were the first two named characters and were paired up almost immediately in a [[Mentor Ship]]... until it was found out that Tenzin was a married man in his fifties with three kids.
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