Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder: Difference between revisions

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** Pointed out in [http://xkcd.com/549/ this xkcd strip.]
** In [[The Princess Bride (novel)|the book]], it's more blatantly [[You Have Waited Long Enough]].
{{quote| "I am your Prince and you will marry me," Humperdinck said.<br />
Buttercup whispered, "I am your servant and I refuse."<br />
"I am your Prince and you cannot refuse."<br />
"I am your loyal servant and I just did."<br />
"Refusal means death."<br />
"Kill me then."<br />
"I am your Prince and I'm not that bad - how could you rather be dead than married to me?"<br />
"Because," Buttercup said, "marriage involves love, and that is not a pastime at which I excel. I tried once, and it went badly, and I am sworn never to love another."<br />
"Love?" said Prince Humperdinck. "Who mentioned love?" }}
* This is the root cause of the [[Love Triangle]] in ''Pearl Harbor''.
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* Mocked in ''[[The Pirates of Penzance]]'' with the line:
{{quote| Oh, here is love, and here is truth,<br />
And here is food for joyous laughter:<br />
She will be faithful to her sooth<br />
Till we are wed, '''and even after'''. }}
** Note that Mabel was pledging to wait over 60 years.
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* You. [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|Yes, you]] in ''[[Mass Effect 2]]''. Assuming you romanced Kaidan, Ashley, or Liara (none of whom will join you in your adventures the second time around) in the first game and they survived only for you to choose to romance a different person in the second game, it's this. ''Particularly'' if you start a romance with one of the new love interests ''before'' meeting your old flame for their [[One-Scene Wonder]]. Depending on how that meeting goes down though, you may or may not feel guilty about it.
** While you were {{spoiler|dead}}, Kaidan's friends convinced him to begin seeing a doctor, since it's not like most guys expect their ex-girlfriends to {{spoiler|come [[Back From the Dead]]}}. It's also eventually revealed that {{spoiler|he still wasn't over you, which is why your reunion on Horizon goes so badly}}.
{{quote| '''Kaidan:''' {{spoiler|I'd finally let my friends talk me into going out for drinks with a doctor on the Citadel. Nothing serious, but [[The Mourning After|trying to let myself have a life again]], you know? [[Wham! Episode|Then I saw you, and everything pulled hard to port]].}}}}
** Ashley doesn't mention if she saw anyone while Shepard was dead, but Liara ''definitely'' didn't move on. She's been too busy {{spoiler|[[Violently Protective Girlfriend|trying to take down the Shadow Broker for trying to sell your body to the Collectors]]}}, and if you romanced her in the first game, {{spoiler|you're then given the opportunity to hook back up with her in some DLC and pick up where you left off, averting this trope in her case.}} And if you did cheat on her and mutually agree to break up, she seems to take it well and wish you happiness.
** Shepard has a picture of whoever the romance in the first game was in his/her room. If you choose to start a new romance, it'll be turned face down... so this ''will'' [[Your Cheating Heart|come back to haunt you]] in the third game.
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* A parody of ''[[The Shawshank Redemption]]'' was used on ''[[Drawn Together]]'', though working at a lemonade stand was used instead of marriage...
* A man frozen in ice in the ''[[South Park]]'' episode ''Prehistoric Ice Man'' returns to find his wife has remarried and had two children with her new husband, who are eight and thirteen. He's understandably confused since he was only gone for three years...
{{quote| '''Wife''': I waited for you to come home for over three days! I, I remember how cold and lonely the nights got. By the fourth day, I knew I had to move on.}}
** Oddly enough [[Based on a True Story]] from Nederland, Colorado, not too far from the actual South Park the show takes place in. Well, barring the guy coming back to life, that is.
* Done for laughs in the ''[[Futurama]]'' movie ''Bender's Big Score''. Hermes's body was damaged and would take a week or two to repair while his head was kept alive in a jar. His wife Labarbara said that a week was too long, so she ''immediately'' hooked up with her ex-husband Barbados Slim. All this over Hermes's vocal protestations.