Absolute Obedience: Difference between revisions

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* [[Good Looking Privates]]: Louise, Kia and Lawless.
* [[Hair of Gold]]: played straight with Anel, Ferdinand, and subverted with Louise. The court is out on whether this applies to Lawless.
* [["It's Not Rape If You Enjoyed It"]]: Virtually no one starts off wanting to have sex, yet everyone at very least gets off on it. And with the protagonists, it [[Victim Falls For Rapist|goes even further]].
** At least one of the "bad ending" scenarios has the target being relieved that the experience was totally unenjoyable and so painful that he passed out mid-coitus (as opposed to the scene leading to the "good ending," where he ''does'' come after much pain and suffering). He proceeds to get the heck out of Dodge and take the [[MacGuffin]] with him.
* [[Legal Jailbait]]: Two of the targets.
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* [[Something About a Rose]]: Ferdinand, especially during one... interesting sex scene
* [[Tsundere]]: Jens and Ali fit into this trope quite well.
* [[UpperclassUpper Class Twit]] with a side order of [[Bishie Sparkle]]: Ferdinand is one of the wealthiest young nobles in Germany, and does things like have large burly men pedal fake rose-filled swans across the lake to create a romantic atmosphere.
* [[Yaoi Fangirl]]: Ferdinand's maids, Franziska.