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* ''[[The Order of the Stick]]'': The only way in which Roy's father seems to care ''at all'' for either of his children is the extent to which they follow in his footsteps as a wizard. He has nothing but scorn for his eldest son Roy, who elected to take up the family [[Ancestral Weapon]] as a [[Genius Bruiser|Fighter]], and favors his spoiled [[Alpha Bitch|Libby]] of a daughter instead. Oh, and his second son? The fact that he ignored Roy's pleading led to his death.
** So much so that when {{spoiler|Roy dies, he offers his father a bargain: Roy will only cooperate if his father agrees to go away and leave the entire family alone for eternity. For double points, Daddy jumps on the bargain and scoffs that Roy made his price so low.}}
{{quote| '''Roy Greenhilt''': I don't know what's more depressing: That you agreed to that so easily, or that I knew that you would when I proposed it.}}
** Haley's father seems to have crippled her ability to interact with others honestly due to the paranoia that came as a result of living as a member of the Thieves' Guild. Whereas Roy seems to have risen above his father's abuse except for his [[Deadpan Snarker|habit of insulting people]], Haley is still pretty messed up.
*** Ian meant well, but had different, rather [[Family-Unfriendly Aesop|family unfriendly]] values he tried to teach to his daughter. From what little we know of him, it seems they love each other very much.
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* Marena from ''[[Keychain of Creation]]'' had a mother with... interesting ideas on parenting. Marena [http://keychain.patternspider.net/archive/koc0317.html a long list] of things to forgive her for.
* [[Persona 4|Ryotaro Dojima]] in the ''[[Peachi]]'' comics comes off as one, in a type we cannot peg yet... but he's an [[Comedic Sociopathy|amusing raging psychopath of a father/uncle]]
{{quote| ''Hey, no need to be so formal. '''I've seen you NAKED'''''}}
* Kenta Fujiwara in ''[[Red String]]'' is a domneering force in his son's life, he has [https://web.archive.org/web/20110810194554/http://www.redstring.strawberrycomics.com/?p=964 called Kazuo useless] on [https://web.archive.org/web/20110906111337/http://www.redstring.strawberrycomics.com/?p=3205 more that one occasion], which has let deep scars on [https://web.archive.org/web/20110810232112/http://www.redstring.strawberrycomics.com/?p=968 Kazuo's pschye]. He has also hit Kazuo [https://web.archive.org/web/20110811152927/http://www.redstring.strawberrycomics.com/?p=963 at least] [https://web.archive.org/web/20110907032812/http://www.redstring.strawberrycomics.com/?p=2641 twice]. Kazuo has been shown taking some sort of medication in some comics, which are widely believed to be self proscribed anti-depressents and {{spoiler|1=Kazuo uses them to [http://www.redstring.strawberrycomics.com/?p=3258 attempt suicide] at the end of Chapter 43}}.
* ''[[El Goonish Shive]]'': Damien ended up making himself a sort of twisted father figure to Grace and her brothers, but there is nothing "fatherly" about him at all. He is an abuser pure and simple, able to control his "children" through fear and constantly hitting them whenever they displease him. And like any parent whose children are young enough, he's too powerful for them to do anything about it.
** Also, he intended to use Grace for breeding so he would have been a sexual abuser as well.
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** Later, someone managed to beat Vriska's lusus to the "Worst Parent of the Year" award: {{spoiler|Doc Scratch, in caring for [[The Woobie|Aradia]]'s ancestor the Handmaid. He keeps her locked in a tiny room, and when she gets out of line, he ''teleports her to outer space''}}.
* Averted in [[The Undead|Rotting]] [[Professional Killer|Johnny's]] of [[Zokusho Comics]] case. He apparently came from a fairly normal family.
* [[Token Mini-MoeLoli]] Jacquline from ''[[Samurai Princess]]'' has some family issues that mix abuse and abandonment.
* In ''[[Bridges]]'', Quinn's parents force her to portray a certain image to enhance her dad's political career, and they are insensitive to what she wants.
* Implied with Cabbage in ''[[Cucumber Quest]]''; he certainly is a [[Jerkass]].
* In ''[[No Rest for The Wicked (webcomic)|No Rest for The Wicked]]'', [http://www.forthewicked.net/archive/03-09.html Claire broadly implies that the parents of a village are this -- their children are lost because they don't deserve to keep them.] [http://www.forthewicked.net/archive/03-10.html Under circumstances where this is taken as a confession of serial child killing.]
* In ''[[Last Res0rt]]'': Jason's mother is revealed [http://www.lastres0rt.com/2011/01/how-to-leave-out-a-punchline/ in this flashback] as a rather vicious (and at least physically abusive) Djinn. The fact that Jason has held onto his Mother's jacket so tightly ever since indicates some serious [[Parental Issues]]...
*''[[Rain (webcomic)|Rain]]'' has a lot:
**Marcus Flaherty, Rain's father.
**Norman and Donna Strongwell, Rudy and Maria's parents. {{spoiler|Donna is eventually redeemed}}.
**Rain's grandparents.
**Ana's mom
**Emily's mom
**Heather and Ky's parents
*''[[Dumbing of Age]]'' has many abusive parents, including:
**Carol Brown
**Linda Walkerton
**Ross MacIntyre
**Blaine O'Malley
[[Category:Abusive Parents{{BASEPAGENAME}}]]
