Adaptational Jerkass: Difference between revisions

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** In the original ''Omori'' comic, Omori is shown as being kind to his friends and enjoying adventures with them, as a means to avoid boredom in Whitespace. He's not expressly mean or malicious. In the videogame, it's revealed that Omori {{spoiler|is actually the real [[Big Bad]] of the story, a defense mechanism that tortures and resets the dream versions of Sunny's friend group }}.
** Zigzagged with Kel. Comic Kel is along for the ride. Videogame Kel in the dream world is a bit of a bully towards Aubrey, who teases her. In the real world, Kel is the [[Only Sane Man]] of the friendship group.
** Also zigzagged with Aubrey. Comic Aubrey is a sweetheart, showing marvel in this world. So is Dream Aubrey. ''Real'' Aubrey, however, has become a juvenile delinquent.
* Considering that Grand Moff Tarkin is canonically a monstrous, cold-blooded mass-murderer willing to destroy an entire planet just to make a point, you'd think it would be impossible for him to qualify for this trope. But during ''[[Lego Star Wars]]'''s adaptation of ''[[A New Hope]]'', he goes from a ruthless, yet professional military man to a [[Evil is Petty|hilariously petty bully]] who [[Crosses the Line Twice|points and laughs at Princess Leia while she cries over the destruction of Alderaan.]]
== [[Visual Novel]]s ==