Adaptational Villainy: Difference between revisions

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[[File:Kaa_Book_vs_movie_6454Kaa Book vs movie 6454.jpg|frame| Kaa in Disney's [[The Jungle Book (Disney film)|Jungle Book]]: a man-eating [[Smug Snake]]. Kaa in the [[The Jungle Book (novel)|original]]: a wise [[Mentor]].]]
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* Some of the Gym Leaders and Elite Four members in ''[[Pokémon (anime)|Pokémon]]''. While most of them (with the exception of Giovanni) are basically good guys in the games - Lance and Lorelei even helping out the player character at key points - Lt. Surge, Koga, Sabrina, Agatha, Lorelei, Lance, Karen, Will and {{spoiler|Pryce}} became villains in the manga adaptation ''[[Pokémon Special]]''. {{spoiler|To be fair, though, Pryce is a more sympathetic [[Anti-Villain]], Lance is a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]], and most of the other characters listed [[Heel Face Turn|reform]] later on, with the exception of Agatha.}}
** And occasionally the Pokémon themselves (particularly either Poison- or Dark- types), such as in the ''[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon|Mystery Dungeon]]'' games. In the games and anime, even Pokémon seen working for the antagonists aren't really evil, [[Punch Clock Villain|just doing their jobs]].
** This is utilized to a lesser extent with their anime counterparts. Sabrina is converted into something of a demonic witch who antagonizes Ash and co., while many others are egotistical [[Jerkass|Jerkasses]]es that have a bigoted or bullying demeanor regarding how they handle Pokémon. Just about all of them [[Defeat Equals Friendship|make friends with the heroes]] in the end, however, similar to their manga counterparts (this is something of an important plot point early on, since more often Ash earns his first gym badges out of reformed kindness from the leaders rather than actually winning against them).
* Gendo Ikari from ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]''. In the anime, he is [[Ambiguously Evil]] and before his death he regrets having been a bad father to Shinji. In the manga adaptation, he is unquestionably evil and hates Shinji.
** To a smaller extent, Kaworu. In the original anime, he was pretty nice (outside of, you know, {{spoiler|being the seventeenth Angel}}). In the manga, he [[Kick the Dog|kick's a cat]]. This has been done to the point where fans have nicknamed him [[Fan Nickname|Evil Manga Kaworu]].
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* The movie version of ''[[The Dukes of Hazzard]]'' has Roscoe and Boss Hogg portrayed as traditional, ''competent'' evil guys instead of the [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain|goofball minor incompetents]] they usually were in the TV show. While they were corrupt, greedy jerks in the show, too, they were known to [[Pet the Dog]] on occasion, were relatively [[Harmless Villain|harmless villains]], and [[Even Evil Has Standards|had lines that they wouldn't cross]] - for example, Hogg hated violence and avoided physically harming people as part of his schemes.
* In ''[[Jurassic Park]]'', Gennaro the lawyer, while a bit of a [[Jerkass]], is reasonably brave; he went on to punch out a ''Velociraptor'' and become [[The Lancer]] to Alan Grant (and survives), while fat Dennis Nedry was a programmer who got shortchanged by Hammond, which gives Nedry a more understandable, if not sympathetic, reason to betray him. In the film, Gennaro is a [[Dirty Coward]] who got eaten by a T-Rex while sitting on a toilet, and Dennis is essentially an unscrupulous backstabber who is open to bribes.
** The movie version of Gennaro inherited all his worst traits (including his depraved cowardice and his violent death) from the character Regis, who appeared in the novel but not the movie. So he's actually a twofer--Adaptationaltwofer—Adaptational Villainy combined with [[Composite Character]].
** Hammond is an inversion. The movie version is a relatively decent man, while novel Hammond is more of a Jerkass (the above mentioned shortchanging of Nedry being one example of his jerkassery) with traits of [[Never My Fault]], blaming everyone but himself (even his grandchildren) for everything going wrong in the end. Movie Hammond lives in the end, while novel Hammond suffers a [[Karmic Death]] when he is slowly devoured by a pack of Compies.
* Played with in the case of Emperor Palpatine of ''[[Star Wars]]''. The original novelizations portray him as an ineffective puppet ruler being manipulated by [[Corrupt Corporate Executive|Corrupt Corporate Executives]]s and other bad people. The original trilogy of films hint that Palpatine was likely only pretending to be a puppet, most obviously in ''[[Return of the Jedi]]''. The [[Star Wars Expanded Universe|Expanded Universe]] gave him some [[Bad Boss]] moments, such as [[The Callista Trilogy|dealing out]] an [[And I Must Scream]] punishment to the engineer who designed that air shaft on the Death Star. The prequel trilogy expands further on Palpatine's history, revealing that he is a [[Complete Monster]] and [[Manipulative Bastard]] who completed a 1000-year-plus [[Xanatos Gambit]] by the Sith to take over the galaxy and destroy the Jedi. This means that Palpatine as portrayed in the webcomic ''[[Darths and Droids]]'' reverted to his oldest characterization.
* Scrappy-Doo in the ''[[Scooby Doo]]'' live-action movie. While previously an ally of the good guys ([[The Scrappy|although disliked by a lot of fans]]), he has a [[Face Heel Turn]] and becomes the [[Big Bad]], trying to kill Scooby and friends by sucking out their souls.
* In the film version of ''[[The Last of the Mohicans|Last of the Mohicans]]'', Duncan Heyward, although {{spoiler|he has a [[Heroic Sacrifice]]}}, is significantly more of a jerk than the character in the [[The Last of the Mohicans|book]].
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== Web Originals ==
* [ This page] lists five well-known characters who were reimagined into villains through Disney movies in this way.
* The ''[[Day of the Barney Trilogy]]'' takes Barney and Baby Bop, who are portrayed as sincere and good friends to the kids on ''[[Barney and Friends]]'', and portrays them as [[Complete Monster|Complete Monsters]]s who successfully get the world's children to kill any adult they come across, {{spoiler|kill their male Special Friends when they turn thirteen, and take the thirteen year old girls away to fatally [[Medical Rape and Impregnate|mother]] mutated offspring.}} They're even revealed to be [[Really 700 Years Old|Really 65 Million Years Old]] and to have been the harbringers of many of the world's evil dictators and catastrophes.
* In the movie [[Downfall (film)|Downfall]] [[wikipedia:Hermann Fegelein|Hermann Fegelein]] is simply Heinrich Himmler's Number Two man who Hitler killed for trying to leave the Bunker and flee Berlin. In [[Hitler Rants]], however, he's portrayed as a malicious [[Trickster Archetype]] and [[Screwy Squirrel]] whose "antics" constantly bamboozle [[Butt Monkey|Hitler]] at the drop of a hat, making Fegelein the [[Big Bad]]. Granted, this stuff is [[Poke the Poodle]] compared to the [[Real Life]] [[Complete Monster|Fegelein's]] "[[Moral Event Horizon|antics]]" in Russia.
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* In the ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog]]'' games and most cartoon adaptations, Dr "Eggman" Robotnik is villainous, but with a highly [[Affably Evil|affable]] and clownish demeanor, and in some cases leans into [[Anti-Villain]] territory. Robotnik of ''[[Sonic Sat AM]]'' and [[Sonic Underground]], however, is a monstrous (and far less humorous) dictator that not only has taken over most of the planet but thrives almost lustfully on having any remaining civilians [[Transformation Trauma|painfully]] [[Unwilling Roboticisation|robotocized]]. This depiction is drifted in and out for both comic adaptations (although they refer to his more petty, comical personality a lot more).
** Inverted in ''[[Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog]]'' where Robotnik is instead portrayed as an oafish, cowardly buffoon who does nothing but get kicked around by not only Sonic and Tails, but also his own cronies Scratch and Grounder as well.
* In the song ''[[Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer]]'', Cousin Mel is mentioned a grand total of once, playing cards with Grandpa after Grandma's death. In the [[Christmas Special]] based on the song, she is a [[The Grinch|Christmas-hating]] [[Gold Digger]] and wannabe [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]] who [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|sings one of the]] [[Disney Acid Sequence|oddest]] [[Villain Song|Villain Songs]]s [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|ever written]].
* In the book ''[[Cranberry Christmas]]'', Cyrus Grape is a [[Grumpy Old Man|curmudgeonly old man]] who refuses to let anyone skate on his pond, but gets his comeuppance when Mr. Whiskers finds a deed that proves the lake is actually on his property. In the animated special, Cyrus is a much more active antagonist, sneaking around and messing up Mr. Whiskers's house in order to keep Mr. Whiskers from finding that deed (whereas in the book he had no idea it existed).
* ''[[Transformers Animated]]'' actually did this to the character Waspinator from ''[[Beast Wars]]''. While ''Beast Wars'' Waspinator is portrayed as the lovable [[Butt Monkey]] who does nothing but get kicked around by other characters (though he does manage to injure the occasional Maximal, usually not by accident), ''Animated'' Waspinator, now renamed Wasp, is downright terrifying, and wants to get revenge on everyone who abused him.
