AdventureQuest Worlds/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[The Dreaded]]: There are armors that that make the hero this like Berserker Champion and Doom Knight Overlord and with Sepulchure's Helmet the hero becomes more feared
* [[Eyes Do Not Belong There]]: If the Hero has the Chaos Shaper Class or equipped 'Corrupted Dark Lord'
* [[Fighter, Mage, Thief]]: The three starting classes of the game, with the other being 'the Healer'.
* [[Healing Hands]]: Comes with being a Healer. Paladins can also heal, as well as Bards and Shamans. Undead Slayers and other classes can also heal, but this is limited to themselves.
* [[The Hero]]: Of course.
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* [[The Blacksmith]]: Or Mad Blacksmith to be specific.
* [[Blinding Bangs]]: No one knows what his eyes are like... so far.
* [[Brought to You By The Letter "S"]]: He has a belt buckle with a 'C' on it.
* [[Cardboard Prison]]: Trapped in a circle with an arrow pointing to it saying Do Not Cross during the Golden Onslaught.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: In spades. Nursey, during the Cysero wedding event, even lampshades this as one of the reasons she loves him.
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* [[Power Gives You Wings]]: In Gravelyn's case, {{spoiler|shining white angelic ones}}.
* [[Red and Black And Evil All Over]]: She has a black cape and a red armor
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: It's rare for Gravelyn to get truly pissed, but when she does (such as during the start of the Lionfang War), her eyes will start glowing red.
* [[The Reveal]]: {{spoiler|Gravelyn has never been able to cast a single Darkness spell, because she is the Champion of Light.}}
* [[Shut UP, Hannibal]]: {{spoiler|When Noxus states his status as an immortal lich, she punches him in the face and says "Hush up."}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Fallen Hero]]: Sepulchure was once one of King Alteon's greatest knights, who went by the name of Valen. Valen and Alteon were both in love with a healer of Swordhaven by the name of Lynaria, and the two dueled for her hand. It is implied that Alteon defeated him, because Alteon would marry her. But when then-Champion of Darkness Dethrix kidnapped her, Valen traveled to the deepest depths of the Necropolis and threw down with him for Lynaria's fate. He lost. Valen's fatal flaw was his inability to accept defeat, and he made a deal with Darkness in the form of the Mysterious Stranger in order to gain enough power to defeat Dethrix and rescue Lynaria, and received the armor that would transform him into the Doom Knight known as Sepulchure. Soon after Valen returned with Lynaria, he turned against Alteon in an event that is largely omitted from the history, but that would begin the war between Good and Evil. Lynaria, who still sensed good in Valen, tried to free him from the cursed armor, only for the armor to strike her down}}.
* [[Flash Step]]: Or, Shadow Step, rather.
* [[Hero -Killer]]: {{spoiler|Most of the time, he seems to be a case of [[Orcus On His Throne]]. But when he '''is''' active, a lot of people tend to die. In an alternate timeline, he kills off every person and hero on Lore except for the champions.}}
* [[Hero of Another Story|Main Villain of Another Story]]: He's the main villain in ''[[Dragon Fable (Video Game)|Dragon Fable]]'', but not so much this one...
** {{spoiler|As of Doomwood II, all that is about to change...}}
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* [[Eyes Do Not Belong There]]
* [[Glowing Eyes of Doom]]: Sometimes a Chaos-infected individual will sport glowing purple eyes when they get angry or are feeling evil.
* [[Good Wings, Evil Wings]]: Chaos infection sometimes comes with demon like wings
* [[Horned Humanoid]]: Some people who are infected become this.
* [[Our Demons Are Different]]: While some infected people and creatures are not demons (Well except for Slugfit and Faust) they closely resemble classical demons by having horns and demonic looking wings and some have it have and some don't.
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* [[Eyes Do Not Belong There]]: He has an eye on his chest
* [[Green Eyes]]: Back when he was a [[Dragon Fable (Video Game)|human]] and a [[Adventure Quest (Video Game)|dragon]].
* [[Good Wings, Evil Wings]]: He has dragon wings
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]
* {{spoiler|[[Necromancer]]: The end of the Etherstorm saga shows that Drakath can use his Chaos powers to create undead much like a necromancer -- which he does by transforming the remains of Desoloth into quite possibly the most powerful Dracolich in current existence.}}
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* [[Light Is Not Good]]: Xang the Angel Twin - when Drakath transforms her, she is shown to be more evil than Xing the Devil {{spoiler|It turns out that this is because Drakath replaced the good Xang with her very ''evil'' 'counterpart' from the Mirror Realm}}.
* [[Manipulative Bastard|Manipulative Bastards]]: And HOW!
* [[Shout -Out]]: ''Xing and Xang'', {{spoiler|Yin and Yang?}} ''Ring any bells?''
=== ''Chaos Dragonlord Vath'' ===
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* [[Oh Crap]]: When he realizes that Stalagbite has turned against him after both his Chaos Dragon Amulet and Legendary Sword of Dragon Control are destroyed through the hero's [[Accidental Aiming Skills]].
* [[Purple Eyes]]
** [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: when he's pissed, his eyes become this.
* [[Smug Snake]]: Was like this until...
** [[This Cannot Be!]]: "What?! Impossible. Those useless... filthy... I don't believe you."
* [[Throwing Your Sword Always Works]]: Inverted. The hero throws Vath's own sword ''at him'', shattering both it and his Chaos Dragon Amulet and therefore frees Stalagbite from his mind prison.
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: When he realizes that his Drow soldiers are losing the battle, he becomes extremely pissed off. Cue [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]].
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]
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* [[Pet the Dog]]: To his fellow Yokai.
* [[Samurai]]: When Kitsune wears his Chaos Shogun armor, he looks very much like one of these.
* [[Shout -Out]]: His armor is based on Shredder's from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as told by Artix himself.
* [[Super Speed]]: Can move extremely fast.
* [[This Cannot Be!]]: Once again he gets a moment like this when the hero 'accidentally' tears open a rift in front of him that sucks him in and takes him back to the Yokai-monster world.
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* [[Fur Against Fang]]
* [[Loners Are Freaks]]: Wolfwing wants more Werepyres in Lore and he decides to choose [[The Hero]] as a 'test'.
* [[Mix -and -Match Critters]]: Wolfwing is a Werepyre, a [[Exactly What It Said On The Tin|vampire/werewolf]] hybrid.
* [[Monster Hybrid]]
* [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot]]: He gets his clawed hands on an orange ''Dragon'' and turns it into a [[Monster Hybrid|''Draco-Werepyre'']] (part Dragon, part Vampire and part Werewolf)!
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* [[Our Dragons Are Different]]
* {{spoiler|[[Sealed Evil in A Can]]}}
* [[Shout -Out]]: Looks like a combination of all four Prime Dragons, complete with Moganth's lower jaw, Udaroth's tail, Cellot's arms and wings, and Zellare's body and head.
* {{spoiler|[[Smug Super]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]]: As a reward for the hero's service to him by using the Dracoscintilla to free him, he attempts to eat him/her and make him/her his first meal in 800 years. The hero defeats him, though... only to discover that what he/she fought was just a shade of Desoloth's true power!}}
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'''Associated tropes:'''
* [[Expy]]/[[Shout -Out]]: of The Scorpion King and The Rock
=== Sanguine ===
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* [[Expy]]/[[Gender Flip]]: of He who Walks Behind the Rows from [[Children of the Corn]].
* [[Palette Swap]]: Of the Wisteria from Guru Forest.
* [[Shout -Out]]: To Fat Bastard from [[Austin Powers]]: "GET IN MY BELLY!"
=== The Nugget Man ===
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'''Associated tropes:'''
* [[Treacherous Quest -Giver]]: Sent you to beat up Lord Ovthedance on false accusations of cheating so he could become the Dance Off Champion.
=== Master {{spoiler|a.k.a. Exos}} ===
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* [[Fridge Brilliance]]: With the reveal of Artix's past, this would be what Artix would be {{spoiler|should the invasion worked and he embraced the power of being the Champion of Darkness.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Off With His Head]]: One of the few villains that the Hero goes for the killshot on.}}
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* [[The Undead]]
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: The Shadowreaper of Doom
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'''Associated Tropes'''
* [[Heroic Albino]]
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
=== Zhoom ===
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'''Associated tropes:'''
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: If Safiria gets ''really'' pissed, such as during your audience with her in Darkovia, she starts sporting a pair of these, which should be your cue to get out of there. Now.
* [[Vampire Vords]]
* [[Wicked Cultured]]: As expected of vampires, Safiria is very much this.
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'''Associated tropes:'''
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]: His name sounds like the male lust demon Incubus
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
=== Baron Luca ===
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'''Associated tropes:'''
* [[Evil Albino]]
* [[Expy]]/[[Shout -Out]]: To Lord Dracula of [[Castlevania]]. He even has a second form that he turns into at half health.
* [[One-Winged Angel]]: The demonic form he takes in mid-battle. "Behold my true form and despair!" indeed.
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
== Lionfang Clan ==
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* [[The Dragon]]: To Sally and Noxus
* {{spoiler|[[Dual-Wielding]]: During the final showdown, Vordred wields both his big-ass sword and the Shadowreaper of Doom.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Full -Frontal Assault]]: In the last round of the Doomwood Finale, his armor is destroyed leaving his shadow-form completely revealed.}}
* [[Going to Give It More Energy]]: Tried against Vordred in the Arc Attack event in hopes of giving him too much power to handle and destroying him. {{spoiler|It doesn't work}}.
* [[Knight of Cerebus]]: He fits this trope perfectly, seeing how he turns people undead with his signature Voiduminance Necrot-Morph spell, and with his [[Complete Monster|complete monsterhood]] and his [[Nigh Invulnerability]], not only is he most likely to be [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]], but he's also the reason why the Doomwood saga is [[Darker and Edgier]] than the previous sagas before it, and is very competent compared to many of the previous foes the hero previously fought.
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* [[Omnicidal Maniac]]: Vordred's ultimate goal is to become the Champion of Darkness and turn everyone in Lore undead.
* [[Psycho Serum]]: {{spoiler|Gets significant upgrades from Sally, getting infused with chaos and having more skulls added to his armor. But his intelligence seems to be significantly downgraded as a result, being unable to say anything other than "More Skulls".}}
* {{spoiler|[[The End or- Or Is It?]]:After he is defeated, Drakath gives his skull to Sally, who promises to make him more powerful than ever}}.
* [[Shoulders of Doom]]
* [[Spikes of Villainy]]
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'''Associated tropes:'''
* [[Shout -Out]]: of Aang from ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender (Animation)|Avatar: The Last Airbender]]''
=== Omom ===
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* {{spoiler|[[Manipulative Bastard]]: Manipulated the hero into defeating the Prime Dragons and using the Dracoscintilla to free his master from confinement to allow him to devour the elements.}}
* [[Our Dragons Are Different]]: In this case, a Dravix.
* {{spoiler|[[Treacherous Quest -Giver]]}}
* [[We Can Rule Together]]: X'Dir tries this with the Hero on Desoloth's behalf at the beginning of the Etherstorm War (may succeed or fail depending on which side you chose to fight for). Trying this with {{spoiler|Galanoth}}, however, [[Berserk Button|turns out to be a VERY bad move]].
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* [[Cool Ship]]: The Hyperium
* [[Cyborg]]
* [[Expy]]/[[Shout -Out]]: of Boba Fett from [[Star Wars]].
* [[The Gunslinger]]: Probably the only AQW character to make extensive use of guns.
* [[Losing Your Head]]: J6 is taken apart by a shipwreck in the beginning of the 2012 Hero's Heart Day event, but being a cyborg/android, his head is still functional, and is eventually used by the Hero to {{spoiler|smuggle Moore/Romeo's spirit out of the Underworld so that he and Jeluti/Juliet can be together}}.
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* {{spoiler|[[Big Bad]]: of The Ctrl Alt Del Crossover}}
* [[Green Eyes]]
* {{spoiler|[[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]}}
=== Role Playing Game ===
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'''Associated Tropes'''
* [[Brought to You By The Letter "S"]]: Their belt buckles have a P and S respectively.
== ArcAttack ==