AdventureQuest Worlds/Characters

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Characters from AdventureQuest Worlds include:

Main Characters

The Hero of AdventureQuest Worlds

The Hero of The Story who is off to stop Drakath and the 13 Lords of Chaos.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Action Girl: If The Hero is a girl, of course.
  • Affably Evil: If the Hero is on the side of evil. Even so, he/she still does do some nice things for other people.
  • Amazing Technicolor Population: If The Hero has unrealistic skin tone
  • Animesque: The main style of art for The Hero.
  • The Archer: If The Hero has the Ranger Class.
  • BFS: If The Hero has a Big Sword
  • Badass: With his or her very impressive track record (up to and including eight defeated Chaos Lords and sundry other nasties) it's not hard to see your character as this at times. Especially if you like to solo bosses.
  • Bad with the Bone: If The Hero has The Bone Sword or Bone Axe as well as other bone based weapons
  • The Barber: If The Hero has Barber Class
  • Barbie Doll Anatomy: The Male Hero has no nipples
  • The Berserker: If The Hero has Berserker Class or Beta Berserker.
  • Catgirl: If The Female Hero is a 'Kittarian' or has 'Cat Ears'
  • The Chosen One: It seems as if the Hero is chosen for something--as seen by Gravelyn and Artix's reactions in Doomwood Pt 2--but it's not made clear just what they're chosen for.
  • Confusion Fu: If the Hero uses the 'Chaos Shaper' Class
  • The Corruption: If The Hero has 'Chaos' Powers
  • Combat Medic: If the Hero has the 'Healer Class' and uses a weapon not a staff.
  • Dark Is Not Evil/Dark Is Evil/Light Is Not Good/Light Is Good: Depends on The Player
  • The Dreaded: There are armors that that make the hero this like Berserker Champion and Doom Knight Overlord and with Sepulchure's Helmet the hero becomes more feared
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: If the Hero has the Chaos Shaper Class or equipped 'Corrupted Dark Lord'
  • Fighter, Mage, Thief: The three starting classes of the game, with the other being 'the Healer'.
  • Healing Hands: Comes with being a Healer. Paladins can also heal, as well as Bards and Shamans. Undead Slayers and other classes can also heal, but this is limited to themselves.
  • The Hero: Of course.
  • High Collar of Doom: If The Hero wears a cape with a High Collar
  • Idiot Hero
  • Informed Equipment: It is possible to hide both your helm and your cloak, but not your armor and your weapon.
  • Incorruptible Pure Pureness: What you can choose to be by choosing only the good choices during some cutscenes.
  • Mage Killer: If The Hero has PaladinSlayer Class, which has the ability to shut down classes that rely on healing abilities to stay in a fight (such as the Paladin and the Healer).
  • Necromancer: If The Hero has Necromancer Class.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Causes a lot of bad stuff in order to stop the Chaos Lords.
    • And also the Arc Attack live event ending...all because they had a guitar and lots of electrical power in their hands.
    • And then there's the Etherstorm saga, which was kicked off by the Hero being tricked into releasing Desoloth, one of the most powerful dragons in existence, to wreak havoc upon Lore, and ends with the Hero killing him in order to end this threat to the world -- except that this gives Drakath the opportunity to acquire perhaps his most powerful weapon ever by turning him into a Chaotic Dracolich under his control! Nice job breaking it, indeed.
  • Our Hero is UNdead: Starts off early in the Doomwood arc when the hero's unfortunate encounter with the Nigh Invulnerable PaladinSlayer Vordred, turning him/her into his undead slave... Only to be revived by Vayle who has her own agenda against Artix.
  • Ninja: If The Hero has Ninja Class
  • The Paladin: If The Hero has Paladin Class
  • Party Tank: The Defender class allows the Hero to be this, but most PCs use the easier-to-obtain Warrior for tanking purposes.
  • Pirate: If The Hero has Pirate Class or Alpha Pirate
  • The Power of Rock: Using the Bard class and what the Hero uses in the Arc Attack live event.
  • Protagonist Without a Past: YMMV, since the beginning shows the character on the cliff (for some unknown reason) that is struck by lightning...then spends about a minute falling down the mountainside before going to the first part of the game.
  • Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves: If you betray Artix in the Doomwood finale, Vordred "rewards" you by turning you back into an undead, just before unleashing a Zombie Apocalypse upon Lore in the Bad Ending! And then the Reset Button appears after the credits, which 'resets' the entire event back to where The Hero started.
  • Redeeming Replacement: The Good Hero can act as one to any villain and with Doom Knight Overlord Class the hero can act as one to Sepulchure
  • Shoulders of Doom: If The Hero has armor with biggest shoulder-wear like Berserker Champion, Phoenix Plate, Shadowscythe Reaver, Imperial Plate Armor, and Mirror Drakath Armor
  • Spikes of Villainy: If wearing an Armor with Spikes The Hero can Invert this or play it Straight.
  • Status Buff: The use of the Bard Class.
  • Stripperiffic: Almost an Enforced Trope for female heroes when the game was first released in 2008. Now an optional trope.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Since quite a few of your enemies in the game are female, the Hero fits this trope.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Subverted - the only major kids that the Hero has laid sword to were Princess Tara (who was under the control of an evil ring) and the Chaos Kids from the 2010 Mogloween event (who were under the control of the monstrous Stalkwalker). Neither of them were killed as a result, mainly because the Hero doesn't kill unless it's necessary.
  • You Already Changed the Past: The Hero sends They Might Be Giants to the past to read the letter to the past version of The Hero
  • Zettai Ryouiki: Every single leotard-themed armor for the female player comes with thigh-high boots, and some minidresses do the same.

The Book of Lore

After saving it from Dog-Ear who wants to eat The Book, The Book has been used as a way to keep track of The Hero's progress.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Big Eater: The book eating the book written in ancient dragon language. There are even options to eat it with ketchup or chocolate fudge!
    • I'm a Bookitarian: and it counts as cannibalism due to the fact that it is a book that eats other books
  • Chekhov's Gun: Not only is he used for maintaining info about the player, He's able to translate ancient books. BY EATING THEM.
  • Great Big Book of Everything: Keeps an eye on all the accomplishments, badges, special clips, etc. that The Hero has obtained.



Yulgar is Battleon's primary blacksmith and innkeeper.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Cleric Joy

A description of the character goes here.

Cysero the Mad Weaponsmith

The one and only Mad Weaponsmith is back and is now ready to cause 'mayhem and chaotic events' wherever he goes!

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


A newcomer to the game (and by extension, Artix Entertianment), Beleen is known for two things: 1) her EXTENSIVE Love of the color pink and 2) her little chinchilla friend that follows her around. She's stated to be one of the great heroes (along with The Hero, Cysero and Artix), but it's still unclear on what she really is up to...

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Canon Immigrant: Was shown briefly into a recent 'Dragon Fable storyline based on Valentine's Day.
  • Cool Pet: It's a chinchilla named Chongo.
  • Evil Laugh: Has one in the Ebil Dread portion of the August 2010 Friday the 13th event.
  • Genki Girl
  • Informed Ability: Said to be one of the great heroes in Battleon, but we have no idea how she fights nor have we ever seen her fight.
  • Pink Girl, Blue Boy: Definitely.
  • Throw It In: It's stated that her chinchilla's name was based on Cysero -- having decided to not use Google to figure out how to spell it correctly -- and just call it Chongo instead.


Known as "The Blue Mage" by all in Dragon Fable, he now runs the 'Magic Shop' in Battleon. He hasn't been seen in any of the major story-lines so far, but he might soon...

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Valencia Surehunter

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


A description of the character goes here.


Promoter of all things glorious, she hangs out in Battleon Square dealing with promotions.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


Aria is the daughter of Yulgar. She is a very big animal lover, and owns Battleon's Pet Shop.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

The Kingdom Of Swordhaven

King of Swordhaven

King Alteon the Balanced

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Big Good: Of all the people of Lore, King Alteon is the most dedicated to the cause of Good.
  • The Corruption: As a result of the battle with Drakath, the King has to deal with an ongoing case of this.
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: When he is chaorrupted by Drakath
  • The Good King
  • Light Is Good
  • The Paladin: Judging from the abilities that he used during his throw-down with Sepulchure, it's pretty safe to say His Majesty is one of these.

Princesses of Swordhaven

Robina the Hood/Princess Victoria

The middle daughter of King Alteon, and by far the most rebellious of the three. While Brittany may like sitting in her castle all day and waiting for a prince to come and sweep her off her feet, Victoria is of a more heroic bent, and when she's not at the castle, she fights monsters and other threats to her land as Robina the Hood alongside Artix and crew.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • The Archer: Rivals Zhoom as one of the best archers in Lore.
  • Expy/Gender Flip/Homage: Is basically a feminine version of Robin Hood.
  • Rebellious Princess: Being cooped up in Swordhaven Castle waiting for her prince to come, while it may be Brittany's thing, is definitely not Victoria's. She wants to see the world, battle monsters, and basically be one of the heroes of Lore, which is why she took up the persona of Robina the Hood.
  • Secret Identity: Victoria keeps her Robina persona secret from her father and his knights. Only the main cast of heroes, including the Player Character, actually know who she is.

Princess Brittany

Princess Brittany is the eldest of King Alteon's daughters. She is every bit the pampered royal princess, and she wants more than anything to find a Prince that can sweep her off her feet, something she's frustrated by since her father doesn't invite anyone to balls anymore.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Princess Tara

Tara is the youngest of the three princesses. She has a fondness for fierce pets, particularly dragons, which has gotten her into trouble more than a few times. In addition, she's interested in trying to find her mother, or at least what's happened to her, since no one at the castle will tell her.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Brainwashed: By the cursed Ring of Dragon Control given to her by Zorbak.
  • Fluffy Tamer: This is what Tara wants to be. Unfortunately for her, she doesn't always know what she's doing.
  • Missing Mom: Other than having a dragon of her own, Tara wants more than anything to find out what happened to her mom.
  • One Steve Limit: There is a Member only character named Terra who's name sounds like her but with a double R instead of one R!
  • Royal Brat: Yeah...
  • Spell My Name with an "S": In the prologue, her name is Tera, but in the Thanksgiving event, she's named Tara.

Others of Swordhaven

Baron Bayconn

Baron Bayconn is King Alteon's tax collector. When The Hero comes to him on Gravelyn's orders to collect on Sepulchure's Unlife Insurance policy, which comes out to one trillion gold, Bayconn, being a greedy little pig, has the Hero thrown into Swordhaven Prison rather than cough up the cash. The Hero ultimately has to fight his Piggy Drake in order to get him to pay up.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Greed: His reason for throwing the Hero in Swordhaven Prison.
  • Pig Man


The Royal Potionmistress of Swordhaven, Alina is an alchemist skilled in potion and poisonmaking. She is targeted in a poisoning scheme against King Alteon, which turns out to be the work of someone known only as the Silver Man. The Silver Man turns out to be none other than Xavier Lionfang, the younger brother of the infamous Maximilian Lionfang. Despite her poisonous talents, Alina is very kind and sweet-natured, and has one of the biggest crushes on Rolith ever, and during the second part of her storyline which pits her against Xavier, Rolith proposes to her on the battlefield.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

King Alteon's Skyguard

Captain Stratos

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Big No: When Granny V (the Dreamweaver in disguise) makes him relive his nightmares of a certain day in his earlier years, hospitalizing him afterwards.

Granny V: Your dreams might not be so sweet when you're living IN them, my dears!
Stratos: NOOOOO! Not THIS day!

  • Blue Eyes
  • Cain and Abel: Has a serious vendetta against his evil brother Exos, a.k.a. The Master, for murdering not only Terra, but also Lithos, who stopped Exos from killing him.
  • The Captain: Of the Skyguard.
  • Cool Airship: His ship, the Phereless, which also once belonged to his father.
  • Heroic BSOD: He gets this by being rendered unable to move after being hospitalized by the Dreamweaver (under the guise of Granny V) by using the power of dreams on him to cause a memory of his worst day to play out for him where the Master became responsible for Terra's Disney Villain Death by pushing her off a ledge into the ocean below.
  • Scary Shiny Glasses: Inverted.
  • You All Look Familiar: Stratos has three brothers who are all identical to him. One of them is evil (Exos), one of them is dead (Lithos, thanks to Exos), and one of them we're still not sure about (Tropos).
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair
  • You Killed My Sister / This Is Unforgivable!: It's revealed that he has a vendetta against the Master (who turns out to be his brother) for killing his sister Terra. He even vows to make him pay for it. And as of the latest Skyguard update, it turns out Terra wasn't the first sibling of theirs that Exos murdered either!


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Deceptive Disciple: Possibly. She could be the Dreamweaver in disguise...
    • As of the latest update, Invidia has been confirmed to be the Dreamweaver -- and she has turned against her Master!
  • Hidden Agenda Villain: She looks strikingly like the Dreamweaver, to be fair enough. They both have the same ominous smile, which tends to be creepy.


A description of the character goes here.


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


A description of the character goes here.

Jules Barnestable

A description of the character goes here.

The Shadowscythe Empire

Leader of The Shadowscythe

Empress Gravelyn The Champion of Light

Daughter of Sepulchure who runs the Shadowscythe Empire after her father's death. It is revealed in Doomwood Part 2 that she is the Champion of Light.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Bad with the Bone: Gravelyn's weapon of choice is the Doom Weapon that once belonged to her father. In the Doomwood finale, she finishes off Vordred with the weapon that she had created from Noxus' skull. And in the finale of the second Doomwood saga, she's purified the blade and made it a weapon of Destiny!
  • Card-Carrying Villain: She explicitly refers to herself as an evil empress and her faction as being the forces of evil.
  • The Champion: She is The Champion of Light
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Though nominally on the side of Evil, Gravelyn is nowhere near as antagonistic as her father was. Things may change if and when Drakath falls though...
    • Light Is Not Good: Then its revealed in Doomwood Part II that she is The Champion of Light -- and she's still as evil as she ever was.
  • Daddy's Little Villain: Wants revenge on Drakath for killing him, and is even able to create her own minions.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Artix
  • Expy: Of Jessica Rabbit, sans the large breasts.
  • Fan Service/Ms. Fanservice/Go-Go Enslavement/Whole Costume Reference: When she is taken prisoner by Noxus and Vordred during the Shadowfall War, Gravelyn gets put into a Slave Bikini [dead link] which looks quite similar to the one that Leia wore in Return of the Jedi.
  • Gold and White Are Divine: When she has white energy, white wings and wields the Destiny Blade which is gold except she is evil
  • High Collar of Doom
  • Lady of War/Little Miss Badass: While she has yet to make a personal combative showing on the level of her father, the Empress is not someone to mess with, especially with the command of an entire legion of undead. The main reason that Noxus was able to take her prisoner was because he had a hand in the creation of that legion (as well as having super-badass Vordred with him), and once her personal creation, Chuckles, knocks Noxus off his throne and frees her, she wastes no time in taking back control of the legion so that Noxus can be defeated.
    • And that's small compared to the Doomwood Pt 2 Finale when she activates the power of the Champion of Light.
  • The Lady Behind The Monsters: Despite being the commander of a legion of the undead, Gravelyn is still one-hundred-percent human.
  • Villains Want Redheads: You'd be amazed at how many people chose the side of Evil because of Gravelyn's looks.
  • Pet the Dog: She created Chuckles and states that the Hero is one of the few humans that she trusts.
    • As revealed in the Song of Ice Frostval event, she decides that for one day of the year, she decides to not be evil and celebrate Frostval. And it is adorable.
  • Power Gives You Wings: In Gravelyn's case, shining white angelic ones.
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: She has a black cape and a red armor
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: It's rare for Gravelyn to get truly pissed, but when she does (such as during the start of the Lionfang War), her eyes will start glowing red.
  • The Reveal: Gravelyn has never been able to cast a single Darkness spell, because she is the Champion of Light.
  • Shut UP, Hannibal: When Noxus states his status as an immortal lich, she punches him in the face and says "Hush up."
  • Spikes of Villainy
  • Took a Level in Badass: Say hello to the Champion of Light!
  • Unstoppable Rage: When her father sacrifices himself to save her from Drakath, Gravelyn goes berserk, unleashing the full power of the Champion of Light and going one-on-one against Drakath himself!


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Badass Boast: Gets one immediately before Drakath kills him.


  • Bad with the Bone: His Necrotic Blade of Doom.
  • Black Knight: The black version of his action figure has black armor and in Gravelyn's Dream he dressed in black armor and in AdventureQuest Worlds Zombies The Necrotic Blade of Doom takes over his dead body and the armor change from red to black
  • Chronic Villainy: Sepulchure goes to great lengths to convince himself that his daughter is just one of his undead and not the Champion of Light, who he needs to kill. But when he is finally faced with the truth, he gives in and tries to kill her anyways.
  • Curb Stomp Battle: Delivers an awesome one of these against Chaos Vordred upon being resurrected, first shearing off both of his arms with the Necrotic Blade of Doom and then unleashing a mega-attack on him that he'd previously used against King Alteon during their duel -- but unlike His Majesty, Chaos Vordred didn't have anything to block it with.
    • Except that is not Sepulchure as Gravelyn stated but rather a clone of him.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Sepulchure's godlike power gets stressed time and time again, but his murder of The Grim Reaper is still unexpected.
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: When his armor got chaorrupted by Drakath this happened.
  • Fallen Hero: Sepulchure was once one of King Alteon's greatest knights, who went by the name of Valen. Valen and Alteon were both in love with a healer of Swordhaven by the name of Lynaria, and the two dueled for her hand. It is implied that Alteon defeated him, because Alteon would marry her. But when then-Champion of Darkness Dethrix kidnapped her, Valen traveled to the deepest depths of the Necropolis and threw down with him for Lynaria's fate. He lost. Valen's fatal flaw was his inability to accept defeat, and he made a deal with Darkness in the form of the Mysterious Stranger in order to gain enough power to defeat Dethrix and rescue Lynaria, and received the armor that would transform him into the Doom Knight known as Sepulchure. Soon after Valen returned with Lynaria, he turned against Alteon in an event that is largely omitted from the history, but that would begin the war between Good and Evil. Lynaria, who still sensed good in Valen, tried to free him from the cursed armor, only for the armor to strike her down.
  • Flash Step: Or, Shadow Step, rather.
  • Hero-Killer: Most of the time, he seems to be a case of Orcus on His Throne. But when he is active, a lot of people tend to die. In an alternate timeline, he kills off every person and hero on Lore except for the champions.
  • Main Villain of Another Story: He's the main villain in Dragon Fable, but not so much this one...
    • As of Doomwood II, all that is about to change...
  • Heroic Sacrifice: As Drakath is preparing to take out Gravelyn, Sepulchure throws himself in front of her and suffers the fate he suffered in the original storyline again. And this causes Gravelyn to go berserk on Drakath.
  • Kick the Dog: To the Necrotic Blade of Doom
  • Killed Off for Real: Courtesy of Drakath during his introduction scene.
    • He comes back briefly during the AQW Zombies storyline, but is quickly killed off again.
  • Nigh Invulnerability: Sepulchure is impervious to nearly all attacks. The only things that have ever been seen to hurt him include his own Doom weapon and Drakath's chaos magic.
  • Orcus on His Throne: In spite of his incredible power, he doesn't seem to be very active most of the time.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: Seeks to draw Lore into the Plane of Darkness (or at least his Doomblade does), which will destroy everything in it in the process. In order to do this, he needs to kill the Champion of Light. To find the champion, he launches a crusade to wipe out all life on Lore.
  • Pet the Dog: His ultimate goal is to slay the Champion of Light so that the Plane of Darkness can consume Lore. Even though deep down, he knew all along that it was his daughter, Gravelyn, he chose to believe that his former friend, King Alteon, was the Champion of Light, and convinced himself that Gravelyn was just a special undead. It is this final spark of love that drives him to spare her at the last -- and to sacrifice himself when Drakath moves to finish her off.
  • Screw Destiny: The Necrotic Blade of Doom insists that killing the Champion of Light is his destiny and goads him into killing his daughter. But when push finally comes to shove, he breaks down and yields.
  • Spikes of Villainy
  • Tragic Flaw: Valen's tragic flaw was his inability to accept defeat. He was defeated by then-Champion of Darkness Dethrix when he tried to rescue Lynaria for the King, which drove him to make the pact with the Mysterious Stranger that led to his transformation into the Doom Knight known as Sepulchure. It's implied he was also defeated by Alteon for the hand of Lynaria, the woman they both loved, which may have influenced the Face Heel Turn that led to the start of the war between Good and Evil.
  • The Worf Effect: Setup as a near invincible villain. Then he gets crushed by Drakath pretty easily.

Necrotic Blade of Doom

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Big Bad: of AdvcentureQuest Worlds Zombies
  • Black Knight: When it takes over Sepulchure's Body the armor change from red to black
  • Final Boss: After Sepulchure gets killed by Drakath again it became the final enemy of the event by taking over Sepulchure's body
  • Talking Weapon
  • Villainous Breakdown / Big No: When Sepulchure lowers it out of refusal to kill his own daughter because of his promise to Lynaria, and again when Gravelyn purifies it into the Blade of Destiny.

Others of The Shadowscythe

Dage the Evil

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Awesome Moment of Crowning: Got Noxus's body for his own.
  • Big Damn Heroes: He saved Gravelyn and turned the tide of the war. Never saw this coming, did you?
  • Brick Joke: Remember how Chuckles's head was the only thing revived by Death? 2 years later, the players finally save him when Gravelyn places his head on Noxus's body!
  • Dem Bones
  • Our Liches Are Different: Well he only has Noxus's Lich Body
  • The Hyena: Why he has the name.
  • Use Your Head: He's only a skull since that was the only thing Death could revive. and that's what he used to save Gravelyn from Noxus.


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


Chaos is a powerful and unpredictable energy that can chaorrupt (short for "chaos corrupt") objects and beings. It is a recurring theme of AQ Worlds and controlled by Drakath and his 13 Lords of Chaos. Lords of Chaos try to summon the Chaos Beasts

As always, the opposite of Chaos is, in fact, Order, especially as shown in the Mirror Realm involving Drakath The Champion of Order and his friends, the Lords of Order.

Also, as revealed by the Void Larva in the Void, as well as the Great Void Dragon itself, the closest magic related to Chaos magic is Void magic - which is exactly why the Void Dragon entrusted the Lords of Chaos with four different colored Void Spheres needed to unlock the door to its lair.

Tropes that most people and creatures affiliated with Chaos have in common include:

The Champion of Chaos

Drakath The Champion of Chaos

Drakath is the Big Bad of AdventureQuest Worlds. He leads the 13 Lords of Chaos.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Bad Boss: Is revealed to be this to Pettivox during the Magic Thief event as he does not take Pettivox's defeat lightly.
  • Big Bad: Yep.
    • The Dragon:However Doomwood Part II revealed that he is working for an unknown force
  • The Champion: He is The Champion of Chaos
  • The Chessmaster
  • Composite Character: He is both his AQ Dragon Self and his DF Human Self since he has his AQ Dragon Wings and possibly his AQ Streath and he has his DF Human Half
  • Even Evil Has Standards: He helps the hero defeat Ledgermayne and convert it back into the raw mana from which it was made.
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: He has an eye on his chest
  • Green Eyes: Back when he was a human and a dragon.
  • Good Wings, Evil Wings: He has dragon wings
  • Manipulative Bastard
  • Necromancer: The end of the Etherstorm saga shows that Drakath can use his Chaos powers to create undead much like a necromancer -- which he does by transforming the remains of Desoloth into quite possibly the most powerful Dracolich in current existence.
  • Pet the Dog: He gives Sally Vordred's head after he was slain then flies off. Though he probably does have his own agenda.
  • Physical God
  • Reality Warper
  • Shoulders of Doom
  • Smug Snake: Ledgermayne is implied to have called him one when it points out his "overconfidence". Of course, throughout the history of the game he rarely shows signs of smugness, making him more of an Affably Evil possible Magnificent Bastard than an actual Smug Snake.
  • Spikes of Villainy
  • Stable Time Loop: Thanks to the events of the 3rd Birthday event, young Drakath--after being saved by the hero and having a great adventure with him--vows that he will become strong no matter what the cost. Also, he also wishes to meet up with the hero again.
  • Took a Level in Badass: from where he was before this game, yep.
  • Truly Single Parent: He is said to use Chaos Magic to create Chaos Lord Ledgermayne when he states that his chaos magic unexpectedly give the Chaos Lord life.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: The 3rd birthday event reveals that thanks to the hero saving him from the collector, Drakath vows to get power no matter what the cost so he wouldn't be captured or hurt again.
  • Villainous Rescue: He's saved the hero twice. The first one was from Nessie, unknowingly. The second was giving the Supreme Arcane Staff enough Chaos Magic to obliterate Ledgermayne.
  • Winged Humanoid
  • Worthy Opponent: Both the Hero and Drakath consider the other to be this. It's the primary thing, other than how it will affect the timestream, that keeps an Evil Hero from killing kid Drakath.
  • Would Hit a Girl: He certainly doesn't have a problem punching Khasaanda when she tries to kill him.

The 13 Lords of Chaos

There are a total of 13 Chaos Lords and they all serve Drakath, the Champion of Chaos. The 13 Chaos Lords are the secondary antagonists of lore, the primary being Drakath. Their purpose is to find and awaken their corresponding Chaos Beast, scattered all around Lore

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Big Bad: Each major story arc (with the exception of Doomwood) had a Chaos Lord as its Big Bad except for Khasaanda who did not make trouble in Bloodtusk.
    • Escherion - Chiral Valley
    • Vath - Dwarfhold
    • Kitsune - Yokai
    • Wolfwing - Darkovia
    • Discordia and Kimberly - Mythsong Canyon
    • Ledgermayne - Arcangrove
    • Tibicenas - Sandsea
    • Krellenos and Khasaanda - Bloodtusk Ravine
  • Co-Dragons: All the Chaos Lords are this to Drakath
  • She Is the King: The Female Chaos Lords are called Lord rather then Lady
  • Thirteen Is Unlucky


The First Lord of Chaos, Escherion is a powerful Chaos sorcerer with the power to invert people and things using the Staff of Inversion.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Cool Helmet
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Got defeated by his own Inversion magic and turned into a frog.
  • Homage: According to the Design Notes, Artix mentions that Escherion and Chiral Valley was based on M.C. Esher's works.
  • Laughably Evil: He gets a rather funny moment at the end of the 'Chiral Valley' story-arc when The Hero 'uses' the mirror he/she found in the Cornelis Ruins to reflect his inversion spell right back at him and make him invert his own powers, causing him to suffer the Humiliation Conga of using his own spells on himself and eventually polymorph himself into a harmless frog.
  • Obviously Evil: He has Chaorrupted skulls on his shoulder plates and necklace, and even has Spikes of Villainy on said shoulder plates. And he hides his face within his hooded helmet, only showing his Glowing Eyes of Doom.
  • Smug Snake: He's manipulative of his minions who're looking for the three pieces of the Runix Cube, and is arrogant enough to be confident that no one is a match for his Staff of Inversion. He thinks of his staff a lot and says he doesn't need it to swat the "flies" as he calls the heroes, although the staff is loyal to him and can protect him of its own free will, which implies his invulnerability as long as the staff is alive.
  • Squishy Wizard

Xing and Mirror Xang

Once the Good and Bad Angels of Lore, Xing and Xang became the Second Lords of Chaos when Drakath got hold of them. As revealed during the Bloodtusk saga, Drakath replaced the good Xang with her Mirror Realm opposite, making both of the Angels evil. They are the only Chaos Lords not to have been fought and defeated.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • The Chessmasters
  • Co-Dragons: To Drakath
  • Good Angel, Bad Angel: At least before Angel Xang got replaced with Mirror Xang.
  • Knights of Cerebus: Their manipulations have led to some decidedly not funny stuff going down in both the Bloodtusk saga and the Thanksgiving event.
  • Light Is Not Good: Xang the Angel Twin - when Drakath transforms her, she is shown to be more evil than Xing the Devil It turns out that this is because Drakath replaced the good Xang with her very evil 'counterpart' from the Mirror Realm.
  • Manipulative Bastards: And HOW!
  • Shout-Out: Xing and Xang, Yin and Yang? Ring any bells?

Chaos Dragonlord Vath

A powerful and exceptionally cruel Drow warlord, Vath is the Third Lord of Chaos. He and his forces are responsible for the enslavement of Dwarfhold. He commands a powerful chaorrupted dragon known as Stalagbite through means of a Chaos Dragon Amulet and the legendary Sword of Dragon Control given to him by Drakath himself.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Chaos Shogun Kitsune

Kitsune is the Fourth Lord of Chaos. Once a kind and peaceful fox-spirit, Kitsune was part of the 'divine' protection which guarded Yokai Island against all outsiders, including Chaos. He worked as a partner to the Emperor, and Yokai, humans and monsters lived together in harmony for centuries. But when the Emperor decided to extend the island's hospitality to the rest of Lore, Kitsune did not share his kindness, and wanted more than anything to restore Yokai Island to its secluded sanctuary. When Drakath came to him, the once peaceful spirit was turned into an epitome of Chaos. He has placed the Emperor under his trance and now seeks to revive the powerful O-dokuro and make the Yokai, the masters of everyone in Lore.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Affably Evil
  • Animal Motifs: Foxes. Kitsune is a Japanese Fox, and he also can transform into a 'giant' shadow fox.
  • The Chessmaster: He planned to steal the Hanzamune Blade after the hero defeated Ryoku.
  • Color Coded for Your Convenience: He wore a white robe before he was a Chaos Lord. While white is the color of purity and goodness in western culture, it is also the colour of death in Japanese and Chinese culture.
  • Cool Helmet
  • Four Is Death: Kitsune is the 'Fourth' Chaos Lord plus he hails from the Japanese-themed Yokai Island. Makes perfect sense as the number four is considered unlucky in both Japanese and Chinese superstitions.
  • Katanas Are Just Better: The Hanzamune Blade, which Kitsune wants to use to open a rift between Lore and the Yokai realm.
  • Manipulative Bastard
  • Mind Control: On Ai-No-Miko's father, the Emperor of Akiba.
  • Pet the Dog: To his fellow Yokai.
  • Samurai: When Kitsune wears his Chaos Shogun armor, he looks very much like one of these.
  • Shout-Out: His armor is based on Shredder's from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as told by Artix himself.
  • Super Speed: Can move extremely fast.
  • This Cannot Be!: Once again he gets a moment like this when the hero 'accidentally' tears open a rift in front of him that sucks him in and takes him back to the Yokai-monster world.
  • The Trickster: He's quite fond of illusion, trickery and lies.
  • Youkai: Yup.


Wolfwing is the Fifth Lord of Chaos found in Darkovia. He was a man who was bitten by a large Werewolf and left to die. Queen Safiria took pity on him and bit him as well, but the bites had mixed in and thus gave a re-energised Wolfwing his form as a Werepyre, half Werewolf and Vampire! He seeks to turn both werewolves and vampires alike into his Werepyres so he wouldn't be so lonely (due to his hybrid appearance, he was outcast by both the clans).

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Discordia and Kimberly

Discordia is a brilliant musician who was working on the ultimate song, that would win over the heart of anyone who heard it. According to Don Giovanni, Drakath then appeared and offered Discordia a powerful shortcut, which he accepted. He can now use his music to not only win over hearts and minds, but control them.

But as it turns out, Discordia isn't the Sixth Lord of Chaos. During the finale event featuring the band One Eyed Doll, it transpires that Discordia is being controlled himself, by none other than One Eyed Doll's front-girl, Kimberly Freeman, who it turns out is the real Chaos Lord. After defeating her, it's learned that she was herself being controlled by Drakath, who sung a Chaos tune that got stuck in her head and turned her Brainwashed and Crazy. She gets better.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Discordia uses his music to brainwash people. In reality, he was brainwashed by Kimberly, who herself had a Chaos Tune stuck in her head by Drakath.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: Kimberly is the only Chaos Lord to date who has joined the heroes' side after being defeated.
  • Ear Worm: The Chaos tune that Kimberly had stuck in her head.
  • Expy: Discordia looks similar to the Phantom of the Opera.
  • Malevolent Masked Man: Discordia. Actually, since he was brainwashed by Kimberly, he's not really that malevolent.
  • Power of Rock: Kimberly invokes this ESPECIALLY when she's able to send the hero back in time to fight her Chaos Beast.


Created from mana and Drakath's Chaos Magic, Ledgermayne is the Seventh of the Chaos Lords. He soon defects Drakath when it boasts that its more powerful than him, and wants to cut off the Para-Elemental Plane of Magic from Lore. Since magic is tied to life itself, this will result in everyone and everything dying.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Expy: of Mysterio
  • Killed Off for Real: The Hero and Drakath killed Ledgermayne in the climax of the Arcangrove saga.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Proves to be almost invincible (except against the Supreme Arcane Staff) as well as even more competent than previous Chaos Lords.
  • Machine Monotone: Its consistency to speak in a cool and collected, never-changing monotone voice. Until it lets out a Big No when Drakath gives the Supreme Arcane Staff enough power to defeat it.
    • Not to mention, it even refers to itself as "we" or as "this form". As Artix puts it, "It's sort of like a magi-borg!"
  • Omnicidal Maniac
  • Plant Person: Its physical appearance.
  • Smug Snake
  • The Starscream
  • Unsettling Gender Reveal: "This form is this trope personified. Naturally, this form is sometimes called a male by the NPCs in game, and is shaped like a female, but this form is actually genderless." This often leads to confusion among fans as to what gender Ledgermayne is.


The Eighth Lord of Chaos, Tibicenas was once a Ghul (an evil Djinn) who wanted to depose the Efreet, the ruler of all Djinn, and took Drakath's offer to become a Chaos Lord in order to gain enough power to challenge him. The Efreet cast him out of the Djinn Realm, and he was later trapped inside a ring which was found by a guy by the name of Zahart, who now controls him for his own purposes. When Zhoom destroys the ring, Tibicenas returns to the Djinn Realm, intent on revenge against the Efreet for sending him into exile.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • A God Am I: He tried to become as powerful as the Efreet by playing with Chaos magic. The Efreet caught him and cast him out of the Djinn world.
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: He has eyes on his arms
  • Jackass Genie: In spades.
  • Revenge: His motivation against the Efreet for all the years he made him spend as an outcast after kicking him out of the Djinn world.

Bloodtusk Chaos Lords Krellenos and Khasaanda

The Chaos Lord who is behind all the events in Bloodtusk Ravine.

He is later revealed to be Krellenos, the brother of Khasaanda. He proved himself a talented manipulator, turning the Horcs and the Trolls against each other for the sake of Drakath's evil plan. But the one thing he did not count on was Khasaanda growing sick of his treachery and using the link between them to steal all of Krellenos' Chaos powers before killing him. As the new Chaos Lord, Khassanda has grown sick of people laughing at her, ignoring and not believing her, using her gift (and that of Krellenos) in order to ensure their lives stayed orderly and predictable.

However, Khassanda decides to use the power of the Chaos Lord to fight Drakath and decides to aid the Hero on their path to stop him. She leaves to follow her destiny, stating that they would eventually cross paths once more.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Ambiguous Gender: Until The Chaos Lord is revealed to be a guy.
    • Until Krellenos is killed by Khasaanda who replaced him as the chaos lord.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: All her life, Khasaanda has been ignored, disdained and laughed at. But the final straw came when Krellenos, the only one who really believed her, abandoned her to become a Chaos Lord and chaorrupted her little brother besides. Not a good move when she has a spiritual link with you.
    • However, Khassanda has no grudge against her people. She decides to aid the player in their quest to stop the other Lords of Chaos and to defeat Drakath once and for all.
  • Driving Question: Who is The Bloodtusk Chaos Lord? Krellenos.
    • That is, until Khasaanda used the link between herself and Krellenos to steal his power, becoming a Chaos Lord herself!
  • Heel Face Turn: Khasaanda is the second major Chaos Lord who has joined the Hero's side.
  • Killed Off for Real: Krellenos, courtesy of Khasaanda.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Out of all the Chaos Lords so far, Krellenos has proven to be the darkest and edgiest. Then Khasaanda usurps him and becomes an Anti-Villain planning revenge on Drakath for her brothers' deaths. She later gets redeemed and joins the Hero's side.
  • Revenge: Khasaanda has one hell of a vendetta against Drakath for he did to both of her brothers.
  • The Unfought: Krellenos was shaping up to be the Chaos Lord fight of this particular part of the Chaos saga -- up until Khasaanda killed him and became the Chaos Lord herself.
    • Subverted with Khassanda as you fight her either way.


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Chaos Beasts

There are a total of 13 Chaos Beasts. Each beast is summoned by one of the Chaos Lords.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • The Dragon: The Chaos Beasts are always fought before the battle against the Chaos Lord proper.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Pretty much every one of the Beasts of Chaos, who mainly serve as The Dragon for the Chaos Lord who awakens them. two exceptions are The Dracowerepyre which is more of a created evil then a Sealed Evil in a Can since Wolfwing just bites a random dragon before it transforms to The Dracowerepyr and The Gruaige Baas who is just a Serpentress being transformed by Krellenos.
  • You Can't Thwart Stage One: Try as he or she might, The Hero has never succeeded in stopping a Chaos Lord from awakening a Chaos Beast. The one time he or she did, it turned out Discordia wasn't the real Chaos Lord.

Lake Hydra

The first of the Chaos Beasts, and released by Escherion using the Runix Cube. It was defeated by the player after using its teeth to burn magic flames (and bringing the Tower of Relativity down upon it).

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: More like "Drop the Tower of Relativity" on it!
  • Hydra Problem: Every time you kill a head, it's just going to come back. The way to kill it is to collect teeth from each head in order to activate the runes and send the tower crashing down on it.

Rock Roc

The second of the Chaos Beasts. Unlocked by Vath via the harvested Gemeralds, known for its giant form and rocky exterior. Was defeated when the player takes Vath's Chaos Dragon Amulet, rides Stalagbite, and then fights it in the air before finishing it off at the foot of the mountain.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


The third Chaos Beast released by the use of the Hanzamune Dragon Koi Blade by Kitsune. A HUMONGOUS skeleton with hundreds of skeletons inside it, it towers as the largest of all the Chaos Beasts.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


The fourth of the Chaos Beasts, it was a dragon that was taken by Wolfwing's minions and then bitten by Wolfwing on the Mystic Wolf Moon, turning it into a hybrid of dragon, vampire and werewolf.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Expy: of Nightbane
  • Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: It was a dragon that was bitten by Wolfwing (who's a vampire/werewolf hybrid). According to the Design Notes, they experimented on him being a robot.

Pony Gary Yellow

The fifth Chaos Beast, summoned by Kimberly of One Eyed Doll, who sends the heroes back in time through The Power of Rock in order to fight the thing.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Mana Golem

The Sixth Chaos Beast which was awakened by Ledgermayne. He lives in the Para-Elemental Plane, the birthplace of all magic. If awakened, it would absorb all magic in the world.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Fridge Horror: The mention of the Mana Golem absorbing magic is pure horror since it would cause the destruction of the world!

Chaos Sphinx

The Seventh Chaos Beast awakened by Zahart and Tibicenas.

Gruaige Baas

The Eighth Chaos Beast She is a powerful Serpentress that was Chaorrupted and then grown to giant-size by use of unchaorrupted Arashtite ore by The Bloodtusk Chaos Lord Krellenos. .

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Those who support Chaos and Those who are Chaorrupted


The great elemental dragon sung about in children's songs, Desoloth has been sealed for 800 years by the four Prime Dragons Moganth, Udaroth, Cellot, and Zellare. X'Dir opened the 11-11-11 portal for him so he could find someone to free him before he was sealed away forever. In reality, it's all according to Desoloth's plan to become free from confinement so he can devour the elements.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • And Then What?: In the cutscene played after defeating Desoloth's shade, Desoloth flies out of the portal to begin devouring the elements. And guess what? After that, it says "To be continued in the Etherstorm Wastes...", which means that the Dragonplane story will continue into the Etherstorm Wastes itself.
  • The Chessmaster: His plan was for X'Dir to use the hero to get the four Dracoscintilla to free him. And the plan succeeded. Great work, villain.
    • Magnificent Bastard: And he even left his shade in the Dragonplane so the hero can come back to fight it whenever it wants!
  • Dracolich: At the end of the Etherstorm saga, Drakath raises Desoloth's remains using his Chaos power, transforming him into Desolich, a Dracolich that is possibly the most powerful one that Lore has ever seen!
  • Elemental Powers
  • A God Am I
  • Kick the Dog: Desoloth does this a lot throughout the Etherstorm saga. Notables include biting off Galanoth's arm, encasing Arradia in painful crystal and ruthlessly disposing of As'iiur, but his final and worst one was what he did to Omom for trying to stand against him.
  • Our Dragons Are Different
  • Sealed Evil in a Can
  • Shout-Out: Looks like a combination of all four Prime Dragons, complete with Moganth's lower jaw, Udaroth's tail, Cellot's arms and wings, and Zellare's body and head.
  • Smug Super
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: As a reward for the hero's service to him by using the Dracoscintilla to free him, he attempts to eat him/her and make him/her his first meal in 800 years. The hero defeats him, though... only to discover that what he/she fought was just a shade of Desoloth's true power!


A description of the character goes here.


The Chaotic Troll fought at the end of the Horc/Troll War. He turns out to have been the youngest brother of Khasaanda.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Tragic Monster: Antiphuus was the brother of Khassanda, transformed by The Bloodtusk Chaos Lord Krellenos into a horrible Chaos monster.


A description of the character goes here.


A description of the character goes here.


Grams is Yulgar's mother and Aria's grandmother. She is chaorrupted by the Chaos Twins during the Thanksgiving event.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Twisted Paw

A description of the character goes here.


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


Stalagbite is Vath's dragon, chaorrupted and enslaved with his Chaos Dragon Amulet and the Legendary Sword of Dragon Control given to him by Drakath.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • The Dog Bites Back: When The Hero breaks both of the artifacts used to control Stalagbite, the dragon turns on his former master.
  • Dual Boss: During the Chaos Lord battle, you have to fight both Vath and Stalagbite. It is very recommended that you fight the dragon first, as attacking Vath will lead to Stalagbite curb-stomping you for quad-digit damage.

D'wain Jonsen

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


A vampire knight chaorrupted by Wolfwing and sent with his minions to cause trouble for the Lycans.


He controlled the Seventh Lord of Chaos with a special ring, using it to cause chaos in the Oasis. Gets his comeuppance when Zhoom destroys the ring and he becomes a brainwashed pawn to Tibicenas.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Affably Evil
  • Expy: Looks similar to Abis Mal from Aladdin.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Controls Tibicenas to no end until Zhoom destroys the ring controlling him; then he gets brainwashed by Tibicenas and when the trance wears off, he's arrested.
  • The Kid with the Remote Control: Wears a special ring that controls Tibicenas. Until Zhoom breaks it.
  • Oh Crap: He gets this when he realizes Zhoom destroyed his ring. Cue Tibicenas brainwashing and enslaving him.
  • Pet the Dog: To Tibicenas until Zhoom destroys his ring and Tibicenas enslaves him.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: He has Tibicenas do this with one of his servants after they have uncovered the red diamond used to awaken the Chaos Sphinx.


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

The Nugget Man

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


The apprentice of Warlic, Nythera is a half-dragon elf who thirsts for power and schemes to off her mentor. Unlike most who delve into Chaos, Nythera has no interest in serving Drakath, and seeks the power of the Void for her own. Has recently married another half-dragon elf named Ryuuji.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Happily Married: It took a while, but now she's happy to be with Ryuuji.
  • Merlin and Nimue: Nythera frequently plays Nimue to Warlic's Merlin. There's no romantic or sexual content to their relationship though.
  • One-Winged Angel: Nythera usually takes the form of a punkish elf, but every now and then, she'll take the form of a powerful purple dragon.
  • Puppy Dog Eyes: Gives this to her dad to try and get her out of her wedding with Ryuuji.
  • Tsundere: When first met with Ryuuji her eyes widen in shock then turns away, trying to deny she likes him.
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: Became corrupted by Chaos magic during the fight with Queen Aisha. She gets better, though.
  • You're Insane!: Is given this by Ryuuji when she states that she summoned a Void Giant to attack the Wedding Chapel.

General Pollution

A description of the character goes here.

Great Godfather Of Soul

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Treacherous Quest-Giver: Sent you to beat up Lord Ovthedance on false accusations of cheating so he could become the Dance Off Champion.

Master a.k.a. Exos

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Affably Evil
  • All Your Base Are Belong to Us: His plan is to take control of the Skyguard and use it to wreak havoc so he can become one of Drakath's Lords of Chaos.
  • Big Bad: of The Skyguard Saga
  • Cain and Abel: Terra wasn't Exos' only victim among his siblings -- he also murdered one of Stratos' other brothers, Lithos, for stopping him from killing Stratos.
  • The Chessmaster
  • Evil Twin: To Stratos and his other brothers.
  • Manipulative Bastard
  • Ultimate Evil: If you say his real name, his Dragon, the Dreamweaver, will put a spell on you that makes you relive your worst nightmares.
    • Not anymore...
  • You All Look Familiar: Interestingly, his silhouette looks strikingly like Captain Stratos.
    • That's because Stratos, Exos, Tropos and the late Lithos all looked alike.


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Mirror World

Drakath The Champion of Order

In the Mirror Realm, he defends the land alongside the 13 Lords of Order after King Alteon killed his father. He also states that the Chaos Drakath may have a similar power to his.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Lords of Order

The 13 Lords of Order (although we only see 6 of them) help Drakath fight off King Alteon. They were captured, but were freed by the Hero.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Mirror Cysero

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: He's Blue to Warlic's Red made even more confusing when he is wearing red while his personality is blue. He's also quite sane unlike his regular incarnation.

Mirror Warlic

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Mirror Zorbak

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Lycan Queen Safiria

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Our Werewolves Are Different: The werewolves of Lightovia are significantly different from those of Darkovia. For starters, they love silver.

King Alteon the Imbalanced's Faction

King Alteon the Imbalanced

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Undead Artix

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


Necromancer Trainers


Zorbak is the only ebil moglin of Lore, and is anything but cute. He doesn't really mind though. A powerful mage and necromancer, he has both helped and caused trouble for the heroes of Lore during his lifetime, mostly for his own amusement.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


Last seen in Dragon Fable, Sally returns as the Necromantress in the Tower of Necromancy. She raised Noxus from the dead and together with him created Vordred. As of the Doomwood Finale, she's planning on making Vordred even more powerful...

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Affably Evil: She's a little girl who likes flowers and dresses in pink, acts nice to you, and was the reason Vordred exists!
  • Blondes Are Evil
  • Creepy Child
  • Cute Witch: A necromancer who wears pink. Aww...
  • Dark Magical Girl
  • Dissonant Serenity: Can somehow explain that Vordred making everyone in the world undead like it was a a slumber party.
  • Freudian Excuse: She's just really lonely and is sad that she doesn't have any friends/any that she makes dies....
  • Girl in the Tower: You find her at the top of the Tower of Necromancy.
  • Girls Love Stuffed Animals: Has a pink teddy bear.
  • Heel Face Turn: Gravelyn has made her part of the Shadowscythe faction, instructing her to infuse Vordred with more doom.
  • I Just Want to Have Friends: That's really all she wants... unless she's thinking about destroying the world and making everyone undead.
  • Killer Rabbit: She may be a little girl, but she knows necromancy and was able to revive Noxus and create Vordred.
  • Suddenly Voiced: Is voiced by Kimberly (yes, that Kimberly) in the Tower of Necromancy and in the Arc Attack Live Event.

Other Trainers


The Berserker Trainer,

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


The Doom Knight Trainer,

Artix von Krieger The Champion of Darkness

The Paladin Trainer, He is the famous Paladin in all of the AE games, Artix arrives as the leader of paladins with his mighty axe, the Blinding Light of Destiny, and a thirst to vanquish all undead. In the AQ Worlds universe, however, as of the Doomwood saga, we find out that he is the Champion of Darkness, but has chosen to fight for the side of good and righteousness. His training under Lady Celestia at the Doomwood Temple was not as a Paladin, but as an Undead Slayer who uses the power of the Spirit Orbs that he frees from the undead to release them from their tormented existence and help them find peace in the afterlife.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • An Axe to Grind: The Blinding Light of Destiny
  • Anti-Anti-Christ
  • Big "What?": Screams this (along with the Hero) when he finds out he's the Champion of DARKNESS and not Light.
  • Black Knight: The black version of his action figure has black armor and in Gravelyn's Dream Artix dressed in Black Armor which foreshadows an event where Artix gains the armor
  • Expecting Someone Taller: Vordred is expecting Artix to be taller and with a deep voice
    • In Gravelyn's Doomwood Ending Gravelyn is also expecting the same thing
  • The Champion: To the side of good and in Doom Wood he is revealed to be The Champion of Darkness
  • Foreshadowing: Regarding Artix being the Champion of Darkness in Doomwood saga. To list: In the beginning, King Alteon doesn't want Artix to go near Doomwood fearing it might awaken his dark powers somehow. When meeting Sally in the Tower of Necromancy, she hinted that Artix was more than just a paladin and the key to Vordred's true invincibility. In Necro U, the lecturers mentioned the art of necromancy involving the Darkness Realm and trapping spirit orbs to reanimate the undead, meantime revealing Artix's axe having hosted multiple spirit orbs gained from slaying the undead. And finally, in the Temple of Doomwood, the Stone Paladin recalls Lady Celestia from Dragon Fable bringing in young Artix to the Paladin Order and his apparent inability to cast light spells as the Hero learns of elemental champions and Artix's "Paladin" abilities come from the spirit orbs from the undead he had slain.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: In the final cutscene of the second birthday event for Adventure Quest Worlds, Artix becomes jealous of the hero for defeating Undead Artix and not even taking him to fight him. To be fair, Artix couldn't fight Undead Artix anyway because if he went to the Mirror Realm he'd have to switch places with him.
  • Hidden Depths: First off, he is surrounded by spirit orbs that give him the equivalent of Paladin magic. Second, he can use it WITHOUT his special axe on him. Last but not least, he's actually very caring to the undead he releases and wishes them peace in the afterlife. This is the power and purpose of the Undead Slayer.
  • Heroic Dog: Daimyo, the Undead-slaying Pomeranian
  • I Am Who?: Learns the hard way about him not being the Champion of Light...
  • Idiot Hero: Like all other Paladins before him, he falls for the 'Your shoe is untied' ploy.
    • Which becomes a Brick Joke at the finale. When the hero says it, he's able to avoid it...cause the bottom half of him is wearing swimming trunks and no shoes!
  • Irony: He has two things that are ironic for him he is the Champion of Darkness and he slays dark based monsters and on the design notes he is promoting PaladinSlayer when he himself is on the Paladin Side.
  • It's All My Fault: The undead invasion that killed his family when he was young? Well, they were looking for him since he was sent from the darkness realm to be its champion!
  • Last of His Kind: thanks to PaladinSlayer Vordred turning almost every High Paladin into his undead minions, Artix has become his last target. Even if there were other paladins -- like Yara for instance -- they probably wouldn't be able to harness the same strength and power Artix has.
    • Then we find out that Artix is NOT a paladin, but an Undead Slayer due to him being the original Champion of Darkness.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: Oh yeah.
    • Obfuscating Stupidity: Despite all of this, he actually has greater knowledge of what is going on in Doomwood and seems to be kind to all of the undead spirits he frees.
  • Light'Em Up: Comes with this not because he's a Paladin but because he's an Undead Slayer.
  • Light Is Good
  • Meaningful Name: Krieger means Warrior in German
  • One-Winged Angel: Artix's shadow takes the form of a gigantic black dragon.
  • The Paladin: Probably the quintessential example in the Artix Entertainment universe.
    • But in this universe, he's said to not be able to cast paladin magic and his infamous Paladin axe is just a plain old battle axe.
    • Artix is actually an Undead Slayer in the AQ Worlds universe rather than a Paladin.
  • The Reveal: Vordred reveals during the final battle that Artix is the Champion of Darkness, and that he wants to take his place via Klingon Promotion. The undead invasion that claimed his family long ago were trying to reclaim him, and Lady Celestia made him an Undead Slayer.
  • Weapon of Choice: The Blinding Light of Destiny
  • Why Did It Have To Be Pink & Ponies?!: Yes, Artix is utterly terrified of the color pink. A fact Beleen teases him about whenever she gets the chance.
    • As of the latest design notes update, Artix reveals that he's now also afraid of ponies.


The Warrior/Warlord Trainer,

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


The Mage/Sorcerer Trainer,

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


The Healer/Acolyte Trainer,


The Rogue/Renegade Trainer,


The Ninja/Assassin Trainer,


The Dragonslayer Trainer, Galanoth is a legendary Dragonslayer who has slain many dragons in the land of Lore, including the Dragon of Time.

During the Etherstorm saga Galanoth was captured by As'iiur, the High Priest of the Air Dragon, and offered as a sacrifice to Desoloth. He was freed with the help of Ang'st and fought the powerful Desoloth one on one, but lost his right arm and almost his life as well. Warlic used all of his magical power in order to save Galanoth's life, but could not restore his arm without risking his existence.


The Star Lord Trainer,


The Dragon Lord Trainer,


The Guardian Trainer,

Dorian Mode

The Bard Trainer, and your general guide through Mythsong Valley.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


The Shaman Trainer, and master of Arcangrove's Tower of Magic, he helps the hero in his/her quest to complete the Supreme Arcane Staff and defeat Ledgermayne.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


The Ranger Trainer, He is a half-Sand Elven Ranger who was instrumental in the overthrow of Sek-Duat, who committed numerous crimes including the hunting of his people to extinction. In the Sandsea saga, he calls upon the hero to help him stop a renegade by the name of Zahart who has gotten his hands on a powerful Djinn by the name of Tibicenas.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • The Archer: One of the finest archers of all of Lore.
  • Does Not Like Shoes
  • Half-Human Hybrid: Zhoom's father was human, and his mother was the last of the Sand Elves, making him...
  • Last of His Kind: Zhoom is all that remains of the Sand Elven race destroyed by Sek-Duat.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Goody for Zhoom to destroy the ring Zahart used to control Tibicenas. Way to go for releasing Tibicenas to destroy the Sandsea!!
  • Offered the Crown: becomes ruler of Sandsea when the player gives him the crown, cause there's still a lot of threats to Lore they still have to fight off.
  • Pointy Ears: Comes with the territory for being a half-sand elf.


The Master Evolved Shaman Trainer, found in Battleon who is also a Class Dealer, eager to sell the hard-to-obtain classes for 2,000 ACs each.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


Werewolf King Constantin

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


The Werewolf Rep trader.

Old Werewolf King

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


Vampire Queen Safiria

The queen of the vampires of Darkovia, Safiria directs the efforts of her clan in trying to drive the Lycans out of her territory. She also appears in Mystcroft during Mogloween with the Cauldron Sisters.

She is one of the two forces responsible for first creating the creature known as Wolfwing.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: If Safiria gets really pissed, such as during your audience with her in Darkovia, she starts sporting a pair of these, which should be your cue to get out of there. Now.
  • Vampire Vords
  • Wicked Cultured: As expected of vampires, Safiria is very much this.


The Vampire Rep trader.


Edvard is one of Safiria's greatest warriors, a very sparkly vampire who frequently uses hair gel and arrogantly considers himself greater than Safiria herself.

He is the boss of the Vampire/Lycan War, who took up Wolfwing's offer to assassinate Safiria after his girlfriend Beulah left him for a werewolf, with hopes of turning the war between the two night-breeds into an even deadlier one so that neither of the clans can bother Wolfwing again. After being defeated, Edvard turned into a bat and flew away, his current fate unknown.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Vampire Lord Incubus

Incubus is the Vampire Lord that sought to take over Battleon during the close of 2010's Mogloween so that when Mystcroft vanished into the mists, Battleon would be taken with it. This plan was stopped with the Mogloween War.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Baron Luca

Another vampire encountered during the 2011 Mogloween event, Baron Luca is the ruler of a small village whose residents are being called away by the Pie of Rising Evil. Baron Luca does not take kindly to this and wants to take it out of Cysero's hide.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Lionfang Clan

Maximillian Lionfang

Maximillian Lionfang is a famous general for King Alteon, but didn't get the memo about the Truce between Good and Evil against Chaos. He has no respect for the Truce, and believes that Good and Evil can never coexist. During the Lionfang War, he captured all the heroes with intent to torture them into accepting his twisted outlook, holding them in a tower surrounded by a poisonous mist that kills any living creature that enters it. Empress Gravelyn turns the Heroes of Battleon undead so that they can get through the fog unharmed and battle his Golden Onslaught soldiers. When Lionfang finally falls, he is visited by Xing and Xang, who chaorrupt him.

In the 2010 Frostval event, Lionfang returns as a villain who is out to destroy Frostval, determined to make all of Lore suffer for "giving in to Evil." He traps the Spirit of Frostval in a snowglobe, threatening to break the globe and kill her. He then burns all the Frostval gifts and ultimately succeeds in breaking the globe, but as it turns out, the Spirit of Frostval cannot be destroyed so easily, and she wastes no time in restoring the gifts. Lionfang has since been remanded to Swordhaven Prison.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Xavier Lionfang

Maximilian Lionfang's younger brother, who turns out to be the "Silver Man" behind the poisoning plot against King Alteon.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


Xavier Lionfang's animal companion.



Vordred is one of the most powerful undead beings that Lore has ever seen. He is immune to light-based magic and has the ability to turn people undead using his dreaded Voiduminance Necrot-Morph spell, and has become known as the Paladin Slayer. He was created by Sally and Noxus with one simple goal: to become the Champion of the Elemental Plane of Darkness. But in order to do this, only one obstacle stands in his way: Artix, perhaps the most powerful paladin in all of Lore.

As it turns out, Vordred seeks to kill Artix because Artix is the original Champion of Darkness, and by slaying him, Vordred hopes to gain all his powers. During the final showdown, it is revealed that while Vordred's armor of skulls is indeed immune to light-based magic, his main body is not, and when Artix blasts away the armor of skulls using the spirit orbs of all of Vordred's victims, defeating him becomes possible by pinning down his Shadow form using Artix's own Shadow so that he can no longer regenerate. When Vordred finally falls, Drakath gives his skull to Sally, who vows to rebuild him and make him more powerful than he was before -- and in the second part of Doomwood II, she's done just that, using Drakath's Chaos power in order to resurrect him! Unfortunately, before he can finish off Artix, the Hero and Gravelyn, Gravelyn makes a final wish that brings her father, Sepulchure, back to unlife, and he wastes no time in utterly annihilating the chaotic undead abomination.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Bad with the Bone/BFS: His sword
  • Barbie Doll Anatomy: When his armor is destroyed he is shown to have no nipples and has no genitalia
  • The Dragon: To Sally and Noxus
  • Dual-Wielding: During the final showdown, Vordred wields both his big-ass sword and the Shadowreaper of Doom.
  • Full-Frontal Assault: In the last round of the Doomwood Finale, his armor is destroyed leaving his shadow-form completely revealed.
  • Going to Give It More Energy: Tried against Vordred in the Arc Attack event in hopes of giving him too much power to handle and destroying him. It doesn't work.
  • Knight of Cerebus: He fits this trope perfectly, seeing how he turns people undead with his signature Voiduminance Necrot-Morph spell, and with his complete monsterhood and his Nigh Invulnerability, not only is he most likely to be Dangerously Genre Savvy, but he's also the reason why the Doomwood saga is Darker and Edgier than the previous sagas before it, and is very competent compared to many of the previous foes the hero previously fought.
  • Mage Killer: He is the first PaladinSlayer.
  • Nigh Invulnerable: Paladin Magic is useless against him, and there doesn't seem to be a way to defeat him.
    • And thanks to the hero in the Arc Attack live event, he's even MORE POWERFUL. Nice Job Breaking It, Hero.
    • As it turns out, his Nigh Invulnerability is powered by his armor of skulls and his shadow. Only by destroying the armor with the spirit orbs of every undead Artix has slain and pinning down Vordred's shadow with Artix's shadow (a huge black dragon) are Artix and the Hero able to finally destroy him.
  • Won't Work On Me: Vordred's main schtick is being immune to light-based magic. But as it turns out only his armor of skulls is immune -- his main body is still as vulnerable as ever.
  • Nothing but Skulls: His Armor it later goes to extremes in The Doom Wood Final
  • Omnicidal Maniac: Vordred's ultimate goal is to become the Champion of Darkness and turn everyone in Lore undead.
  • Psycho Serum: Gets significant upgrades from Sally, getting infused with chaos and having more skulls added to his armor. But his intelligence seems to be significantly downgraded as a result, being unable to say anything other than "More Skulls".
  • The End - or Is It?:After he is defeated, Drakath gives his skull to Sally, who promises to make him more powerful than ever.
  • Shoulders of Doom
  • Spikes of Villainy
  • Suddenly Voiced: In the July 2011 Arc Attack event.
  • The Undead: And quite possibly the most powerful undead ever.
  • Villainous Breakdown: He gets even worse in Doomwood Part 2, and in said saga is only able to say "MORE SKULLS!" He gets even crazier when he is fully rebuilt as Chaos Vordred.


A powerful necromancer who was taken down by Artix and the heroes of Lore back in DragonFable, but was brought back as an Undead Lich thanks to Sally. She and Noxus created Vordred so he can become the Champion of Darkness. He was defeated in the Shadowfall War after briefly taking over Gravelyn's Shadowscythe Empire. His skull has been made into a weapon for Gravelyn by Cysero, and the rest of him is now the new body of Gravelyn's first undead minion Chuckles.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



A description of the character goes here.


A description of the character goes here.


A description of the character goes here.


A description of the character goes here.


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

General Porkon

General Porkon is the big boss of the Horc Fort, one of the early-level areas of the game.

Thrax Ironhide

Thrax is one of the tougher Horcs you will encounter, who primarily lives in the Marsh. He is the final test of a Warrior's skill in the quests given by Thok.

Elwood Bruise and Jake Bruise

Elwood and Jake Bruise are fought on the airship in Mythsong Canyon.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


At the start of the game he pretends to be the bookstore owner and hides the real owner, Maya, tied-up in a bush. He gives The Hero some quests until Maya is found, and then after a brief battle, he is defeated. The Hero's reward for defeating him is the Book of Lore.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



Oishii is an adorable Troll chef who you primarily meet during the Thanksgiving events.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


Samba is a Troll dancer first encountered in Bloodtusk Ravine, though she also shows up in the 2011 Thanksgiving event.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


An oracle just like her twin brother Krellenos. Unlike Krellenos, her prophecies are ignored while Krellenos is showered with praise.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


A description of the character goes here.


One of the oracles of the Trolls. Like his sister Khasaanda, he was blessed with the gift of Seeing the future. Unlike his sister, Krellenos was showered with praise. When Drakath made Krellenos his newest Chaos Lord, he used his reputation to hide in plain sight while spreading Chaos among the Horcs and Trolls of Bloodtusk Ravine, until he made the mistake of chaorrupting his little brother Antiphuus, which would turn his sister against him when she found out the truth about him.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


Leader of the Troll faction.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Upon finding out that the treatment Khasaanda took from him and the other Trolls led her to become the new Chaos Lord, he looks on in horror and disbelief.

Broc and Brody

Wedding Crashing Trolls

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



Hs'Sakar is the High Priest of the Prime Fire Dragon, who places you in charge of finding the new Prime Fire Dragon, Ssikari. He is the oldest and wisest of the four Dravix High Priests, and is their de facto leader.


As'iiur is the High Priest of the Prime Air Dragon, who places you in charge of destroying the Energy Tornado that is ripping his land apart. He is an able potionmaster and possesses much knowledge. He sides with Desoloth out of fear for the Dragons and tries to sacrifice Galanoth to him, but gives the Hero the power of Air. Desoloth kills As'iiur in ruthless fashion when his treachery against him is discovered, and Ang'st replaces him as the new High Priest.


Ang'st is As'iiur's apprentice in the magic of air, and hopes to be its custodian someday. Following As'iiur's death at the hands of Desoloth, Ang'st has become the new High Priest of the Prime Air Dragon.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


Omom is Ang'st's friend, a Wind Lemur who has been with him since he was a young one in the clutch. He cares for her, and she watches his back and plays "Catch the Tail" to lighten his mood. Omom is killed in a Kick the Dog moment by Desoloth just before the final showdown.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


Ll'rillor is the High Priest of the Prime Water Dragon, who oversees the ritual to protect the new Prime Dragons. Since As'iiur has betrayed the other three and Ang'st is rather inexperienced in wielding Air power, he has entrusted the Hero with the task of being the Air focus for the ritual in question.


Dr'Rader is the High Priest of the Prime Earth Dragon, who places you in charge of rescuing the new Prime Earth Dragon, Arradia, from Desoloth.

Ebil Corp

Chairmen Platinum

A description of the character goes here.

The Bunnypocalypse

Sleezter Bunny

Sleezter Bunny is Deady's archnemesis, who in the April 2012 Friday the 13th event is trying to unleash a Bunnypocalypse upon Lore.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

The Beastmaker of the Neverworld

The creator of Sleezter Bunny and a whole bunch of other horror movie matinee rejects, who has been trying to replace Deady for years. A bit less stupid than Sleezter Bunny and the true threat behind the Bunnypocalypse.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Other Heroes, Villains and Characters of Note


Maya is the real owner of Bookwyrms, who you meet in your introductory quest. Dogear has tied her up and hidden her in a bush while he eats her books. After rescuing her, she gives The Hero the Book of Lore.

David The Mad Green Inventor

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Animal Motifs: He at first did not know what motif he would be. He went from dog, vulture, alligator and then finally chose the Chicken.


A young moglin with a ribbon around his neck. Is known for his monstrous appetite for fish and ice cream.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Dr. Voltabolt

A mad scientist and dentist with a love of crazy machines. His plan during the Mogloween event was to turn candy sugar-free so that people's teeth wouldn't decay, which had the effect of making the Moglins go crazy and turn into Moglinsters.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

The Collector

The primary villain of the 3rd Birthday Event featuring They Might Be Giants. His business is collecting people with great destinies, and since he needs these people in "mint condition," he's not simply going to let them go. He travels dimensions using a special device called the Vigilette, which the Hero ultimately uses to mount a rescue of the others with him or her.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Affably Evil
  • Big Bad: of AdventureQuest Worlds 3rd Birthday
  • The Collector/Collector of the Strange: He collects people who have not finished their great destiny like Young Drakath, They Might Be Giants and The Hero.
  • Harmless Villain: The closest he got to hurting somebody was attemtping to have his Doppelgangers of They drain the life force of the Johns. Other than that, he doesn't seem to be able to do anything other than collect people from different time periods, though.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: He thinks of collecting people as rares and after the final battle with him, he ends up as a collectable for an even bigger Collector, and since he no longer has the Vigilette, he can't escape his case.
  • Poke the Poodle: Kidnaps different people, especially heroes, from different time periods as a means of collecting them and keeps them inside spherical glass cases made just for them. And for that? He ends up as a collectible for an even BIGGER collector, and is unable to escape the case due to not having the Vigilette anymore.

Queen Aisha

A villain of the Northlands, Aisha is a half ice elf and half dragon who commands a powerful ice dragon. The Hero and Nythera battle her during the Northland storyline.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


An evil mummy who has ruled the Sandsea for over a millennium, and was responsible for hunting Zhoom's people, the Sand Elves, to extinction.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


An insane pyromancer who kidnaps The AdventureQuest Worlds Hero with a very cunning trap. He has confused the AdventureQuest Worlds Hero with the DragonFable Hero, and he won't listen to reason.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


A benevolent genie who the Hero and Zhoom free from a magic lamp, he grants him wishes to stop Tibicenas. Unfortunately, despite being a genie, he couldn't stand up to Tibicenas.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

The Efreet

The ruler of all Djinn in the Djinn Realm, The Efreet is the one who cast out Tibicenas long ago.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


Last seen in Dragon Fable, Vayle first appears to free the hero from Vordred's spell, then after helping him/her put Artix in Lightguard Keep's prison, sends him/her to travel across Doomwood learning information on both Artix and Vordred.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Necromantress
  • Necromantic: Vayle's primary reason for becoming a Necromantress was to find a way to bring her brother back.
  • Revenge: She's really pissed at Artix for killing her brother Edward in Dragon Fable.
  • Redemption Rejection: And even when Artix lets the two siblings reunite, she's STILL mad because Artix ruined an entire lifetime of necromancy that she devoted to trying to bring him back, and that the next time they meet, it will be as mortal enemies. Ouch.
  • The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Towards Artix in the Doomwood saga.


A Dravix and faithful servant to Desoloth, who opens the 11-11-11 portal seeking help to free him before he is sealed away forever which in what he says to everyone could doom all of the elements of Lore. In truth he wants to free him so his master can devour the elements themselves.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


Nulgath is a fiend of the Underworld and a General of the Abyss. He rules the hidden realm known as Tercessuinotlim.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


J6 is a thief and bounty hunter who carries out daring heists.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Badass: he is even shown to be more Badass in one of the cutscenes in Mission 5 of The VR Room
  • Bounty Hunter
  • Cool Helmet/Cool Mask
  • Cool Ship: The Hyperium
  • Cyborg
  • Expy/Shout-Out: of Boba Fett from Star Wars.
  • The Gunslinger: Probably the only AQW character to make extensive use of guns.
  • Losing Your Head: J6 is taken apart by a shipwreck in the beginning of the 2012 Hero's Heart Day event, but being a cyborg/android, his head is still functional, and is eventually used by the Hero to smuggle Moore/Romeo's spirit out of the Underworld so that he and Jeluti/Juliet can be together.
  • Suddenly Voiced: Is voiced in the February 2012 Hero's Heart Day Event.


The Grim Reaper and the guardian of the Underworld

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

The Desterrat Moya

The Desterrat Moya is a powerful ancient evil from a time long before Lore's current pantheon. It clashed against gods and lost, and was sealed into its own dimension. But undead minions all across Lore worship him as a deity, seeking to be freed from their necromantic masters. This worship has given the Moya strength enough to breach a hole between its own dimension and the world of Lore, and now Knave1, King Alteon's personal Undead Slayer, needs your help to seal him back into his home dimension.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Cross Over



Ethan is a game fanatic, a recovering Everquest addict, and an amateur artist. His often nonsensical, off-beat, or even moronic antics are the focus of the comic and the source of many of its plotlines. Ethan currently owns GameHaven, a video game store. Ethan is also described as the creator of Winter-een-mas, a seven-day celebration of video games, and founder of the Church of Gaming.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


Lucas is a year older than Ethan. He is portrayed as more level-headed and down to earth than Ethan. Cynical and sarcastic, Lucas is something of a slacker, prepared to enjoy a good video game over actual work. Lucas is a programmer and previously worked at a computer store, where he offered technical assistance. More recently, he left to work for Ethan at Game Haven as an assistant manager


Lilah defied Ethan's preconceived notion that girls (or at least, cute ones) don't play video games, after which they began dating. Lilah is the same age as Ethan and formerly worked as a secretary, but has been competing in tournaments as a professional gamer.


Formerly known as the "Xbot", Zeke is a creation of Ethan

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Role Playing Game

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Romeo and Juliet

The primary characters of the AQW Hero's Heart Day 2012 event. A pair of Star-Crossed Lovers (the original ones, in fact) who were kept apart in life by the hatred of their families for each other, they are further grieved to learn that they are being kept apart even in death by the dying curse of Mercutio, Romeo's friend of the time. This forced separation has split the Underworld in two, which has Death, the guardian of the Underworld, very annoyed. With the help of Mia the Mer'Angel and everyone's favorite bounty hunter J6, the Hero must find a way to reunite these two lovers, in life or in death.


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

The Magic Thief


A description of the character goes here.


A description of the character goes here.


A description of the character goes here.

Duchess Willa

A description of the character goes here.


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Guest Stars

One Eyed Doll


The lead guitarist and singer of One Eyed Doll, Kimberly is known for being hyperactive, energetic and all around crazy. She first shows up in the finale of the Mythsong saga, where she's revealed to be the real Chaos Lord of the storyline. She's also seen in the July 2010 Friday the 13th Event featuring George Lowe and is somehow the voice actor for Sally in the Doomwood saga.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


A description of the character goes here.

Mr. Socks

A description of the character goes here.

Paul and Storm

A band that travels the dimensions setting up shows and occasionally helping people. They're the ones who originally summon the Hero to the Mirror Realm in the 2nd Anniversary Event.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



A very important factor in the band, he takes all of the electricity made by the giant tesla coils and amazes everyone by how he's not fazed by it.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Badass: In Real Life, he's getting blasted in the face with electricity.
  • The Blank: Justified that he's wearing a special suit that's making sure he doesn't die from 2,000,000 volts of electricity.


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

King Beat

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

They Might Be Giants

John F

Along with John L, he makes up one-half of the duo "They Might Be Giants". He was taken by the Collector before his destiny to become a famous rock group, and his voice was altered due to surgery.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

John L

Along with John F, he makes up the one-half of the duo "They Might Be Giants". He was taken by the Collector before his destiny to become a famous rock group, and has his vocal cords surgically altered, hence his weird voice.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Other Guest Stars


A famous musician who's known for coming to Battleon once every Friday the 13th. Every time he appears, it seems as if undead and other abnormalities follow him around. Starting with the May 2011 Friday the 13th Event, he carries around a special weapon known as the Vorutanian Key Blade.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Badass:
  • Breakout Character: He's become the face of the Friday the 13th events for the Artix Entertainment games to the point that he has his own card in the Battleon Battle Card Came.
  • Continuity Nod: He mentions some of the past Friday the 13th exploits during the January 2012 one ranging from fighting aliens and undead.
    • In the April 2012 Event, he and Deady have the Unicorn Rider badges pinned on them.
  • Cool Unicorn: A badass-looking black unicorn with flaming hoofs, as of the first 2012 Friday the 13th event.
  • Goth
  • Nice Hat: Has three versions: Regular Top Hat, Flaming Top Hat, and Horned Top Hat.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: Somehow beating the one-armed bandit by himself in May 2011's Friday the 13th event.
  • Punny Name: Vorutanian is based on the Japanese way of saying his name.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Tried this in the January 2012 event when he hears the threat was a Robot Girl...until the Hero mentions that she shoots missiles.
  • Thirteen Is Unlucky: Comes every Friday the 13th, but the only time something bad happened to him was him being cursed by the Cursed Guitar of Skull Punch Island in the first event.
  • Weapon of Choice: Starts wielding the Vorutanian Key Blade since he obtained it in May 2011's Friday the 13th event.


Deady is Voltaire's evil extraterrestrial friend who usually takes the form of a teddy bear. In the last 2011 Friday the 13th event, he was revealed to be a native of the planet of Necronus by the name of Urkor Malravenus, and took on his true form to battle the leader of the aliens invading Lore while the Hero fought Yahorneth.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Ayi Jihu

A famous Chinese singer who comes during the special April 2011 Fear Chaser event. She needs the Hero--and Twilly's--help to fight the manifestations of the fears of Heights, Darkness and Death in addition to Fear Itself.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Deadpan Snarker: Sometimes dips into this.
  • In a Single Bound: She's able to jump as high as the Manifestation of Heights is tall, and can jump from tree top to tree top.
  • I See Fear: As the Fear Chaser, she's able to see everyone's fear...except the Hero's for some reason.
  • Magic Meteor: She states that she got her power after being hit by one of these. The Hero then lampshades how crazy it sounds.


A rising star on Youtube who's known as the "Unicorn Crooner", he helps out in the January 2012 Friday the 13th Event by helping tame what would eventually become Voltaire's flaming black unicorn.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Camp Straight
  • The Beast Master: Can tame unicorns.
  • Butt Monkey: Deady sees him as a target for slapstick. (Knocked him unconscious, stomped on his left foot and rode him down the volcano following Voltaire on his newfound unicorn.)
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Both his song and his title as the Unicorn Crooner.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: The Unicorn Crooner, and Andrew's famous song is known as Pink Unicorns Dancing On Rainbows.
  • Robosexual: At the end of the January 2012 Friday the 13th event, he proves to be quite taken with Amira 2.0, and is definitely a better match for her than the Jerkass King.

Mia J. Park

A rising star in Australia, she's a Mer'angel in the February 2012 Hero's Hearts Day event. She lures sailors to her so they could help reunite the cursed lovers Jeluti and Moore.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Member Only Characters


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Dead Little Sister: Of Captain Stratos.
  • Disney Villain Death: Though she's clearly not a villain, she was killed by the Master by being pushed off a cliff into the ocean by him.
  • One Steve Limit: There is a princess named Tera who's name sounds like her but with one R instead of a double R


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Duke Ellington

A description of the character goes here.

Capt. 000000Beard

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include: