Alex Jones: Difference between revisions

work->creator, creatortropes
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Texan radio host and [[Conspiracy Theorist]], Alex Jones is an ultra-conservative/ libertarian who purports that the elite is plotting to kill us all [[Twenty Minutes Into the Future|any minute now]] via vaccines, food, fluoride and [[Everything Trying to Kill You|pretty much everything, really]]. He's also the guy who snuck into Bohemian Grove and took video, which he claims shows the world Elite about to [[Did Not Do the Research|sacrifice a baby to Molech]]. He's also a 9/11 truther who, if you believe everything he's said over the years, believes that the US military trained the pilots who crashed the planes into the Twin Towers ''and'' that the planes weren't real.
=== Tropes applicable to Jones and/or his conspiracy theories: ===
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "You can't make this up, people!"
* [[Conspiracy Theorist]]: A rather famous one.
* [[Media Research Failure]]: His "review" of the film ''[[Watchmen (film)|Watchmen]]''.
* [[Did Not Do the Research]]: He claims that the guys at Bohemian Grove were sacrificing a baby to the god Molech. The statue which he claims represents Molech is an owl. Molech is a man with the head of a bull, and the "baby" is an effigy which is supposed to represent the "dull cares of conscience."
* [[Everything Trying to Kill You]]: Alex thinks that just about ''everything'' is part of a massive global conspiracy by the Elite to kill off the little people.
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* [[Kill'Em All]]: The goal of the Elite, according to Alex.
* [[Large Ham]]: So much that fellow ham [[Cenk Uygur]] was amused at his behavior.
* [[Media Research Failure]]: His "review" of the film ''[[Watchmen (film)|Watchmen]]''.
* [[Stealth Parody]]: Possibly used against him in the rotoscoped film ''[[Waking Life]]''. In it, he is shown yelling one of his monologues over a car loudspeaker, while the animation slowly increases his skin hue to brighter, darker shades of red. This could just be a simple exaggeration used in many pieces of animation, or a reference to the ''imprisoned psychopath'' who is shown in the same way earlier in the movie while he loudly and publicly devises the ''most harmful and painful way to kill the people who got him into prison in the first place''.
* [[We ARE Struggling Together!]]: An attempted collaboration with fellow conspiracy loony Jeff Rense resulted in a very vicious falling out between the two, mainly because both of them suspected the other of being a double agent for the 'other side'.