Alexander the Great: Difference between revisions

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* [[Handicapped Badass]]: Possibly - it's often claimed that he had epilepsy, but the actual evidence of this is doubtful.
* [[Heroic BSOD]]: In 324BC, Hephaestion was struck with prolonged fever. When it seemed he had finally recovered and was out of danger, Alexander left to watch the festival games. His companion relapsed suddenly and Alexander was unable to return in time before he died. The loss of his lifelong friend plunged the young king into profound mourning that lasted until his own death, eight months later.
{{quote| <small> "''He flung himself on the body of his friend and lay there nearly all day long in tears, and refused to be parted from him until he was dragged away by force by his Companions''" - [http://en.[ |Arrian]] </small>}}
** Toyed with in the film. In the Hindu Kush battle, Alexander is pierced with an arrow as is Bucephalus with a spear. After falling to the ground, he reopens his eyes and all the scenery is cast in shades of fuschia and red. Would this be an Heroic RSOD?
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: What a lot of people like to think he and Hepheastion were. Whether this was true, or that they were lovers is up for debate, but the latter is very likely.
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* [[History Marches On]]: Perhaps the [[Trope Codifier]], as historians change their minds about him more often than the seasons.
* [[Honor Before Reason]]: At the battle of Gaugamela he refused to make a night attack because it was undignified. Though [ as Arrian pointed out (it's 3(10))], this might have actually been both more honorable ''and'' more practical solution.
* [[I Fight for The Strongest Side]]: Several Persian commanders, such as [http://en.[ |Mazaeus]] and [http[wikipedia:// |Atropates]], decided to switch sides and join Alexander in the months following his victory in the battle of Gaugamela. Some of these Persians eventually became satraps in Alexander's new empire. Similarly, [http://en.[ Porus|Indian king Porus]] became Alexander's ally after Alexander defeated him in the battle of the Hydaspes River.
* [[Idiot Ball]]: His arrogance could cause him to carry it at times. Prime example when he choose to cross Gedrosia instead of picking an easier route leading troops home, causing the deaths of more soldiers than any of his battles ever did thanks to dehydration, starvation, disease, and flash flood.
** Some historians believe that this was intentional, out of anger at his troops questioning his desire to advance further into India. Even after being convinced to return home, this interpretation suggests that his infamous temper led him to punish his men for questioning him by taking the hardest possible route.
* [[Invincible Hero]]: At least until [[Too Cool to Live|he died]].
* [[Kill It With Fire]]
* [[Like Father, Like Son]]: Alexander had a wilder streak then Phillip. But, yeah.
* [[Noble Savage]]: Some say just savage.
* [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]]: Macedonians
* [[Pyrrhic Victory]]: Alexander's Indian campaign resulted in the conquest of only a small part of India, at the price of great losses and leaving the surviving soldiers so exhausted that they refused to advance any further. And as soon as Alexander's main army moved west, Indians started to revolt against Macedonians, who were forced to retreat from some part of India (including the Indus River Delta) even before Alexander's death.
* [[Short Lived Big Impact]]: The man died at just 32, having spent almost half his life conquering everything in sight.
* [[Succession Crisis]]: The events of over 40 years following Alexander's death. Only after the death of [http://en.[ I Nicator|King Seleucus I]] in 281 BC the relatively long-lasting division of the Alexander's empire between Antigonids ruling in Macedonia, Seleucids ruling in Asia and Ptolemies ruling in Egypt crystalized.
* [[Take Over the World]]: After finishing the conquest of Persia he wanted to conquer India as well. At the time of his death he was planning the conquest of Arabian Peninsula, Carthage and Western Europe, including [[The Roman Republic]].
** Was apparently planning the conquest. All of this comes from one document after he died that was released by someone of suspect honesty to begin with.
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