Alice in Wonderland/WMG: Difference between revisions

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** Cats evolved to catch and eat mice. To do this, they had to be able to go where the mice do. So, cats can freely enter and exit hyperspace; but, since they are of native Earth stock, doing this drives them insane. Not too insane to function, mind you, but insane.
*** Can someone explain to me why that's not canon? Seriously, it's awesome.
** [[Coraline (Filmanimation)|My God, it's true!]]
== Everyone is high ==
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* I always figured it was lead poisoning, though I'm not sure why a hatter would have come in contact with a significant amount of lead over the average person of his time and place. Perhaps Alice had heard the phrase, but was confused as to what ''kind'' of madness would result from mercury poisoning, and her misconception shaped that corner of Wonderland as it did other places, and behind the looking glass? (If you're talking about Tim Burton's Hatter, yeah, that's the intent.)
== The Mad Hatter is [[Charlie and Thethe Chocolate Factory|Willy Wonka's]] [[I Am Your Father|real father]]. ==
...It could happen.
* Going by Tim Burton continuity, Willy did seem to be very estranged from the man who claimed to be his father. And since he and the Hatter are both played by [[Johnny Depp]], it does seem to add up, doesn't it?
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== The Mad Hatter IS Willy Wonka ==
* He found a way to build a factory that physically existed in Wonderland, but had a portal there in the form of a mysterious factory in Germany.
** But their personalities are completely different! The Hatter is a demented loon, while Wonka is an eccentric genius.
*** OR, he was Willy Wonka first, but when he lost his [[Nice Hat|awesome hat]] he couldn't find any more in the style he liked...SO he went into hat making, as well as continuing to make chocolate. The mercury started to affect his brain and he started to go wilder and wilder with his chocolate experiments, until he punched a hole between dimensions. Travelling through this sent him back in time (to the Victorian era), and made him younger (hence how he was able to be a younger version of himself in the flashback).
*** Also, Wonka is an eccentric genius; the Hatter is a demented loon AND an eccentric genius.
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== Alice fell down the rabbit hole and broke her neck, and the whole book from then on was her [[Dying Dream]] ==.
Gotta get these DD-WMG's in there somehow.
** [[PansPan's Labyrinth|No wait, that's a different movie. It wasn't this one, but it was similar.]]
* How do you explain ''Through the Looking Glass'' then?
** She got better, then smashed the looking glass with her face because she couldn't stand looking at her shriveled, wheelchair-bound body, and ''Through The Looking Glass'' was her <s> [[Dying Dream]]</s> Near-Death Experience as she bled to death. The focus on strategy and chess themes instead of lunacy and card themes is because she learned how to play chess to pass the time because she couldn't go out and play tag or hide and seek or any of the other games the kids her age played.
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* The higher the fewer!
* 42.
* Look out! She's [[Incredibly Lame Pun|RAVEN]] mad! - The March Hare, [[Alice in Wonderland (Disney film)|Disney edition]]
== Alice's "Dreams" are drug induced ==
With all the crazy things she's dreamed of, they can't be just normal dreams of any sane person. No, you'd have to be on some serious crack for those sort of hallucinations. In the first book, when she goes to Wonderland, what really happened was Alice had been running through a field of poppies before she tripped. Being only a child during this time, she most likely wouldn't have known that opium came from poppies thus was contently breathing in the scent before it started to take effect. She fell over in the field and her "dream" of Wonderland was only her hallucinating from the opium. In the next book, we don't necessarily see what Alice had been doing before she was playing with her cats. And after the first opium incident, one can assume that by now she's most likely an addict on the stuff and regular goes off to indulge in opium when no one is looking. So before playing with her cats she was already highly drugged up and just waiting to collapse in a slumber of a drug induced state. This of course led to another string of hallucinations.
* However, children are perfectly capable of coming up with some of the most messed up and freakish ideas, especially in dreams, while being completely free of drugs.
* Also, I don't think simply breathing in poppies would get you that ridiculously high. She would have had to be smoking some really hard core stuff to have a trip like that. I'm still for the dream theory.
== The Duchess is the Queen of Hearts' mother. ==
I think in the Annotated Alice, Martin Gardner mentioned that their relationship may have been a parody of Queen Victoria's with her own mother. So, perhaps the reason for their hatred of each other was because the Duchess tried to control her daughter or tried to prevent her from taking over Wonderland?
== The Cheshire Cat is the only sane character there. Or is he? ==
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== Wonderland is Faery and all its inhabitants are [[The Fair Folk]] ==
Those of you who are hardcore Carrollians are probably aware of the fact that while a devout Christian, Dodgson also had an interest in the paranormal. Therefore, he may have heard about Faery and the Fair Folk (though this is unlikely, seeing what the Fairies- noute the spelling -in ''Sylvie and Bruno'' are supposed to be like). Anyway, you have to admit that the way some of the characters Alice encounters possess elements of a [[Blue and Orange Morality]]. And could cheshire-puss be a Cait Sidhe (Irish for "faery cat")? Also note the whole idea of time having stopped during the March Hare's tea-party. According to most legends, time stops in Tir na n'Og.
== Wonderland is our afterlife. ==
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As a kid, she used the [[Wounded Gazelle Gambit]] and tearful eyes to get everything she wanted and blame it on her aggressive older sister (she probably tortured animals too, hence her vow). However, White eventually grew out of it and matured while Red held on to the grudge and [[It Got Worse|got worse]], which cost her the kingdom of Underland.
* An alternative version of mine was that she is a reincarnation of the [[Narnia|White Witch]] and at first was indeed [[Light Is Not Good|evil]] if not outright tyrannical, but changed prior to the Red Queen's own tyrannical turn, maybe because she knew she would invade years to come and "played nice" to give a good impression. Now that the Red Queen is out of the way the White Queen can show how she really is...
** So I'm not the only person who feared White was a [[Villain Withwith Good Publicity]]!
* Whilst both Iracebeth and Mirana were bad, because Mirana was a lot more manipulative and Iracebeth was a [[Understatement|little less subtle]] about it, Mirana got the crown and Iracebeth went completely batshit, killing their parents and going on a [[Unstoppable Rage|murderous rampage]]. Mirana - who still had a bit of good in her, or who had started to [[Become The Mask]] - realised that this was what she might have become, and hid the darkness away. She surrounded herself with sweetness and light and did her best to convince everyone and herself that she was as far from her sister as possible.
** Supported by Anne Hathaway, the actress who plays her, who described the White Queen as being just as insane as the Red Queen but pointed in a different direction. Her dark fingernails, lips and eyes are meant to be a visual hint that, despite all the pure white clothes and smiles, there's still darkness in there.
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== Tim Burton is a macrophile ==
Why else would someone include full clothes ripping, complete with nudity, in an Alice in Wonderland movie MADE BY DISNEY?
* If a Tim Burton movie doesn't have at least one bit of [[Fetish Fuel]] in it, something's gone wrong. ''[[Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (Filmfilm)|Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street]]'' gave some ladies a blade fetish. Sleepy Hollow? ''Fainting'', I believe. Somebody who saw [[Batman (Filmfilm)|Batman]] no doubt likes the idea of doin' it upside down and/or dominant men in black leather.
* While there is the fetish aspect, there's also the basic freaking logic behind it. You know, like the fact that clothes don't normally shrink and expand?
** Some of her clothes (the under-dress, or whatever that green thing was) do stretch and contract to fit anywhere from a six- or eight-inch tall woman (loosely) or an eighteen-to-twenty-foot woman (stretched quite thin), at least before it was altered significantly to fit her two-ish inch tall form, so logic doesn't seem to be that integral to it (aside from this being Wonder- freaking -land, of course, to adopt the precedented emphasis).
* If Tim Burton has a fetish for anything, it's seeing his disproportionately attractive girlfriends with guys much hotter than he is.
== Alice goes to China but decides not to import... [[This Is Your Premise Onon Drugs|whatever it is her company imports]] because she is enamored with Kung Fu. ==
Not a lot of "sane" Englishwomen would want to learn martial arts, would they? And then [[Pride and Prejudice And Zombies|the "unmentionables"]] start showing up...
* [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot| that's a sequel I WANT to see!]]
== She never makes it to China. The sequel is just a gender-reversed version of [[GulliversGulliver's Travels]] ==
See? I told you Burton was a macrophile!
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== Underland is a region bordering [[Neverwhere|London Below]]. ==
The time compression differs (one has a nearly 1:1 ratio with England Above, one... doesn't), but the [[Unperson|UnPersoning]] is still linked to the amount of "outside" time that passes. Underland is likely a [[Discworld (Literature)|high-magic zone]], as opposed to London Below which has little more than that which is sustained by its inhabitants, hence the increased strangeness and temporo-spatial differences. The Looking-Glass World near Underland is only accessible by someone who has been to England Below prior to finding one of the portal mirrors, and the [[Unperson]] Effect of the Looking Glass world is much more pronounced. Perhaps the chaos level of the Looking-Glass World is due to a higher level of background magic than London Below, but a lower level than Underland?
== The White Knight lives. ==
After he was seemingly killed in the flashback, he retired from his place as champion and gave up his title due to the shame of losing {{spoiler|the vorpal sword}}. He then moved to a nearby area of the White Queen's domain as the appointed Gatekeeper, went quietly senile (possibly ''before'' his appointment as Gatekeeper), and designed a suit of armor made from pots and pans before having an escalating war with his next-door neighbor.
** [[Monty Python and Thethe Holy Grail|"It's only a flesh wound."]]
== The Queen of Hearts is the Red Queen's sister or half-sister, as well as the White Queen's. ==
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*** Really now? She's only 19, unless your saying she was a stripper WHEN SHE WAS 18 OR LESS. I don't even think that was legal back then. [[Captain Obvious|Or now.]]
**** No, just saying that [[Stylistic Suck|her version]] was a dance back then, though qualifying that it was only for certain contexts rather than general partying. She never learned how to breakdance.
*** Her version was exactly the same but just with the nonsensical leg movements. Or did the Victorians learn to move their legs and twist their ankles like that without [[The Wonderland|Under]][[World of Chaos|land]]?
== The White Queen and King of Hearts were having an affair. ==
You heard Her Majesty yourself, "[[Off Withwith His Head|Had too,]] he would have left me." Plus Whitey can make anyone fall in love with her, including men, [[Even the Girls Want Her|woman,]] [[Cargo Ship|furniture,]]. Since Whitey stole her husband Red used the Jabberwocky to steal her kingdom.
* What a bitch<ref>The White Queen, that is</ref>.
** [[Umineko no Naku Koro Ni (Visual Novel)ni|Furniture cannot love.]] [[Im A Real Boy|When they feel love, they are no longer furniture.]]
== The White Queen is the reason her sister is such a bloody big head. ==
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== Not only is this not the first time Alice has been to Underland, it's not the second, either... and it won't be the last. ==
Alice's recurring dreams were actually repeated visits there, each time instigating a change in power from one Queen to the other. When Alice says that she'll come back and the Hatter protests that she won't remember, he is speaking from experience: she never does. The cycle simply repeats itself, varying mostly in the details and in how much farther Underland has fallen from the cleaner, prettier, more idyllic version that she visited the first time.
* OMG! That makes sense!
* My personal headcanon always was that the first book ''was'' Alice's first trip to Wonderland--but she went back many more times after that, and by the time ''Through The Looking Glass'' rolled around (six months later) she had gotten used to it, explaining why she's much more [[Genre Savvy]] and chill about being in a dream world by that time.
== On her trading voyages she will meet a girl with a similar experience to hers. ==
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* Each world has a protector. A maiden of the purest heart. A Princess of Heart. Neverland has one. Wonderland has one. Together, these worlds form a magical universe known only as...[[Kingdom Hearts]]
* Somebody fanfic this!
** [[Alan Moore|Done]] [[Be Careful What You Wish For|and]] [[Lost Girls (Comic Bookcomics)|done]].
** Done with [[The Wizard of Oz (Filmfilm)|Dorothy]] [[Cheshire Crossing|here]].
== Alice can travel between worlds/dreams which is why "Underland" is falling apart. ==
The books actually happened: Alice traveled to Wonderland then later through the looking glass, unfortunately as she was a little girl and unaware of her powers she left travel "holes" in the fabric between worlds that allowed things to slip through (which is why she still had dreams about what was happening in the places without going there).
It was through these holes that The Red Queen arrived in Wonderland, an act that created further cracks inbetween the worlds that deepened the moment she defeated and merged with The Queen of Hearts (see previous WMG).
While the fusing of Red and Heart made the complete fixing of the worlds impossible, they would have still stayed two different places and been fairly okay had The Red Queen not, in a fit of paranoia, killed The Red King. As The King was the Dreamer of the Dream (as suggested in Through the Looking Glass) and the only one who could thus keep order his death caused the two worlds to ''smash'' together rearranging themselves into the "Underland" that Alice falls into in the film.
This warped and slowing shattering world can not be saved, everything Alice did will not heal the cracks. Hatter being both mad and the only one to be given the idea of being a dream is aware of the cracks and the fact that once Alice leaves the world is doomed.
The Butterfly coming through to our world was the last straw that made the whole thing collapse.
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** Alice first entered Wonderland when she was about 6. The movie states that it takes place 13 years later, when Alice is 19. During this 13 year time difference, the White Rabbit could've brought back the "Alices" from the song while trying to find the right one. They were all wrong, and were thus unfit to survive in Wonderland. Going a bit further with this theory, the Third Alice temporarily overthrew the Red Queen, but soon became corrupt. Either the Red Queen somehow reclaimed her throne, or the Red Queen in the movie is the Third Alice in disguise. As for the others, I'm not sure.
== Neither the Red Queen nor the White Queen are truly good nor evil. Instead, each is one of the [[Changeling: The Lost (Tabletop Game)|True Fae]], and their battle is just one more campaign for the Title of Queen of the Underland. ==
The various armored knights, talking animals, etc. are Changelings, Wisps, or Hobgoblins.
== Alice is a nudist at heart. ==
I couldntcouldn't help but think she was a little totoo calm and collected when she grew out of her clothes in front of the queen and her people. and when you think at both her free spirited/defiant nature towards things sociably acceptable (especially her refusal to wear certain proper formal wear to the party) it would make sense.
== Wonderland is [[The Neverending Story (Filmfilm)|The Neverending Story]] and Alice can get there by dreaming ==
Explains itself. White Queen= Childlike Empress, Red Queen= Xayide.
== The Mad Hatter's whole family is dead. ==
In the Hatter's flashback, he says something like, "It was tradition for the Hightopp clan to be employed in the court." In the middle of the Jabberwocky attack, there's a girl who falls to the ground and looks up at the Jabberwocky. {{[[YMMV}}]], but this troper thinks the girl bears some resemblance to the Mad Hatter. Sister? Cousin?
Think about it. Not everyone was lucky enough to escape.
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