Alien Arts Are Appreciated: Difference between revisions

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* In ''[[Homestuck]]'', Karkat, who typically [[Cultural Posturing|derides human culture as primitive and simplistic]], considers ''[[Serendipity]]'' one of his favourite movies, partially because of its resonance with troll ideals of [[One True Pairing|romantic destiny]], and partially because he has [[Guilty Pleasures|pretty bad taste in movies]].
* [[Kevin and Kell]] plays this straight, with canines having a scented candle novelization.
* In ''[[Schlock Mercenary]]'' occasionally drops bits like ''[[The Cat in the Hat]]'' being [// popular] among the Uuplechans, or an Unioc [[Police Procedural]] [// well known] among the humans.
an Unioc [[Police Procedural]] [// well known] among the humans.
== Western Animation ==