All-Star Batman and Robin The Boy Wonder/WMG: Difference between revisions

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* Brave and the Bold Batman would be a good good batman.
== Crazy Steve is [[Batman Beyond (Animation)|Mad Stan's dad]]. ==
What? You know it makes sense!
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He was so disgusted by the [[The Dark Age of Comic Books|Dark Age]] turning into a [[Dork Age]] that, somewhere along the line, probably when he was writing the Dark Knight Strikes Again, he decided to relentlessly parody the worst aspects of modern comics, while never letting on that he's writing parodies just to see how seriously people take it.
Alternatively, he was so disgusted by the [[Dork Age]] that he decided to always [[What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made Onon Drugs?|take large amounts of drugs before sitting down to write comic books]].
== Eventually all comics will be like All-Star Batman and Robin and The Dark Knight Strikes Again. ==
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This would explain SO much.
== Frank Miller is trying to make a [[Shout -Out]] to the [[The Golden Age of Comic Books|Golden Age]], but has failed miserably. ==
This primordial, psychotic version of Batman seems to hearken back to the days when he actually killed people (and showed little remorse for doing so), and the grim, scowling Joker is just how Miller chooses to reference the character's original debut, in which he had absolutely no sense of humor whatsoever. It's heavy-handed, true, and it may just seem to be a decidedly lame re-hash of ''Sin'' ''City'', but this can be chalked down to Miller's [[Creator Breakdown|long, slow decay as a talented writer]].
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== Batman Was Abused By His Mom ==
Bear in mind, most of my knowledge of ASBAR comes from [[Atop the Fourth Wall (Web Video)|Linkara's]] eloquent dissertations on the subject; but when the line ''"I touched my mother's breast. It bled on me."'' came up, and Linkara pointed out the [[Unfortunate Implications|incestuous implications]] of the wording, it occurred to me: this explains everything.
This universe's Martha Wayne sexually abused her son, causing severe psychological damage and impaired/skewed concepts regarding love, sex, and appropriate/inappropriate behavior that ultimately resulted in him kidnapping and terrorizing a vulnerable, underage boy and initially trying to force him to live off of rats in a cave, against his will, for no other given reason than "Because ''I'' did it." Bruce is genuinely messed up.
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