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Here at [[TV Tropes]]{{SITENAME}}, there are a lot of tropers, and a lot of tropes. As a result, [[In -Joke|In Jokes]]s arise, and Tropes about Tropes begin to form.
Here at [[TV Tropes]], there are a lot of tropers, and a lot of tropes. As a result, [[In Joke|In Jokes]] arise, and Tropes about Tropes begin to form.
As a result, certain words, terms, and patterns come to carry implications when used in the names of tropes. When creating a new trope, one must consider whether the resulting trope name invokes such implications. Sometimes, use of these words in other contexts is justified, while in others, it only causes confusion, in which case changing the trope name to remove the [[Loaded Trope Word]] may be preferable. When used intentionally where not appropriate, these can become problematic [[Snowclones]].
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=== Wordplay ===
* '''Chekhov''' - originating with [[Chekhov's Gun]] and referring to [[Anton Chekhov (Creator)|Anton Chekhov]], Chekhov tropes often imply that something introduced early in the plot will come to be used later, or fail to be used.
* '''Cthulhu''' - originating from the [[Cthulhu Mythos]], this word generally refers to a ridiculously powerful, often god-like, being. As an example of usage, see [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]].
* '''Dragon''' - originating with [[The Dragon]], this word is sometimes used to refer to the second-in-charge to [[The Big Bad]], which is only occasionally an actual dragon. Efforts are being made to unload this trope word, as literal dragons need to be referred to in trope names, too.
* '''Face''' and '''Heel''' - originally from [[Professional Wrestling]], these words, when used together, refer to Good and Evil, respectively. For instance, a [[Face Heel Turn]] is where a Good character turns Evil.
* '''Fridge''' - originating with [[Fridge Logic]], tropes with the word Fridge, especially at the start of them, generally refer to situations in which the audience has a delayed reaction to something.
* '''Gambit''' - also originating with the [[Xanatos Gambit]], a [[Gambit Index|Gambit trope]] is about a particularly clever or complex plan. Unlike normal English usage, a Gambit trope does not have to involve a high level of risk in order for a bigger potential reward. It certainly has nothing to do with [[Chess (Tabletop Game)|Chess]], where a gambit is doing a material sacrifice in order to gain an advantage in position or tempo.
* '''Moment Of''' - originating with the [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]], tropes with this in their name generally refer to significant moments within a story, or the lack thereof. As such, confusion may arise if one refers to, say, a "Moment Of Uncertainty", which would be a moment experienced by a character, rather than by the audience, were to become a trope name.
* '''Noodle''' - originating with the [[Noodle Incident]], Noodle refers to things left to the imagination to fill in. Use can be justified where referring to something resembling an actual noodle.
* '''Ship''' - originating with [[Shipping]], a Ship trope often refers to relation''ship''s, rather than boats. Take care, as tropes that play with the [[Double Entendre]] of this word may confuse if not worded carefully.
* '''Xanatos''' - originally referring to a character in ''[[Gargoyles (Animation)|Gargoyles]]'', a Xanatos trope involves some form of mastermind, typically one that has a preponderance for overly complex plots. We replaced most of them with 'Gambit' and created [[The Plan]] as part of the unloading process.
* '''Yay''' - originating with [[Ho Yay]], a trope using the word Yay generally involve sexual tension or other implied sexual activity, generally without any overt indication confirming the tension or implication.
=== Restricted word usage ===
* '''Badass''' - while this word is generally an adjective describing something as particularly harsh or masculine, tropes with this word refer specifically to characters fitting the description of [[Badass]]. For examples of its use, see [[Badass Creed]], [[Badass Bookworm]], and [[Took a Level Inin Badass]].
* '''Fantastic''' - while this word is often treated as a superlative, meaning great or amazing, in trope names this is generally used to refer to something relating to Fantasy. See [[Fantastic Aesop]] and [[Fantastic Science]] as examples of the use of this trope word.
=== Naming Patterns ===
* X '''Ball''' - tropes named as an "X Ball" typically imply that X is a property that gets given to a certain character for the sake of the plot (based on the idea of an imaginary ball which can be thrown from person to person and give them property X while they hold it). See [[Idiot Ball]] for the original and most common trope with this naming pattern. Use in other contexts, such as [[Big Ball of Violence]], does not carry this implication.
* '''Artistic License --''' X : These are the pages for the common ways that creators are factually wrong, because being correct wouldn't serve the story as well. We used to try to distinguish between factual errors that were in the service of the story ("Wrong, but Good"), and those that were made by a creator who simply didn't do the research (the "You Fail X Forever" and "Somewhere an X is crying" tropes were "Wrong, and Bad"), but experience proved that that distinction is impossible to judge from outside, and the "but Bad" pages became a morass of complaining and ego-stroking. We now give all factual errors the benefit of the doubt.
* '''Deus Ex''' X ''or'' X '''Ex Machina''' - originating from the concept of a [[Deus Ex Machina]], most tropes following these naming patterns are puns on the original, and involve either creation/application of gods or an unjustified solution of problems using generic and standard methods. See [[Ind Ex Machina]] for a comprehensive list of tropes following these naming patterns.
* '''Everything's''' ''comparative'' '''With''' X - tropes with this naming structure generally indicate that X either has an effect (the ''comparative'') on a work into which it is added, or improves (or worsens) a work purely by its presence. Typically, the comparative is "Better", or occasionally "Worse", although other comparatives may be used if it improves the trope name. See [[Everything's Better Withwith Indexes]] for an index of existing tropes using this naming pattern.
* '''Hollywood''' X - tropes which are a gross oversimplification of a complicated or multi-faceted thing, place, or field of knowledge. Differs from the Artistic License - X tropes in that Artistic License - X is for when the creators are factually wrong. See the [[Hollywood Index]] for a list of the tropes that use this naming convention.
* '''Our''' X '''Are Different''' - Many standard concepts used in stories are standardised to the point that most works will stick to a simple formula. Tropes with this naming pattern generally break that simple formula, and do things differently when it comes to X. May use "is" if X is singular. For an index of existing tropes with this naming pattern, see [[Our Tropes Are Different]].
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=== No longer in use ===
* '''You Fail''' X '''Forever''' - tropes that had this naming pattern now typically go by the trope naming pattern ''Artistic License - X''. For a list of tropes with this pattern, see [[Artistic License Indexes|Artistic License - Indexes]].
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