All Trolls Are Different: Difference between revisions

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== Anime and Manga ==
* Would you believe that "Totoro", in ''[[My Neighbor Totoro]]'', is actually a mispronunciation of troll? (Japanized, it would be "tororo", and Mei doubled up the wrong sound) Totoro is the leader of a family of friendly forest monsters, and he looks like a big, furry cat-owl-rabbit thing.
* The trolls from the ''[[Berserk]]'' manga series are nasty, nasty predatory monsters straight out of the Qliphoth, a nightmare realm connected to the astral world, that have taken to [[Mars Needs Women|carrying women off]] from villages for [[Face Full of Alien Wingwong|breeding purposes]]. Like many of Kentaro Miura's monsters, ''Berserk'''s trolls are [[Mix -and -Match Critters]], and in their case look like a hairy cross between a rat, a monkey and a pig.
* Trolls in ''[[Slayers]]'' (likely based on the ones in ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]'') are rather primal creatures, around twice the height of the average human and [[Amazing Technicolor Population|come in a large array of colors]]. They posses an incredible [[Healing Factor]] that allows them to recover lost limbs in a matter of seconds. Some people are capable of making deals with them, but most avoid them; a rather good idea, seeing as they go in a ravenous frenzy of pillaging and destruction the second Shabranigdu is unleashed into the world, which happens quite often, it would seem.
** A minor character is [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|part troll and part werewolf]] - he has human-level intelligence and apparently ''stronger'' regenerative abilities than a normal troll. Obviously a [[Munchkin]]...
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* In Terry Brooks' ''[[Shannara]]'' books there are several different sub-species of trolls. Rock Trolls live in the deep northland mountains and are shown to be about 8 feet tall with thick black bark-like skin. While they work for the villain in the first book they are not depicted as evil and help the humans, dwarfs, and especially the elves in the latter books. They are a [[Proud Warrior Race Guy|Proud Warrior Race]], shown as incredibly loyal and brave, of normal intelligence, and have a good mind for battle strategy. In the 3rd book there is a race of creatures related to trolls, Mwellrets, who live in the northeast swamps. They are normally large bipedal reptilians but can change their shape rather easily. They are sinister, greedy, and crafty and are seen as godlike overlords by the feral gnomes that serve them. The remaining two that exist (the Forest and River Trolls) have little information given about them. Terry must have decided that trolls were too varied to make just one race.
** Given their backstory of being horrifically mutated humans, it makes sense that there would be multiple kinds.
* Trolls in [[The Hollows]] novels are the typical tall and strong type but are relatively well behaved and not prone to violence. [[Shout -Out|They usually live as squatters under public bridges]].
* In [[Eric Flint]]'s ''[[Trail of Glory (Literature)|The Rivers of War]]'', there are two types of troll. You got your short, ugly, terrifying, "formidable" ''asga siti'' (Cherokee for [[Badass]]) Scots-Irish troll named Patrick Driscoll, who'll grind your bones for his bread, and you got your more energetic, ex-Navy African-American troll named Charles Ball, who'll just have the Voodoo queen he married, Marie LaVeau, make soup from your ears. Note that Charles Ball and Marie LaVeau are actual historical people, although historically they didn't marry each other.
* Trolls in John Ringo's ''[[Council Wars]]'' series are Elves that have been warped and Changed into brutish warriors, much as humans have been Changed into Orcs (His Elves are genetically engineered [[Super Soldiers]]).
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* When it comes to mythological trolls, [ Kaja Foglio's adaptation] of ''The Cat On The Dovrefjell'' actually hit the nail on the head. Certain legends even described the males of the species as being hideously ugly, but the females ([[Cute Monster Girl|tails and occasional other weird features notwithstanding]]) as quite attractive by human standards. (For an example of this in modern media, do a Google search for "Cutefase.")
** The beautiful troll females described in the story above (as well as in the Foglios' [[XXXenophile]] story, see the comic books folder) are known as Huldra. To further complicate matters, Huldra are considered to be related to both trolls and [[Fair Folk]]. They prefer human men, though.
*** This is consistent with actual [[Norse Mythology]], in which a [http://en.[ |huldra]] (or huldre) is generally speaking a beautiful, if [[Tsundere|tempermental]] woman with a cow tail and unusual strength; they're both trolls, [[The Fair Folk]], and confusingly, ''also'' a type of "Alf" (Elf, that is).
* Another mythological creature comparable to trolls in their vagueness is the Bunyip, a creature in [[Land Down Under|Aboriginal and Australian folklore]]. About the only common feature any rendition of the bunyip has is that it lives in swamps, and sometimes it's basically an [[Ultimate Evil]].
* Most traditional Norwegian trolls are very large -- ranging from slightly taller than a man to twice as tall as a tree. They live in the mountains, generally near large forests. Some may seem moss-grown; most are dimwitted. Certain trolls also burst and turn to stone in the sunlight, which kills them. All trolls can be killed like any other creature, they are just very hard to kill because of their size and strength.
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* In Bungie Studio's old ''[[Myth (Video Game)|Myth]]'' series of strategy games, there were the Trow (an alternate spelling of "troll") who were twelve foot tall giants with bodies like stone. The Trow are immortal unless killed, and incapable of reproduction (all existing Trow having been created by the god Nyx at the begining of the world according to the Trow's own legends.) They are capable of [[Made of Iron|surviving anything short of dismemberment]], and wear belts of skulls about their waists. When fighting creatures smaller than they are (which is to say, most creatures) their combat techniques generally involve [[Blown Across the Room|kicking those creatures across the landscape]] with [[Ludicrous Gibs|messy results]].
* The trolls of ''[[Total Annihilation Kingdoms]]'' are generic monster men from Zhon, slightly stronger than most humans.
* Trolls in ''[[Castle Crashers (Video Game)|Castle Crashers]]'' are huge-eyed black humanoidish stick-wielding forest creatures possibly made of hair. They are produced from the mouth of an insane [[Manly Tears|crying]] black fuzzy square face with legs called a Big Troll. Ostensibly, these are hairballs of the "Giant Troll," a weeping cat-like monster of immense proportions and [[Super -Persistent Predator|questionable motivation]] has hair that resembles its supposed progeny's "fuzzy" make up. You can (with a bomb) unlock a "Troll Orb" as one of many circular "animal" spirits. It does allows you to slowly regenerate health, so there's that.
* ''[[Dwarf Fortress]]'' features two types of trolls:
** The common "troll", a basically sentient but slow-witted beast which Goblins sometimes use as living battering rams to break fortress doors and cause havoc. Description text tells that trolls are "huge humanoid monsters with coarse fur, large tusks and horns." Now that shearing has been implemented, they are also goblins' ''source of wool'' which combined with their gray fur and black skin may mean they look quite a lot like giant, monstrous, humanoid sheep
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* In ''[ Swiftriver]'', trolls are blue skinned, hairy, and [ sport horns]. They tend to to be over six feet tall (not counting their horns) and have two rows of teeth. They are always of Norse or Scandinavian heritage and can project a glamour to make them appear human.
* ''[[Dan and Mabs Furry Adventures]]'' doesn't have trolls as such, but does have the 'Mythos', which is a catch-all term for any Creature race that doesn't fit into any other category.
* ''[[Homestuck (Webcomic)|Homestuck]]'' plays with the dual meaning by having [[Troll|internet trolls]] turn out to be actual grey-skinned creatures with horns. Further reveals have shown that they're [[Humanoid Aliens]], with [[Bizarre Alien Biology]] implying that they're closer to insects than humans. They're a [[Higher -Tech Species]] whose society runs on [[Blue and Orange Morality]] and lots of violence. They're almost all bisexual (because gender is vestigial) and polygamous (troll reproduction requires this); many are either psychic or psychotic. {{spoiler|Most of the less-savory aspects of their culture are not natural, but were engineered by malevolent outside forces. Prior to the pressing of an in-universe [[Reset Button]], trolls were a peaceful species.}} Personality-wise, there's a great deal of variation within the 12 trolls in the cast (and [[Generation Xerox|their ancestors]]): from [[Anti-Hero|Anti Heroes]] to [[Anti-Villain|Anti Villains]], [[The Woobie|Woobies]] to [[Smug Snake|Smug Snakes]], [[Complete Monster|Complete Monsters]] to [[Messianic Archetype|Messianic Archetypes]].
** Not quite polygamous; they have four different kinds of romance (I am ''not'' going into that here), and while they believe in finding satisfying relationships in all four quadrants, they also try to stay monogamous within a quadrant, and having the same kind of relationship with more than one person is still a no-no. As is being in more than one quadrant with the same person simultaneously.
* In ''[[Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic]]'' it's [ used] as one of [[Fantastic Slurs]]:
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** ...or, y'know, as a [[Shaped Like Itself|reference to the actual (monstrous) trolls]].
* ''[[Pibgorn]]'': [ Troll?] Hardly! [[Political Correctness Gone Mad|Bridge substructure symbiont.]]
* ''[[Pv PPvP (Webcomic)|Pv P]]'': Skull. Blue, horned, fat, farts a lot, genuinely nice and [[Adorkable]]. He's been with Scott Kurtz's work for a long time, serving as a mascot, comic relief and semi-[[Author Avatar]] since his Everquest-based comic Samwise in the 90's. His status in the comic as a mythical creature is subject to some [[Magical Realism]] restrictions; he was apparently assigned to Brent Sienna as an imaginary friend when Brent was a kid and just stuck around. Has recently struck up a friendship with The Freemont Troll (see below) since the comic moved to Seattle.
* ''[[My Roommate Is an Elf (Webcomic)|My Roommate Is an Elf]]'' features a troll named Dearg. He has green skin, yellow eyes, and ears similar to an elf's. He turns to stone when exposed to sunlight (but turns to flesh again as soon as he gets out of sunlight), and had to wear a cloak to attend a parade.
* Trolls in ''[[Looking for Group]]'' are a warrior race of greenish-skinned humanoid creatures with glowing red or orange eyes who live in a rather primitive tribal culture and possess shamanic magic, and are quite intelligent (except for Tim, though his stupidity is a product of multiple head wounds). They are initially introduced as antagonists, {{spoiler|until Cale helps recruit them into the Kingdom of Kethenecia}}. Although Benn'Joon, who has been described a number of times as being a troll, is [[Cute Monster Girl|most]] [[Hartman Hips|definitely]] [[Hello, Nurse!|not]] [[Ms. Fanservice|ugly]]. On the other hand, to say Benny's parentage is unclear is rather of an understatement, and she is universally recognized by other characters as a half-breed. Recent strips imply {{spoiler|she may be the daughter of Captain Tah'Vraay, who appears to be of an Elven subrace}}.
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[[Category:Index of Fictional Creatures]]
[[Category:All Trolls Are Different]]