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* Jordanna in ''[[Batgirl]]'' tends to take on this sort of role towards Stephanie Brown, the main character. Since Stephanie's a pretty laid-back sort (and Batgirl, meaning she usually has bigger fish to fry anyway), her usual reaction to Jordanna's antics is along the lines of amused indifference.
* [[Supergirl|Linda Lee/Supergirl]] from ''Supergirl: Cosmic Adventures in the 8th grade'' is her school's geeky [[Strange Girl]], so her bizarro counterpart, Belinda Zee, is an Alpha Bitch.
* ''[[Minimonsters]]'' has a [[Rare Male Example]] in the form of [[Our Zombies Are Different|Morty]] [[Rich Bastard|Vivente]], the leader of [[Gang of Bullies|Morty's Gang]] and Frank's [[The Rival|rival]]. While his motives of antagonizing Frank's Gang are atypical (he wants to get [[Brain Food|Frank's brains]]), he otherwise fits this trope to a T, being an [[Ax Crazy|unstable]], [[Faux Affably Evil|faux-pleasant]], [[The Sociopath|sociopathic]] [[Manipulative Bastard]] willing to commit atrocious deeds to get what he wants, and whom freely [[Bad Boss|abuses his minions]]. He further gets into this trope by being able to skip school when he wants [[Screw the Rules, I Have Connections|due to being the school principal's son]]. This is subverted in that, despite what he claims, he and his gang are [[Straw Loser|so unpopular they make their rivals look much better in comparison]].
** His [[The Dragon|second-in-command]] (and [[Unholy Matrimony|girlfriend]]) [[Perky Goth|Guillotine]] also has some of this traits, but she's more tomboyish than the standard, and proves to be more of a [[Lovable Alpha Bitch]] instead.
** Subverted and deconstructed with [[The Protagonist|Victor himself]]. He does have the [[Beauty Is Bad|looks]], the [[Rich Bastard|wealth]] and the [[Jerkass|attitude]] to match this trope. However, due to [[No Social Skills|his lack of social graces]] and [[Fish Out of Water|inability to fit in the town]], he's instead regarded as a pretentious loser and is the comic's main [[Butt Monkey]].
== Comic Strips ==