Alternative Character Interpretation/Video Games: Difference between revisions

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** Even more possible is pretty severe inferiority complex (Shaun is a historian and analyst, so he may be feel a bit inadequate in the company of biology and computer specialists) masked by fake cockiness. As in previous example, pretty commonplace characteristics. His complex may be exacerbated by the fact that his female colleagues seem to be focused entirely on Desmond.
* Xion from the ''[[Bloody Roar]]'' series officially isn't evil; when not possessed by one of a handful of floating spirits, he's a fairly boring neutral. Given, however, that he's spent the majority of the games possessed and trying to directly harm the planet or the heroes, most people consider him inherently twisted.
* ''[[Command and& Conquer]]'': Is Kane just a megalomanical madman bent on dominating the globe by manipulating countless millions of followers to destroy his enemies, or does he honestly care about humanity and earnestly believe in his purported quest to help mankind evolve and ascend?
** Kane's depiction varies considerably from game to game. In the first, it just looks like he's trying to take over the world, his plans with tiberium aren't given much depth. In Tiberian Sun, he's much more into the whole ascension thing. There's a fair amount of debate arising around a terraforming missile he tried to use, some people arguing it wouldn't kill anyone. In Tiberium Wars, he's depicted as far more religious, possibly human at times, but in Kane's Wrath he states that started a war with GDI and intended for them to wipe out most of Nod because, as he put it, "only a chosen few can enter the promised land." The writers promise to answer the questions with the release of C&C4.
*** They didn't. At all. Not even one of them.
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** Priscilla from FE 7 is either A) a quiet, melancholy princess troubled by her lingering childish feelings for her brother, B) a [[Clingy Jealous Girl]] who hates Lucius and wants to ruin his and Raven's relationship, or C) a manipulative attention-starved slut who latches onto anything male.
** Eliwood is either an honorable, clean-cut, shining example of good morals and chivalry, a weeping pansy who flails at the very idea of fighting, or a secret self-cutter who just may be mentally ill.
** Eliwood's son Roy is subject to a lot of this thanks to the different canons he appears in. While FE 6 fic paints him as an upstanding hero with a strong spirit, ''[[Super Smash Bros.]]'' fic has him as [[Did Not Do the Research|Marth's]] [[Canon Defilement|weepy uke]] (or just a pyromaniac moron.)
** Really? I was under the impression that Marth was usually the one [[Wimpification|wimpified]]...
** I've actually always seen Roy and Marth as brothers, as I've only seen them in SSB - Roy always struck me as hot-headed, sharp, pyromaniac, horribly arrogant, with a hair-trigger temper, so on and so forth, but never a moron...
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*** The prequel anime included in the remake does clear a few things up about X: {{spoiler|he does hesitate in decisive moments, but a flashback where he actually talked with Dr. Light before being sealed away, exchanging the testing phase with Dr. Light saying [[You Are Not Ready|humanity wasn't mature enough to accept X yet]] shows he ''chose'' to fight of his own free will, with Dr. Light saying he wanted X to guide humans and robots, not ordering him.}}
** Axl, the latest hero character, ranges from a hyper-active little kid, a good-natured rookie, a [[Creepy Child|creepy]] [[Child Soldier]] who sees everything as a game, or an angsty cutter. (Yes, really.)
** Iris, Zero's romantic interest, varies from a [[Yamato Nadeshiko|complete saint]], a seemingly sweet person who is [[Yandere (disambiguation)|secretly crazy]], a [[Moe|cute girl]] who wants everyone to get along, or a [[Clingy Jealous Girl|petty little brat]] who doesn't want to realize that Zero doesn't like her or tries to between the [[Ho Yay]]. Alia tends to fall into some of these as well.
** Vile: A [[Ax Crazy|complete psychopath]] who wants to kill X to [[The Only One Allowed to Defeat You|get even for his defeat]], or is he a cynical [[Rebellious Spirit]] who isn't [[Not So Different|all that different]] from the heroes or a reploid with an [[Love Makes You Evil|obession]] with X and will do [[Stalker with a Crush|anything to be with him]]?
** For that matter, the entire "Maverick" thing. Canonically it's caused by viruses, but especially in the first and fourth games, there's very little to suggest that it was anything other than what it looked like on the surface: a rebellion. If that's what it was, were they even necessarily bad? Moreover, was Repliforce in 4 really bad at all or were the Maverick Hunters and/or humans just paranoid and overzealous bastards who couldn't stand the thought of robots not following orders? This is compounded severalfold by the fact that in the Zero series (same universe, just a hundred years or so later), the Irregulars ''are'' a genuine robot rebellion (and the good guys) against a tyrannical society which seems to hate all reploids, and the leader of their enemies is ''a copy of X''.
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** It's worth noting that there is [[Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure|a canon]] where Cyrus {{spoiler|realizes that what he had done was wrong}}, although we're not told the specifics of his realization. It's also the only canon where someone {{spoiler|shows him forgiveness}}, and it's implied that the two are related. However, DPA-verse was for the most part written without Platinum's characterization.
** Kotone/Lyra (the girl trainer in HG/SS). Both [ Japanese] and [ Western] fandom love depicting her with a few screws loose, partially related to her [[Replacement Scrappy]] status. The Japanese version takes it up to eleven by making her NEVER change her expression.
** Red has various interpretations on both design and personality. His remake design ''always'' shows him scowling and his ''[[Super Smash Bros.]]'' counterpart is a bit of a [[Jerkass]] (or at least quite cocky) along with his ''[[Pocket Monsters (manga)|Pocket Monsters]]'' counterpart, though the games imply he's a nice [[Determinator]]. But his classic design is almost always shown happy, smiling, friendly, and [[Hot-Blooded]]. Fans love to portray him as [[The Stoic]].
*** Other protagonists are like this too, even the ones with a set personality in their [[NPC]] roles. Dawn and May in particular get hit with this hard in [[Fanon]], often being tomboyish and role model-like when their game personalities are very feminine and [[Tsundere]] in Dawn's case.
** There's also quite a bit of [[Alternative Character Interpretation]] in [[Pokémon Special]], with some characters (non-[[Player Character]], of course), namely [[Kill All Humans|Lance]], [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|Pryce]], [[Magnificent Bastard|Archie]], and [[Kick the Dog|N]].
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** Another Day does a number on Rhyme. Is she a genuinely pure, wise little girl, or is that just a façade to obscure her cruel, manipulative nature?
* ''[[Touhou]]'' needs to get special mention here. Beyond the absurdly high fans-to-source-material ratio meaning there's a ton of this to begin with, ''UFO'''s A and B paths not only affect the characters abilities but their personalities as well. So Reimu is either driven primarily by a need for money or out of genuine concern for people, and both versions are equally canon.
** Reimu, overworked [[Barrier Maiden]] trying her best to handle the various superpowered beings she is meant to prevent from causing trouble or a [[Fantastic Racism|Fantastic Racist]] that would exterminate them all given the opportunity? [[Cute Witch|Marisa]], well-meaning but impetuous or a sadistic [[Youkai]] hunter? Yukari, [[The Chessmaster|secretly protecting Gensokyo from behind the scenes]], amoral [[Omniscient Morality License]] holder with [[Reality Warper|the power to support it]] or simply a lazy woman who will get to that eventually? [[Ensemble Darkhorse|Cirno]], a determined but overconfident and simplistic fairy or a criminally retarded moron who could forget to breathe? Flandre, a [[Cheerful Child]] that doesn't entirely comprehend her [[Person of Mass Destruction|ridonkulous levels of power]] or an [[Axe Crazy]] monster [[Enfante Terrible|hiding behind a facade]]? Yuyuko, intelligent but occasionally absent-minded or an airheaded ditz with a desire for food [[Big Eater|equaled only by a black hole]]? Alice, [[Tsundere]] who just wants friends but doesn't know how to make them or creepy, [[Yandere (disambiguation)]] doll-[[Otaku]] who's best shunned? Really, pick any character and you will find at least three of these floating around somewhere.
* [[Valkyria Chronicles|Faldio]]: irredeemable asshole who jumped at the chance to shoot his best friend's girl as much out of jealousy as patriotism, or the only person [[I Did What I Had to Do|with the guts]] to choose [[Designated Evil|the many over the one]] when his back was against the wall? It's usually a matter of how you feel about the romance plot.
** There's also [[The Hero|Welkin]]: the game plays up the idea that he's a cute, well-meaning nature-nerd who only wants to save his country so he go home and be a teacher, but some fans speculate that he's got a nasty [[Jerkass]] streak, and isn't actually that smart-- mainly that he seems very comfortable with ignoring Alicia's existential crisis until it's time for him to [[Big Damn Heroes|save the day]], he physically assaulted Faldio because he couldn't argue with his logic, and anyone with any kind of deductive reasoning could have told that the river was shallower where there were plants growing up out of it.