Alternative Character Interpretation/Western Animation: Difference between revisions

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** Also with all the comments about Pinkie's constant breaking of [[Breaking the Fourth Wall|the fourth wall]], a few fanfics and other stuff have hinted she may be more powerful than the princesses...and no one, not even herself, really knows it.
** Because of season one's finale, Fluttershy has been thought of as more than a little unstable due to her rather [[Beware the Nice Ones|terrifying outburst]].
*** And her psychotic episode in season 2's "Putting Your Hoof Down" was ''worse''. Fortunately, since then Fluttershy seems to have acknowledged that she has a problem regarding social anxiety and repressed anger, and has found healthier coping strategies.
** Just who exactly is benefiting from the friendship reports that Twilight sends to the Princess? Is Twilight on the autistic spectrum and the reports are for her own personal growth? Or are they for Princess Celestia as a way to understand the common pony and how to interact with them? Or are they for Luna?
** [[Take a Third Option|Or maybe it's for all those reasons]].
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