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Alternative Character Interpretation/Western Animation: Difference between revisions

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** A common fanon portrayal of [[Large Ham|The Great]] [[Ensemble Darkhorse|and Powerful]] '''[[Nice Hat|TRRRIXIIEEE]]''' depicts her [[Miles Gloriosus]] streak as a mask over a [[Dark and Troubled Past]] with a side order of [[The Woobie|woobie]]. (It's quite possible you get bonus points for the degree of cruelty with which you kill off the parent who inspired her to start a magic act.)
*** Others have suggested that Trixie suffers from an [[Inferiority Superiority Complex]]; she didn't make it in magic school because she was a bully whose only real talent was using her telekinesis to pick on others compared to other unicorns that can do much more ''useful'' magic. Similar to common fan theories about Applebloom's nemesis Diamond Tiara, this theory holds that Trixie is such a showboating [[Jerkass]] because her talent is nothing special and she's desperate to convince herself and everypony else otherwise.
**** Given Diamond Tiara's behavior in 'Flight to the Finish'<ref>When you deliberately and publicly mock a handicapped person on their disability for the specific purpose of making them upset and self-conscious enough to sabotage themselves, simply because they're ahead of you in a contest and you want to win, you have officially certified that ''you have no soul''.</ref>, the fandom is now generally of the opinion that she's a horrible pony with no redeeming features. Silver Spoon's own enthusiastic participation in this effort hasn't done her any favors either.
** [[Our Griffons Are Different|Gilda]] gets viewed in a couple different ways, ranging from a full-on [[Jerkass]] thug who feels [[Clingy Jealous Girl|overly possessive]] of Dash, a [[Tsundere]] [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]] that got caught on a bad day, or a genuine [[Cool Big Sis]] character who got tripped up by [[Blue and Orange Morality|cultural boundaries]] which Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie [[Poor Communication Kills|didn't consider]] and [[Disproportionate Retribution|overeacted to.]]
** Scootaloo is the only member of the [[Power Trio|Cutie Mark Crusaders]] who has had no familial connections shown or even hinted at, and is rarely seen apart from her two closest friends. Additionally, she's a pegasus unable to fly for anything but short distances, and is rarely seen without her crude wooden scooter. As such, Scootaloo is often depicted as being stuck in an abusive family, or as a homeless orphan.
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** The nature of the Dragons as a species is also debated. Common interpretations are that wild dragons tend to be [[Jerkass|JerkAsses]] and Spike's a nice guy because he was raised by ponies, while others suggest that adult dragons are powerful and dangerous when provoked but also intelligent and non-malicious, in which case they are the antagonists because we keep seeing them at their worst; the red dragon was unreasonable because it was exhausted and the Mane Six kept interrupting his nap, the green dragon overreacted because he thought Spike wanted to steal all his food, and the teenage dragons were immature idiots that hadn't learned how to behave.
** Diamond Tiara is usually thought to be a simple [[Alpha Bitch]] (although see the Trixie example for one way some people interpret her more sympathetically), her friend Silver Spoon is sometimes suggested to be a much nicer filly who is mean to Apple Bloom because she's imitating her best friend. Silver Spoon is noted to genuinely care about Diamond Tiara's feelings, seeing how she tried to cheer her up at the end of "Call of the Cutie", but she's also one of the first to applaud Granny Smith's story about how the Apple Family founded Ponyville despite Diamond Tiara refusing to.
*** Season 5's "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" has given more character depth to Diamond Tiara -- the root cause of her behavior was revealed to be her incredibly demanding and emotionally abusive mother, Spoiled Rotten, who not only pushed Diamond Tiara to succeed at everything and harshly punished even the slightest failure but also taught her daughter the ''worst possible lessons'' about social skills and interpersonal cooperation. (Specifically, that the entire idea of mutual cooperation was a suckers' game and that in 'real life' you either trampled all possible rivals underfoot or were the one being trampled, no middle ground.) Upon finally cluing in that her mother is a ''horrible pony'', Diamond Tiara face turns and makes peace with her former victims.
* A number of ''[[Doug]]'' fanart usually portray him as an [[Adorably Precocious Child]], while he's more [[Adorkable]] in the actual show. Some view him as [http://dougfunniesjournal.tumblr.com/ crazy]
* In Season 1 of [[Blinky Bill]], Shifty Dingo is either an [[Adorkable]] clumsy sweetheart or a [[Jerkass]] [[Bratty Half-Pint]] [[Creepy Child]] troublemaker. In season 2 however, he decides on staying a good guy.
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