Amnesia: The Dark Descent/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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** Alexander. There is no denying he is a monster, but {{spoiler|it is made clear in the notes, diaries and odd cylinder thingies that he is originally from a race far more advanced than ours and a dimension beyond humanity's reach}}. Many times, Alexander displays his callous attitude towards humans as if they were no different from the canines he had experimented on previously -- but when {{spoiler|Daniel himself turns on his own kind with an heavy bloodlust and begins to fall further into vicious insanity, even Alexander is disturbed by his behaviour; to quote, he "senses a darkness" in Daniel}}. Of course, he uses this to his advantage, being the [[Magnificent Bastard]] he is, but you can't help but wonder about his seemingly sincere sorrow at being trapped in an alien world, seperated from his wife and anyone of his own kind, doomed to die a slow and lonely death unless he finds a way back home. Consider also his {{spoiler|concern and disgust at the depravity to which Daniel himself sinks, something which a trigger-happy maniac would not react to or feel disturbed by. Ultimately, let's put it like this: would a displaced human being in a strange dimension feel the same way about torturing and murdering animals of a lower intelligence if it was the only way to get back to their plane of existance? Is Alexander simply trying to escape from a world in which he does not belong, committing his horrific acts of torture on murder on the grounds of a sense of alien superiority and hopeless neccessity?}}
* [[And the Fandom Rejoiced]]: A sequel known as ''Amnesia: Machine for Pigs'' has been announced.
* [[Breather Level]]:
** The Back Hall. It's downright serene and pleasant compared to the Archive Tunnels you have to run through to get there. {{spoiler|At least, until giant fleshy tumors sprout everywhere and the fountain starts pouring blood.}}
** The Back Hall portion was discussed in the Dev commentary, in which they invoked this trope, going along the lines of "This is meant to relax the player a bit so the upcoming horrors will be even worse by comparison."
** Also the main Cistern area and {{spoiler|where you meet Agrippa in the Nave, which works as a breather room}}
* [[Complete Monster]]: Baron Alexander, as made abundantly clear in the flashbacks - but possibly not quite over the [[Moral Event Horizon]]. Also, depending on your viewpoint, {{spoiler|Daniel}}.
** Add a third to that list: Justine. Oh, dear God, Justine.