And Man Grew Proud: Difference between revisions

added "card games" to "tabletop games", "fan fiction"->"fan works"
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(added "card games" to "tabletop games", "fan fiction"->"fan works")
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{{quote|But the princes, putting the words of their wise men to naught, thought each to himself: If I but strike quickly enough, and in secret, I shall destroy those others in their sleep, and there will be none to fight back; the earth shall be mine. Such was the folly of princes, and there followed the Flame Deluge.|'''Walter M. Miller, Jr.''', ''[[A Canticle for Leibowitz]]''}}
|'''Walter M. Miller, Jr.'''|''[[A Canticle for Leibowitz]]''}}
Hundreds of years [[After the End]], the apocalyptic event that caused the current state of the region/world/universe has [[All Myths Are True|become myth]] and integrated into local beliefs. The surviving version of the tale can be [[Future Imperfect|twisted and fragmented]], but [[Legend Fades to Myth|remains comprehensible to the viewer (or the time-traveler)]] who knows of the events when they are recited by the [[Wasteland Elder]]. More often than not, [[Humanity's Wake|the time that ended was ours]]. If done badly, it often [[Anvilicious|hits the audience over the head]] with the premise. If done well, it can be one of the coolest things ever.
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A subtrope of [[All Myths Are True]]. Cousin to the [[Planet of the Apes Ending]], but a premise or a plot twist rather than a [[Twist Ending]].
This has actually happened, on a smaller scale, with [http://en.[ Mazama|Mount Mazama]] (nowadays called Crater Lake) in North America. Some researchers suspect the same of Estonian folktales and a [http://en.[ crater|prehistoric meteorite.]]
Compare with [[Future Imperfect]], [[Look Onon My Works Ye Mighty and Despair]], [[Humanity's Wake]], and [[We Have Become Complacent]]. See also [[Lost Technology]] and [[Pointless Doomsday Device]].
{{examples|Examples }}
{{examples|Examples }}
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* ''[[Nausicaa of the Valley of Thethe Wind]]'' opens with a vaguely medieval tapestry showing the hubris and fall of man.
** But later on implies that their records of of the industrial past are basically intact, if a bit threadbare (heh). After all, the society still has advanced technology, even if its resources are stretched so thin it can't afford to use it much.
** The use of the God Soldiers in war, however, definitely counts--itcounts—it resulted in the Seven Days of Fire, a planetary Class 2 [[Apocalypse How]].
** Similarly, ''[[Laputa: Castle in Thethe Sky]]'' opens with a montage of gradually advancing aeronautic devices culminating with the titular Castle before [[And Man Grew Proud|disaster strikes]] and thin streams of people can be seen evacuating the ruins and returning to [[After the End|life on the ground.]]
* The anime ''[[Scrapped Princess]]'' makes use of this trope: it is revealed in the end that the medieval world that the characters live in was {{spoiler|an artificial enclave for humanity built on a section of a planet's crust elevated from the rest of the world}}. From the shots of the whole world, it is implied that {{spoiler|this planet is Earth. Mauser, the deity of the world as well as other mythological characters are actually individuals who lived and fought in the era when humanity was robbed of most of its technology, ostensibly after losing a war against an alien race.}}
* It is unclear how much of the vague, over-the-top legendary backstory of ''[[Mai-Otome]]'' is true and how much is just an ignorant dramatization of the real events. The Administar, for example, is definitely something the locals have no idea about (given what Miyu does to it in the end), which doesn't stop them from reciting symbolic poems devoted to the "guiding blue star", supposedly written by the [[Ancient Astronauts]] from Earth.
* ''[[So Ra No woWo To]]'': There was a giant winged creature that fell near Seize on the distant past, but the main religions on the show don't agree on what the creature was and what happened; they only agree on the point that the Fire Maidens saved the day. {{spoiler|It is, however, implied to be related to whatever went down in the semi-apocalyptic war against "Them."}}
== [[CardFan GamesWorks]] ==
* This happened twice in ''[[Divine Blood (Fanfic)|Divine Blood]]''. First was the tanar with the KT event being theorized by the silthine. Then it was the war between silthine and tanar that destroyed civilization a second time. Then humans develop and rename the two races Demons (tanar) and Gods (silthine). Current hopes include avoiding a third civilization -ending event.
* In the ''[[Magic the Gathering]]'' storyline, the Thran peoples, the makers of many of the world's most powerful artifacts, were mere legend by the time Urza and Mishra showed up. And then Urza ''himself'' was a mere legend (though still alive as a planeswalker) by the time the Weatherlight Saga began.
** The storyline for the Zendikar block is much the same. In antiquity, the fearsome [[Eldritch Abomination|Eldrazi]] ravaged the plane, nearly ending it in the process, before being sealed away. Millenia later, the only remembrance that any of the citizens of Zendikar have of the Eldrazi is that they are the namesakes of the Kor and Merfolk pantheon of Gods, and are, ironically, worshiped, as lifegivers of the plane.
== [[Fan Fiction]] ==
* This happened twice in [[Divine Blood (Fanfic)|Divine Blood]]. First was the tanar with the KT event being theorized by the silthine. Then it was the war between silthine and tanar that destroyed civilization a second time. Then humans develop and rename the two races Demons (tanar) and Gods (silthine). Current hopes include avoiding a third civilization ending event.
== [[Film]] ==
* The cavemen of ''[[Battlefield Earth]]'' have forgotten that aliens invaded Earth and destroyed Earth 1000 years ago, instead believing that demons came down from the sky because the gods were angry.
* In ''[[Mad Max]] II - [[The Road Warrior]]'', the introductory narrative by {{spoiler|the Feral Kid}}. A similar intro-narrative can be found to a lesser extent in ''[[The Salute Of The Jugger]]''.
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* ''[ By the Waters of Babylon]'' by [[Stephen Vincent Benet]] a short story about a priest on a journey to a place of the dead gods who were lost in the Great Burning. Notable in that [[Older Than Television|it was written in 1937.]]
* In [[Isaac Asimov]]'s ''[[Foundation]]'' series, the ultimate fate of Earth, largely abandoned after massive irradiation 20,000 years earlier, is the subject of dozens of myths in various parts of the galaxy. (Donald Kingsbury had even more fun with this in his Foundation-with-the-serial-numbers-filed-off novel ''Psychohistorical Crisis.'')
* This is one of the main themes of ''[[The Wheel of Time (Literature)|The Wheel of Time]]'' books by Robert Jordan. One of the characters is forced out of limbo by a servant of the [[Big Bad]] and is astonished by how little the legends about her resemble what really happened.
* [[Stephen King]]'s ''[[The Dark Tower]]'' series is set in a world that has 'moved on', as the residents term it. The "Great Old Ones" of Midworld stood at a technological level that 21st-Century Earthlings can only dream of, but they killed themselves off about five thousand years earlier while experimenting with the fabric of time and space, leading to the gradual unraveling of the reality of Midworld - a slow process, but one that has sped up during Roland's lifetime.
** The world has moved so far back, in fact, that when Roland is told of some of the Great Old Ones' lesser accomplishments like walking on the moon and making babies in test tubes, he flatly refuses to believe such patently impossible things.
*** It's unclear if they did the former. There are some indications that despite of all their accomplishments they were never interested in heavier than air flight.
* Terry Brooks' [[Shannara]] books are set in a post-apocalyptic world, but it rarely directly impacts the story. It does inform characters' ethos and directs at least one organization. Still, they're being properly connected in a new trilogy.
** Except in the ''Voyage of the Jerle Shannara'' trilogy, where characters come up against futuristic remnants of the pre-apocalyptic world's technology. Specifically, they encounter a [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot|North Korean AI]] which utilises [[Mecha -Mooks|attack robots]] and [[Body Horror|cyborgs]] equipped with [[Fricking Laser Beams]]. The twist? {{spoiler|[[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|It's not insane. Its builders wanted it to be as insanely aggressive as it is.]]}}
* The exact nature of "The Tribulation" in ''[[The Chrysalids]]'' is never specified, but it's implied to be a nuclear disaster of some kind and believed by the characters to have been a punishment from God.
* The Young Adult fantasy novel ''Runemarks'' has this, with bonus Norse Gods.
* The reason Tally's [[Assimilation Plot|dystopian]] [[The Beautiful Elite|world]] is [[Utopia Justifies the Means|necessary]] in ''[[Uglies]]'' is because the Rusties did some [[Future Slang|totally bogus and brain-missing]] stuff in the past that culminated in environmental and technological menaces they engineered destroying their society.
* In [[Robert Heinlein]]'s novella "[[Literature/Universe|Universe]]" (expanded into the book ''[[Orphans Of The Sky]]''), passengers aboard a [[Generation Ship]] built by the Jordan Foundation remember:
{{quote| In the Beginning there was Jordan, thinking his lonely thoughts alone.<br />
In the Beginning there was darkness, formless, dead, and Man unknown.<br />
Out of the loneness came a longing, out of the longing came a vision,<br />
Out of the dream there came a planning, out of the plan there came decision--<br />
''Jordan's hand was lifted and the Ship was born!'' }}
* Gary Paulsen's young adult novel "The Transall Saga" does this quite effectively at the novel's halfway point.
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== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* In "The Deconstruction of Falling Stars," the fourth-season [[Flash Forward]] episode of ''[[Babylon 5 (TV)|Babylon 5]]'', a thousand years in the future (from the mid-2200s the show is set in, not from now) a nuclear-or-better war has reduced the Earth to a medieval-at-best culture; holy books refer to the main characters and the events of the show, and of the "Great Burn" which devastated the planet. [[J Michael Straczynski (Creator)|J. Michael Straczynski]] has mentioned that he knows ''Canticle'' well, and while he wasn't directly ripping from it, the situation was too perfect.
* Played for laughs in the ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' serials ''[[Doctor Who (TV)/Recap/S23 E1/E01 The Mysterious Planet|The Mysterious Planet]]'', in which an underground colony of survivors on a far-future Earth renamed Ravalox which has been ravaged by a fireball refer to three sacred texts that are the only few surviving books they have, which govern their lives and their views of the world before the apocalypse, and which are trusted to learned scholars to unpack their meanings. They are, however, Herman Melville's ''[[Moby Dick (Literature)|Moby Dick]]'', Charles Kingsley's ''The Water Babies'', and a guide to the UK Habitats of the Canadian Goose by 'HM Stationery Office', which is apparently the most mysterious. The Doctor is not impressed.
* Also played for laughs in a recurring ''[[That Mitchell and Webb Look]]'' sketch: two years after "The Event" (never specified), most of human knowledge seems to have been wiped out, painfully evident every week when "The Quiz Broadcast" is shown on TV.
{{quote|'''Host:''' Question one: Books say that the human body is 90% water. What ''was'' water?<br />
'''Contestant:''' Was it an animal?|'''Host:''' Which of Shakespeare's ''three'' plays are now thought to be prophetic of ''The Event''?}}
* The RDM-verse variety of ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined (2004 TV series)|Battlestar Galactica]]'' (including the off-shoot ''[[Caprica]]''). This is explictlyexplicitly the case in this setting, where humans created the cylons, enslaved them, and then watched as the cylons rebelled and (eventually, fifty years later) destroyed their entire civilization. ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined (2004 TV series)|Battlestar Galactica]]'' largely concerns itself with the [[After the End]] fallout of this and the fractured remnants of humanity's eventual decision to {{spoiler|make peace with the cylons and, in fact, essentially merge with them to become a new and better race}} while ''[[Caprica]]'' is about how and why the fall came about (i.e., precisely how proud man grew). The evacuation of the "original" homeworld of Kobol, which occuredoccurred some 3-4,000 years in the past due to {{spoiler|a civil war between the humans and an earlier group of proto-Cylons who went on to colonize Earth}} is vaguely recalled in Colonial history as having happened due to a war between the gods.
* In the ''[[Flash Gordon (TV series)|Flash Gordon]]'' TV series, planet Mongo used to be a lush, Earth-like world. The current people of Mongo only have vague details of what caused the Sorrow. Their culture was advanced in those days, but they used up their natural resources. So they turned to their moon and found a large supply of a previously-unknown rich mineral. The supply was so vast, they built two new moons as processing stations. Then the mineral supply blew up, with all that stuff raining down on the planet, contaminating it. Only a few million people managed to survive by hiding on one of the artificial moons. After a century, they came down to find a toxic world. By chance, an underground water supply was found in one place, where they built their city.
* The RDM-verse variety of ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined (TV)|Battlestar Galactica]]'' (including the off-shoot ''[[Caprica]]''). This is explictly the case in this setting, where humans created the cylons, enslaved them, and then watched as the cylons rebelled and (eventually, fifty years later) destroyed their entire civilization. ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined (TV)|Battlestar Galactica]]'' largely concerns itself with the [[After the End]] fallout of this and the fractured remnants of humanity's eventual decision to {{spoiler|make peace with the cylons and, in fact, essentially merge with them to become a new and better race}} while ''[[Caprica]]'' is about how and why the fall came about (i.e., precisely how proud man grew). The evacuation of the "original" homeworld of Kobol, which occured some 3-4,000 years in the past due to {{spoiler|a civil war between the humans and an earlier group of proto-Cylons who went on to colonize Earth}} is vaguely recalled in Colonial history as having happened due to a war between the gods.
* In the ''[[Flash Gordon (TV)|Flash Gordon]]'' TV series, planet Mongo used to be a lush, Earth-like world. The current people of Mongo only have vague details of what caused the Sorrow. Their culture was advanced in those days, but they used up their natural resources. So they turned to their moon and found a large supply of a previously-unknown rich mineral. The supply was so vast, they built two new moons as processing stations. Then the mineral supply blew up, with all that stuff raining down on the planet, contaminating it. Only a few million people managed to survive by hiding on one of the artificial moons. After a century, they came down to find a toxic world. By chance, an underground water supply was found in one place, where they built their city.
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== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* Much of the ''[[Dragonlance]]'' world setting in [[Dungeons and& Dragons]] is predicated on discovering the truth behind the legends of such a catastrophe which occurred hundreds of years earlier.
* In ''[[Warhammer 40000 (Tabletop Game)|Warhammer 4000040,000]]''. human history up until and through the war with the Iron Men that destroyed the first great era of human civilization lingers as myth, cultural superstitions, and the occasional archeotech weapon.
** And Humans got off LIGHTLY. The Eldar literally created the [[Eldritch Abomination|god of excess]] and destroyed their galactic empire, with those killed [[Crapsack World|tortured for all eternity]] as the god's playthings.
*** And of course there's the Horus Heresy where the super soldiers the Emperor made to be the perfect weapons of war got fed up with their post for a variety of reasons then fully half of them turned to chaos and set about trying to destroy or conquer everything in their path.
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* The [[New World of Darkness]] RPG setting posits that an unknown number of thousands of years ago, the magic-wielding residents of Atlantis decided to build a ladder to heaven; their failure produced the new World of Darkness. Whether the fact that one of the "heroic" factions of mages (known as the ''Silver Ladder'') holds the whole concept of 'hubris' up as a ''false'' flaw is an aversion or subversion is left for the players to decide...
* ''[[Rifts]]'' takes place on Earth in the late 24th century, nearly [[After the End|300 years]] after an event known as The Great Cataclysm or The Coming of the Rifts. The Cataclysm occurred after a minor nuclear exchange in South America during a rare conjunction of supernatural events which caused a psychic backlash that nearly wiped out all humanity. During the period where the game is set, Humanity has only recently begun regaining a place for itself in the world, and the world before the apocalypse is almost entirely unknown, refered to as the Time Before Rifts, the Golden Age of Humanity, or simply the Time of Man.
* In the ''[[Magic: theThe Gathering]]'' storyline, the Thran peoples, the makers of many of the world's most powerful artifacts, were mere legend by the time Urza and Mishra showed up. And then Urza ''himself'' was a mere legend (though still alive as a planeswalker) by the time the Weatherlight Saga began.
** The storyline for the Zendikar block is much the same. In antiquity, the fearsome [[Eldritch Abomination|Eldrazi]] ravaged the plane, nearly ending it in the process, before being sealed away. Millenia later, the only remembrance that any of the citizens of Zendikar have of the Eldrazi is that they are the namesakes of the Kor and Merfolk pantheon of Gods, and are, ironically, worshiped, as lifegivers of the plane.
== Toys ==
* ''[[Bionicle]]'' has two examples: The Great Cataclysm and The Shattering.
** The Great Cataclysm refers to the devastation that the Matoran Universe went through when [[Physical God|Mata Nui]] fell into a coma. This however was deliberately [[Invoked Trope|invoked]] by the Turaga, who feared that the Matoran [[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation|would not accept the truth well]].
** The Shattering refers to when the planet Spherus Magna [[Earthshattering Kaboom|shattered into the three smaller planets]]: Bara Magna, Aqua Magna, and Bota Magna. This is a genuine example of this trope, as few people remember what really happened.
== [[Video Games]] ==
* The Space Sim ''Descent: [[Free Space]]'' has several cryptic [[Cutscene|cutscenescutscene]]s telling of the fall of an ancient civilization in the style of an oral history -- parallelinghistory—paralleling the assault on humanity by the game's [[Big Bad]]. The sequel's opening [[Cutscene|cinematic]] retells the [[The End of the World Asas We Know It|apocalyptic]] events of the first game, and their consequences, in the same way.<br />''I remember stories of a glorious civilization... of people with myths of humanity everlasting... and they hurled themselves into the void of space with no fear.''
* [[Fallout|War... war never changes...]]
* ''Zelda'':
** In ''[[The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Video Game)|The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess]]'', the Light Spirit Lanayru explains to Link how, long ago, some of the people of Hyrule covered a dark magic, which was taken from them and the perpetrators [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can|sealed in a parallel dimension from which they could not escape]]. The events of that rebellion directly affect the events of the game, as {{spoiler|that parallel dimension wasn't as inescapable as advertised.}}
** In ''[[The Legend of Zelda: theThe Wind Waker (Video Game)|Wind Waker]]'' the record of Hyrule's existence and its [[EndoftheThe End of the World Asas We Know It|destruction by flooding]] is left mostly intact, but it's seen as more of a legend than a historical fact.
* The introduction to the adventure game ''[[Inherit the Earth]]'' takes the form of a series of cave paintings, with the narrator explaining how Humans created the various races of [[Furry Fandom|Morph]] - giving them "thinking minds, feeling hearts, speaking mouths, and reaching hands." Before they could teach the Morph the secret of happiness, however, some terrible calamity befell them. Now the Humans have gone - where, no Morph knows - and their furry children can only wonder at the strange things they left behind.
* In the backstory of ''[[Tales of Symphonia (Video Game)|Tales of Symphonia]]'', the hubris of man and use of [[Magitech|magitechnologymagitech]]nology to wage war wipes out the [[World Tree]]; narrowly averted in [[Tales of Symphonia (Video Game)|Tales of Symphonia]] proper where they use the very same technology, with the very same hubris, to try and revive the tree. It... doesn't work. Thousands die, although they narrowly avert total global destruction.
** Done again thousands of years (in-story, anyway) in the backstory of ''[[Tales of Phantasia (Video Game)|Tales of Phantasia]]'', where the hubris of man and use of magitechnology leaves the populace too weak to stop a meteor collision, then ''again'' in the actual Tales of Phantasia game, where hubris of man and use of magitechnology to wage war kills the ''new'' [[World Tree]], which would have caused ''another'' [[And Man Grew Proud]] moment, averted at the last minute by the heroes (and the villain, who has read his history and is SICK of this sort of thing by now).
* In ''[[Chrono Trigger (Video Game)|Chrono Trigger]]'', the first time the party reaches the End Of Time, they hear about a great, long dead civilization that could wield magic, but [[Visual Pun|fell]] due to its own arrogance. Then they travel to the Kingdom of Zeal, 12,000 BC, and see it actually happen.
* ''[[Final Fantasy VI (Video Game)|Final Fantasy VI]]'''s War of the Magi utterly destroyed (what appeared to be) an advanced civilization with powerful magic, [[Humongous Mecha]], and great magical beasts. One thousand years later, mankind has only just rediscovered steam, and people are extremely wary about anything magical. Some scholars still remember the ancient kingdoms and beasts of war, though. Not that it stops [[The Empire]]'s [[Magitek]] research...
* ''[[Final Fantasy X (Video Game)|Final Fantasy X]]'s'' world is based off of ancient Zanarkand, and ''[[Final Fantasy X 2 (Video Game)|Final Fantasy X -2]]'' explores this even more.
* The plot of [[Radiata Stories (Video Game)|Radiata Stories]]. Humanity is regularly wiped off the face of the earth by dragons because [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|'their arrogance pollutes the world']]. Scraps of previous civilizations remain and become shrouded in myth
* The war and subsequent apocalypse in ''[[Odin Sphere]]'' wipes out practically every person alive at the time. It is read about in what appears to be a series of fairytales by a little girl. The little girl turns out to be the descendant of the few survivors.
* This is the crux of the Sand People's story in [[Knights of the Old Republic]] {{spoiler|They had just started their space-faring era when the Rakatans found them. They enslaved Tattooine, stripping it of resources, and "seeding the stars with penitent, complacent slaves." The slaves revolted, and sabotaged the machines, retreating into underground caves. The Rakata responded by blasting the planet to glass...which ground into the vast oceans of sand seen in "present day" Tattooine}}. Bioware also implied that this was the origin story of the GFFA's humans.
* Judging by many pieces of concept art (depicting ruins vaguely resembling heavily decayed skyscrapers and highways), this seems to be the implied backstory for the setting of Wolfire Game's ''Overgrowth'' (the sequel to their earlier ''[[Lugaru (Video Game)|Lugaru]]'').
* ''[[Skies of Arcadia (Video Game)|Skies of Arcadia]]'' had numerous civilizations 1000 years prior to the games events that were destroyed because [[Abusive Precursors|the Silvites]] decided that man's creation of the Gigas was far too destructive. So what happens? They destroy basically everything, and 1000 years later, civilization is getting along pretty well. Of course, [[The Empire|the Valuans]] say "Hey, we could use these things to conquer the world!" We all know where that leads...
* In the ''[[Dragon Age]]'' setting, the Magister Lords of the [[The Empire|Tevinter Imperium]] learned it was a ''very bad idea'' to try to storm the Golden City and try to usurp the [[God|Maker's]] power. It might not necessarily be a true story, as it is from Chantry lore, but Tevinters are exactly the kind of people who'd invoke this trope.
* In ''[[World of Warcraft]]'', this has happened [[Fantasy Kitchen Sink|more than once on the same planet]]. Ten thousand years before the present day, the Night Elves grew proud, began using so much magic that it summoned [[Legion of Doom|the Burning Legion]] to Azeroth, and the resulting war split one continent into three. At some point or another the troll empire(s) grew proud, but various prideful acts, including in some cases cannibalizing [[Physical God|their gods]], has reduced their cities to ruins and tribes to rural bands cannibalizing [[I'm a Humanitarian|each other]]. And one thousand years before the present day, this trope was used by a people who were bad guys to start: the Qiraji, who tried to conquer the world for their [[Eldritch Abomination|evil god]], but were defeated and locked away for [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can|a thousand years]].
* ''[[Homeworld (Video Game)|Homeworld]]''. It fits this trope to a T. And when they violate the ban... [[Apocalypse Wow]].
* The intro of [[Paper Mario: theThe Thousand Year Door (Video Game)|Paper Mario the Thousand -Year Door]] talks of this, of old Rogueport as a thriving city of peace and a golden age until a cataclysm struck, as can be viewed [ here]. It turns out the event was due to the actions of the [[Final Boss]].
== [[Web Comics]] ==
* Played with in [ these] [ two] [[Sluggy Freelance]] strips.
* Averted in Nodwick. Some schmuck developed a time travel device to see how advanced society would come a few centuries later and inadvertently wound up destroying his high tech society. Only one person {{spoiler|one of the villains, who pulled a [[Face Heel Turn]] after the blast}} survived. Averted because no stories are told nor does anyone particularly care.
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== [[Western Animation]] ==
* The quote was also stolen for "The Second Renaissance", Part 1, from ''[[The Matrix|The Animatrix]]''.
* ''[[Adventure Time (Animation)|Adventure Time]]'' is set in a [[What Do You Mean It's for Kids?|post-apocalypse]]. The event that left the world in that state is known as "[[The Deadliest Mushroom|The Great Mushroom Wars]]".
== [[Real Life]] ==
* Erich vod Daeniken claims [[Ancient Astronauts]] have been here, but there's a theory which tops him: Atlantis and Lemuria were real, highly advanced, and [[And Man Grew Proud|blew themselves to smithereens]] in a nuclear war or whatnot some ten or twelve thousand years ago. Why does all of this seem somewhat familiar?
** Simpsons did it?
* Theories exist that the Great Flood story, ubiquitous in the ancient Middle East, was derived from age-old memories of the sudden and catastrophic birth of the Black Sea. Before changes in sea level at the end of the last Ice Age flooded it with salt water, this area had housed a freshwater lake with an associated human population that was displaced by the sea's influx.
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