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See also [[There Should Be a Law]], [[Captain Obvious]], [[That Makes Me Feel Angry]], [[And That Would Be Wrong]], [[Captain Obvious Aesop]], [[Informed Wrongness]], and [[What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?]]. Contrast [[This Is Wrong on So Many Levels]].
== The Abridged Series ==
* ''[[Princess Tutu Abridged]]'': Child abuse! "It's bad!"
* ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series|Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series]]'' has Yami Marik saying that he got [[Dragon Ball Abridged|Team Four Star]]'s account on [[YouTube]] suspended, and everyone is shocked at such a horrible act. [[Cloudcuckoolander|Except for Tristan]].
{{quote|'''Tristan:''' Oh my God! Who's Team Four Star?}}
** Pegasus may have kidnapped Yugi's grandfather, but Kaiba [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money|cheated in a card game]] and [[This Is Unforgivable!|that's unforgivable]].
== Anime and Manga ==
* In the very first episode of ''[[Sorcerer Hunters]]'', the heroes meet someone raising a dragon that feeds on tortured girls. Of course, the team points out that that's bad, even for a sorcerer.
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** "What a dick." is repeated after Gideon {{spoiler|stabs Ramona}}.
* From the ''[[Doom (Comic Book)|Doom Comic]]'' we get the immortal line "Now I'm radioactive! That can't be good!"
== Films ==
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And his wand snapped in two, [[Crowning Moment of Funny|which was sad]].'' }}
* ''Sisterhood'' series by [[Fern Michaels]]: The author went into this at least once. ''Deadly Deals'' has an unscrupulous lawyer named Adel Newsom, who has helped another unscrupulous lawyer named Baron Bell in the selling of babies. He abandons her, she tries calling the two surrogate mothers connected to this operation, but it doesn't go well, her records get snatched, she is reduced to stealing money and trying to get out of Washington, D.C. The author puts in this one line "Not once did she give a thought to the babies or their well-being." It's almost as if the author was afraid that she was turning this character into a [[Jerkass Woobie]] and felt the need to throw that in there to remind to not sympathize with her.
== Live Action TV ==
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'''DiNozzo:''': That is correct. And many, many more bad things, because you're a very bad man. }}
* An ''[[All That]]'' sketch has Miss Fingerly continually catching one of her students cheating on a test in various ways. The first time it happens, she yells out, "That's cheating, which is bad!"
== Music ==
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* In Christy Moore's "Don't Forget Your Shovel", he rants briefly about the number of Irish migrants in London who will be unable to make it back home, and concludes, "I think that's terrible."
* In [[Pink Floyd]]'s "The Trial", the judge says that the defendant is charged for "showing feelings of an almost human nature", and says "this will not do."
== Pro Wrestling ==
* Annoyingly common, especially during long matches with occasional lulls. In part this is because the commentators have anywhere from between five to thirty minutes (and, in the case of Iron Man Matches, ''sixty'' minutes) of time to fill, but another reason is that, in the context of [[Kayfabe]], the commentators are fictional characters as well, and they view the matches as [[This Is Reality|actual athletic contests]] and [[Stupid Good|take it for granted]] that all participants, faces and heels alike, will [[Let's Fight Like Gentlemen|play by the rules]].
** Inverted in the case of heel commentators, who will [[Bad Is Good and Good Is Bad|vociferously condemn the actions of the]] ''[[Bad Is Good and Good Is Bad|faces]]'', especially if the heels suffer as a result.
== Stand Up Comedy ==
* Comedian Eugene Mirman often writes letters to companies he's mad at to read aloud on stage. A lot of the letters include a description of why he's mad, followed by "That's terrible." Things tend to get silly after that. ("Fleet Bank, you should be ashamed of all the things I made up that you would do.")
* [[Bob Saget]] reminds the audience of this several times regarding his own black/blue comedy in his his 'That Ain't Right' Stand-up tour.
== Video Games ==
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* It's an injoke in ''[[Gunnerkrigg Court]]'' that Boxbot is terrible.
* [ This] ''[[Darths and Droids]]'' comic uses it as part of a bit of [[Blatant Lies]].
== Web Original ==
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* [[Red vs. Blue]] combines this with a form of [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking]] when Sarge finds O'Mally's first victim.
{{quote|'''Sarge:''' Once again I find myself torn. On the one hand, there's one less blue in the Universe. But now Doc's got a bigger body count than me! ''And that just won't do.'' No sir. }}
* Parodied in ''[[Princess Tutu Abridged]]'': Child abuse! "It's bad!"
* Parodied in ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series]]'':
* ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series|Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series]]'' has* Yami Marik sayingsays that he got [[Dragon Ball Abridged|Team Four Star]]'s [[Reality Subtext|account on [[YouTube suspended]] suspended, and everyone is shocked at such a horrible act. [[Cloudcuckoolander|Except for Tristan]].
{{quote|'''Tristan:''' Oh my God! Who's Team Four Star?}}
** Pegasus may have kidnapped Yugi's grandfather, but Kaiba [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money|cheated in a card game]] and [[This Is Unforgivable!|that's unforgivable]].
== Western Animation ==
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* The DVD sets for ''[[Tom and Jerry]]'' and ''[[Looney Tunes]]'' contain disclaimers (the former had unskippable speeches from Whoopie Goldberg) about some of the racist content of a few shorts, emphasizing that the racial humor was "wrong then and is wrong now", but is included on the DVD for the sake of historical preservation (though that ''still'' doesn't stop them from editing or outright excluding some shorts because of blackface gags and such).
** Including the disclaimers just opens the door to further controversy. What, exactly, is the message here? "Don't make fun of people who look different from you?" (When, frankly, that's what 50 percent of American humor is, anyway!) "Joking about people is fine, but make sure they're not racial minorities, because they're emotionally fragile and can't handle teasing?" Or is it just "Shooting someone in the face will not result in a blackface gag, so don't try it?"
* [[Played for Laughs]] in ''[[South Park]]''. [[Playednumerous for Laughs]].times, Especiallyespecially when the episode has a civil-rights message.
** The visit to the Museum of Tolerance in "Death Camp of Tolerance," for one. The tour guide speaks to the group of adults and children [[Viewers are Morons|as if they're all five years old]].
** "That movie turns Jews into ''[[Shaped Like Itself|steereeuhtypes]]''! And stereotyping minorities is ''[[Hypocritical Humor|raaauung]]''!"
* 1973/74The ''[[Superfriends]]'' episode "The Weather Maker''. The villains have been diverting the Gulf Stream, which has caused severe weather disruptions across the Atlantic Ocean. When the title characters catch up to them, the [[Big Bad]] turns the machine to "Irreversibly On" so they can't turn it off.
{{quote|'''Batman''': Unforgivable!
'''Wonder Woman''': That's terrible!
'''Aquaman''': Criminal!
'''Robin''': It's not right at all! }}
== Real Life ==
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** They took 120 boxes of cake. That's as many as twelve tens. And that's terrible.
* Armed forces network "commercials" regularly feature such obvious advice as "[ Never shake your baby!]"
** [[{{quote|'''Ron White|''': What if I can't find my keys, and I've looked everywhere?]]
***Announcer: [[Captain Obvious Aesop|Not even then!]]}}
* The Catholic Church's 2009 apology for the 19th century excommunication of Australian <s>nun</s> Saint Mary MacKillop in revenge for reporting a paedophile priest: [ "On behalf of myself and the archdiocese I apologise to the sisters, especially to the sisters for what happened to them in the context of the excommunication when their lives and their community life was interrupted and they were virtually thrown out on the streets and that this was a terrible thing."]
* An MSNBC story ended with, "Now they will be without a grandmother, without a mother, and a man without a wife. And that's terrible."