Anime World Order/Funny

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  • In episode 63, Ex-Central Park Media translator and "gatekeeper" of convention panel "Totally Lame Anime" Neil Nadelman recounts the time the time him and a friend watched Odin: Photon Space Sailer Starlight all the way through, being crushed with boredom but determined to keep watching to see how it ends. Later he was asked about Odin by his boss John O'Donnell during his time at CPM. Nadelman went into a "twenty minute tirade" about the movie, finishing with a warning not do it because no-one in their right minds would buy it. "...then he proceeded to license the damned thing and I had to translate it. (Beat) CURSE YOOOOOOUUU!"
    • Nadelman's reading of a English-language scene description for a sex scene in Urotsukidouji provided from the Japanese production company, which Nadelman can only surmise came from a very bored translator there.
    • Also in episode 63, following a rant from blogger James The Angry Otaku schooling an ignorant fan about the price of anime DVDs:

 I sent a couple of voicemails in to aWo explaining how this whole process works, but they never got played, you wanna know why? Because Daryl Surat is a FUCKING VAMPIRE! He feeds off your anger! He needs it to live! If word got out to the public how this business works and the source of the real problems, he'd die because nobody would be bitching! He'd shut down like a wind-up Godzilla toy!

  • Daryl convincing Gerald to punch himself in the balls at the end of his BlackLion review in episode 54.
  • Walter Amos getting confused about Zatoichi's profession as a masseuse in episode 64.

 Walter: What, he's blind and gives you a massage and then he cuts your head off?

    • When Rob Fenelon says the cyborgs in Cyborg009 made more sense than The Six Million Dollar Man, Daryl promptly pulls out a copy of Cyborg by Martin Caidin.
    • Rob and Ken Fong's brief tenure as ambassadors from the Gamilon Embassy while waiting for a sneak preview of ET.
  • Daryl explaining how, through horribly convoluted circumstances, Anime World Order appears as a search result for "teen fisting".
  • Guest Joe Vecchio talking about tape-copying and VCR chaining in the dark ages of anime fandom, and the sad fate of those who got the tapes from the machines at the end of the line.