Another Code: Two Memories: Difference between revisions

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(Moved to Trivia)
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* [[Adult Fear]]: A lot of family ones. Secrets about your parents, abandonment issues, rejection by your family, loss of family members and something happening to them and either not knowing or being forced to sacrifice for it.
* [[Adults Are Useless]]: Why else is the teenager girl the one running around and solving everyone's personal problems?
* [[Adventure Game]]: With all the examining, inventory management and puzzle-solving involved.
* [[Already Undone for You]]: Despite Richard living on the island and knowing you were coming, you still have to solve all the puzzles to get to him.
* [[And I Must Scream]]: D has been stuck haunting Blood Edward Island for ''57 years'' by the time Ashley meets him. [[Fridge Horror|He apparently has had nothing better to do over the years than to count the days after he died]], which makes sense when you realize that he remembers ''nothing'' about his past and practically no one visits the island anymore (and even then most people can't see him anyway). {{spoiler|And if you fail to get the good ending, he will be stuck haunting the island ''forever''.}}
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* [[But Thou Must!]]: During all the sequences where Ashley repeats the plot points so she can remember later, if you choose the wrong option, she chides herself for misremembering, then goes back to try again. Especially obvious in {{spoiler|the last conversation, where Bill asks you to remember the face of the killer.}}
* [[By the Eyes of the Blind]]: Being able to see ghosts apparently requires a certain level of mental clarity and perception.
* [[Calling the Old Man Out]]: Ashley finally snaps at her dad near the start of the second game and again.
* [[Call Back]]: Near the end of the sequel, the game starts using music from the first game. The final showdown with the villain is extremely reminiscent of the first game's climax as well, albeit with a happier ending.
* [[Captain Obvious]]: Ashley gets like this at times when examining objects.
* [[Chaste Teens]]: Played with. At one point, Sofia asks Ashley if she got a boyfriend. You can either have her say "No!" or the more coy "Maybe...".
* [[Chekhov MIA]]: Ashley's dad in the original, Matt's in the sequel.
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* [[Dead Little Sister]]: {{spoiler|Kelly for Matt, though he didn't know of her death until he met her ghost.}}
* [[Demoted to Extra]]: Jessica. Her role in the first game wasn't huge, but it did help advance the plot. In the second game, she's only seen in the beginning and in a single phone call.
* [[Dialogue Tree]]: Revealed beforehand when the [[Rainbow Speak]] shows up.
* [[Died in Your Arms Tonight]]: {{spoiler|Sayoko, in Richard's arms.}}
* [[Disney Villain Death]]: {{spoiler|Played straight}} in the first game, {{spoiler|averted at the last minute in the second.}}
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* [[Laser-Guided Amnesia]]: One of the original intentions of the Trace/Another machine, as a means to remove traumatic memories.
* [[Late Arrival Spoiler]]: [[Double Subverted]]. The sequel dances around the first game's revelation of Sayoko's killer's identity for most of the game, only for it to be rather bluntly brought up again near the end.
* [[Late to the Party]]: Ashley's fifty-seven years late to the events on Blood Edward Island.
* [[Lock and Key Puzzle]]: There are a few standard locked doors to deal with.
* [[Lonely Rich Kid]]: Elizabeth.
* [[Master of Unlocking]]: The TAS gives Ashley the ability to open any electronic lock.
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* [[Our Ghosts Are Different]]: It's not quite clear what exactly D's powers are, but in the first conversation with him it seems like he can read your mind. This is never mentioned again, however.
** The other difference is that only people who can perceive things beyond what's in front of them can see or hear ghosts.
* [[Pamphlet Shelf]]: You only get plot-relevant info from the books you read.
* [[Parental Abandonment]]: Again, Ashley's dad.
** Elizabeth's mom in the second game.
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* [[Parents as People]]: Despite the heartwarming scenes at the end of the first game, Richard wasn't a good parent after he came back. Justified in that he didn't have much contact with people for ten years, was only a parent for three and still had a ton of issues left to sort out. Deep down, though, it's clear that Ashley is still the most important thing to him.
* [[Parents in Distress]]: Jessica and Richard in the first game, just Richard in the second.
* [[Parrot Exposition]]: Ashley sometimes begins conversation points with others by repeating a statement they said earlier.
* [[Parrot Exposition]]
* [[Photographic Memory]]: Ashley has ridiculously good memorizing abilities, able to recall things from the age of three, albeit with some sort of trigger.
* [[Pixel Hunt]]: Most the first game. The second game is better about it by highlighting what you can examine, a trait picked up from the Hotel Dusk series.
* [[Pixel Hunt]]
* [[Plot-Driven Breakdown]]: The one time Ashley really needs the TAS to pop open a lock, the batteries run out.
* [[Point and Click Game]]
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* [[Suspicious Videogame Generosity]]: One of the last rooms is full of objects, all with plot relevance, but no major puzzles.
* [[Talk to Everyone]]: Whenever you run into someone, you have to go through all the conversation options to continue.
* [[Tell Me About My Father|Tell Me About My Mother]]: Ashley inquires Jessica about both her parents at the start of the game.
* [[The Man Behind the Man]]: {{spoiler|Ryan Grey.}}
* [[Time Skip]]: Two years pass between the first and second games.
* [[Trademark Favorite Food]]: Richard is a bit of a [[Everything's Better with Chocolate|chocoholic.]] One of his office drawers is loaded with chocolate bars.
* [[Transferable Memory]]: Yup, the machine can do that too.
* [[Trauma-Induced Amnesia]]: Ashley after witnessing the events of her third birthday.
* [[Trial and Error Gameplay]]
* [[Tsundere]]: Ashley has a bit of Type B in her. She's normally a very nice person, but she's prone to hissy-fits when she gets mad.
* [[Unexpected Inheritance]]: The DAS and TAS.
* [[Undeath Always Ends]]: D is finally laid to rest in the good ending. In the sequel, {{spoiler|Kelly is able to move on after seeing her brother again and having him give her her old doll.}}
* [[Unfinished Business]]: D and, in the sequel, {{spoiler|Kelly.}}