Memeable quotes in the fan-fic despite it being in First Person Perspective

Part 1


In case anyone is asking which should've been obvious, yes I'm speaking about what noticed while in a coma and partially returned to my own. Deal with it. '[Intro to "California Love" plays in a distant]' Some things never get old


 "Victoria, what did you do yourself? You're body in the psychiatric ward while mine is at the critical care unit." I told her.


Part 2


Well, it was one way to stage an intervention.


Part 3


Well, if the accident didn't stop my will to live, what made me think being in body cast would.


Part 4


 Don't ask how that works'


 "It's due to safety. I don't even want to know how you break out." I said.

"Some bloke forgot to lock one of the doors. I left when nobody, including Victoria, was looking. I had grab a white trucker cap and a blue overall. I didn't want the orderly know what was up. They took everything I had on, claiming it was a 'risk'. I was only left with my undergarment and given a johnny gown. That's just stupid!" Melanie said.

You can face palm for me. My version is like Jean-Luc Picard in one scene.


After learning Melanie's weight,


 At that point, I just wanted to slap her up side the head.


 Nice going, Melanie! You're a wanted woman. Don't expect a bailout. Of course, I had something to do with it but look, she brought this on to herself.


Part 5


"She can't keep having these seizures! HER SPINE!" Geri said.

They left while stayed, my seizure stopped. They returned just as it did.

"It hurts." I squeaked, sound like a mouse.