Asura's Wrath/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Catch and Return]]: Does this with a god damned missile, a la [[The Incredible Hulk]].
* [[Clipped-Wing Angel]]: A rare heroic example, Wrath form. He takes this form after his Berserker form took a blast from the Brahmastra, he is covered in black colored armour and looks cracked. Its concept art says that when Asura attacks in this form he does more damage to ''himself'' then he does the enemy. Although that doesn't stop him from gutting and head-stomping Sergei and putting up a decent fight with Yasha.
* [[Character Development]]: His rage at being betrayed and his daughter kidnapped is tempered with indignation at how the innocent masses are treated. He later goes to attack the demigods not only to save his family and get revenge, but also to free humanity from their tyranny. Despite being a [[Jerkass]] ''par excellence'', his [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold|instinctive concern for mankind puts him head and shoulders above the rest of the demigods, ethically speaking.]]
* [[Colossus Climb]]: Does one on Wyzen, [[Moment of Awesome|just to give him a good old fashioned punch to the face.]]
* [[Cutlass Between the Teeth]]: The remains of Wailing Dark. He holds it in his teeth due to losing his arms again at that point in the story.
* [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]]: Asura has the option to [[Shut UP, Hannibal|Shut Hannibals Up]] during cutscenes.
* [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]: Yasha is kind to and sort of supportive of Asura, but Asura isn't having any of it. It doesn't help that Yasha also keeps trying to outdo him in battle, which pisses off Asura who sees competition as pointless when in battle. After [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|beating up the Earth's core]] together, Asura is somehwhat less of an asshole to Yasha, a massive accomplishment in itself. Then, Asura is shown to be saddened once Yasha finally dies.
* [[Determinator]]: Keeps on fighting a guy who calls himself [[God]] after losing his freakin' arms! By the end of the game he's been ''killed'', '''four times''', and just keeps coming back on sheer fury and determination.
* [[Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?]]: [[Moment of Awesome|"I refuse."]]
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* [[Multi-Armed and Dangerous]]: Up to six arms if he gets angry enough. Note that if you anger him to this point, [[Oh Crap|you should start praying.]]
* [[Never Hurt an Innocent]]: Holds the greatest regard for innocent life out of all of the Divine Generals. Even as Wrath Asura he focuses his rampage on the Deities' armies and the Gohma.
* [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown]]: One of his possible counter attacks against Deus. He also delivers a very satisfying one to Chakravartin at the end of their battle.
* [[No Indoor Voice]]: He screams CONSTANTLY.
* [[One-Man Army|One Demigod Army]]: However, when he enters his Berserker form then he cranks this concept [[Up to Eleven]] by decimating an entire space armada down to just a handful in just a few seconds.
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* [[Opposites Attract]]: She fell in love with a man that didn't know what to do to stop a baby crying except punching the cause.
* [[Sacrificial Lamb]]
* [[Women Prefer Strong Men]]: Look at who she married. Though it's also clear that she genuinely loves him because she can tell that he's a good man under his angry shell.
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** It's even hinted this form is much ''Weaker'' than his previous ones, because it's hard to maintain any real speed he might of had before, making him pathetic compare do the other planet sized entities in the game.
* [[Boisterous Bruiser]]
* [[The Brute]]: Relies on solely his physical strength, and then pumps himself up with mantra in order to crush Asura as he's beaten.
* [[Butt Monkey]]: Along with being the very first demi-god fought in the game (And the only one besides Yasha and deus to be fought twice), not only is he the first one of the deities to die, but even the other deities see him as nothing more than a big joke despite being the biggest of them physically.
** Even his reincarnated form is this, as he's only a petty thug compared to the other reincarnated Demigods.
* [[Calling Your Attacks]]: '''KURIKARA FUDO UCHI'''!
* [[Climax Boss]]: Not quite as much as later bosses, but he does have chapter all to himself when he becomes the size of Earth itself.
* [[Clipped Wing Angel]]: His Gongen form makes him ENORMOUS, but also severely limits his mobility, which bites him in the ass when Asura punches his finger so many times that it causes many chain reactions, and he's basically helpless.
* [[Dumb Muscle]]: Pretty much his role with the Deities. Especially when he uses more Mantra than necessary just to end up weaker.
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: Of humans.
* [[Fat Bastard]]: And gets bigger the angrier he gets.
* [[LargeFat HamIdiot]]
* [[Finger-Poke of Doom]]: [ Yes]. But the catch is? It fails.
* [[Ground Pound]]: Does this to Asura during the second part of their fight, and then punches him repeatedly into the ground. [[Super Mode|It doesn't work.]]
* [[Hand Cannon]]: Fires missiles from the side of his arms
* [[Holy Halo]]: Best seen when he powers up.
* [[Jerkass]]: He's described as being condescending towards humans, and in-game, he's shown to be quite the unlikable fellow.
* [[Large Ham]]
* [[Large Ham]]:
* [[Megaton Punch]]: Tries this against Asura. [[Moment of Awesome|He fails.]]
** While falling from midair and dive bombing no less.
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* [[Power Fist]]: More prominent in his normal form, where it is barely about the size of him!
* [[Sequential Boss]]
* [[Shut Up, Hannibal!]]: You're able to interrupt him while he's gloating towards Asura via a punch to the face.
* [[Smug Snake]]
* [[Starter Villain]]: The first of the Seven Deities that Asura fights.
* [[That's No Moon]]: Nope, that's ''HIM.''
* [[Yellow Eyes]]
Line 254 ⟶ 260:
* [[A Glass in The Hand]]
* [[Affably Evil]]: Not exactly evil, as he's shown to prefer hanging out with his servant girls at his mansion, but he's still an opponent of Asura's who is nonetheless quite affable indeed.
* [[Badass]]: Yep.
** [[Badass GrandpaBeard]]
** [[Badass Grandpa]]: Oh hell yes.
** [[Badass Normal]]: For a demigod, at any rate. Augus believes that relying on Mantra makes one weak, and that this is why Wyzen and Karlow were defeated by Asura. He doesn't use Mantra at all, which says something pretty scary about his overall capabilities.
* [[Bash Brothers]]: He was this with Asura back in the day, according to him at least.
Line 265 ⟶ 273:
* [[Blood Knight]]: Incredibly so, just about every other line that comes out of this guys mouth has something to do about fighting and how much he ''loves'' it. Punctuated by the line:
{{quote| "I don't fight for good, and I don't fight for evil! I just fight!"}}
* [[The Brute]]: The role he's meant to play among the Seven Deities, given that's he relies purely on his strength. That being said, he's actually a pretty good guy when you get right down to it.
* [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good|Blood Knights Cannot Comprehend]] [[Papa Bear|Parental Protectiveness]]
* [[Boisterous Bruiser]]
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* [[Old Master]]: Asura's and Yasha's, to be exact.
* [[Occidental Otaku]]: His reincarnation in the Japanese version, who came to Japan to collect Japanese swords, and tries his best to speak Japanese to locals that look like former Demi-god minions.
* [[Punch Clock Villain]]: Augus doesn't care at all for Deus' cause, and actually expresses some disgust at the idea of ending the war withtwith hethe Gohma. In fact, he's the only Guardian General not present when Deus throws Asura from space <ref> Save Wyzen, who was busy being unconscious after he tried taking on Asura earlier</ref>. He only works with Deus because he promised an endless slew of good fights, with them culminating in his final confrontation with Asura.
* [[Sequential Boss]]: You fight him when he just uses his fists, and then when he uses his sword.
* [[Shut Up, Hannibal!]]: Though when it's done to him, he tanks it while looking amused.
* [[Sink or Swim Mentor]]
* [[Sword Beam]]: Spams this after unsheathing Wailing Dark.
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* [[Agent Peacock]]
* [[Axe Crazy]]
* [[Camp Gay]]
* [[Combat Sadomasochist]]
* [[Cruel and Unusual Death]]: Is gutted by Wrath Asura, who then [[Your Head Asplode|stomps on his head]]. [[Complete Monster|He deserved it. ]]
* [[The Dragon]]: To Deus. Thus was the one he entrusted with killing Durga. Given his flamboyant mannerisms, you could also make a case for him being [[The Dark Chick]]
* [[Dude Looks Like a Lady]]: And how.
* [[Expy]]: Of [[.hack GU|Endrance]].
Line 329 ⟶ 339:
* [[Laughing Mad]]: After being sliced up by Wrath Asura.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: His name is derived from the Italian name Sergio wich means servant or the high one further emphasizing his position as Deus' right hand man.
* [[Oh Crap]]: Looks terrified right before his death.
* [[Troll]]: Revealed that he was Durga's killer for the sole reason of evoking a reaction from Yasha.
** It is also implied by some texts that he didn't have have orders to kill Durga but did it anyway in order to seriously piss of Asura.
Line 353 ⟶ 364:
{{quote| "Enjoy your new lease on life."}}
* [[Cutscene Boss]]: For all purposes, the guy doesn't even put up a fight.
* [[The Evil Genius]]: Plays this role among the Seven Deities, given that he was the one who suggested the coup to Deus.
* [[Evil Old Folks]]
* [[Family-Unfriendly Death]]: Squashed inside an escape pod by Asura. And we see the entire thing.
Line 362 ⟶ 374:
* [[Oh Crap]]: When he realises Asura latched on to his escape pod. He also has this reaction when Asura survives a GIANT LASER fired at him point blank.
* [[Power Floats]]
* [[Shut Up, Hannibal!]]: Ineffective, as Asura punches a hologram instead of the real thing.
* [[The Strategist]]
* [[Screw This, I'm Outta Here]]: He attempts to escape from Asura via an escape pod. It doesn't go well for him though.
Line 385 ⟶ 398:
* [[An Ice Person]]
* [[All Women Are Lustful]]: Her mantra affinity implies this, though it's only directed at lord Deus.
* [[Bare Your Midriff]]: Her armor exposes her stomach.
* [[Blondes Are Evil]]: Platinum Blonde, but still Blonde.
* [[Bodyguard Crush]]: Very noticable in the true ending.
* [[Climax Boss]]: Berserker Asura versus her Massive space fleet. She loses. Badly.
* [[The Dragon]]: Along with Sergei, she plays this role to Deus, serving as the main commander of the Seven Deities fleet of airships.
* [[Dragon Their Feet]]
* [[Dragon Their Feet]] Doesn't meet her end until after her other comrades are dead.
* [[Evil Brit]]
* [[Holy Halo]]
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* [[Attack of the Fifty Foot Whatever]]: After fusing with the Karma Fortress to become Sakra Devanam Indra Deus.
* [[Badass]]: [[World of Badass|Did you expect anything else]]?
** [[Badass Baritone]]
** [[Badass Cape]]
** [[Badass in A Nice Suit]]
Line 480 ⟶ 496:
* [[Dark-Skinned Blond]]
* [[Determinator]]: It took several battles to slow him down at all, with him stepping up his game each time. At many points, you get to see him [[No Sell]] Asura's and Yasha's combined might through sheer force of will. He even refuses to die once he'd gotten 12,000+ years of power beaten out of him!
* [[Expy]]: Looks a lot like Ganondorf from [[The Legend of Zelda]] series.
* [[Fighting With Chucks]]: [[I Call It Vera|The Sakras]], his weapon of choice.
** Chucks that shoot ''lighting bolts'' no less.
Line 618 ⟶ 635:
* [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good]]/ [[This Cannot Be!]]: He Just doesn't understand why Asura was able to defeat him.
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: To Asura. He's a glowing gold deity of life, while Asura is a demonic red entity of wrath, and both are the only things in each other's power level. His final form is more clearly a counterpart to Asura's Wrath form, in the same way that the Vlitra Core was a counterpart to his Berserker form.
* [[Faux Affably Evil]]: He appears to be a calm, friendly, polite god who is doing what needs to be done, but he's truly a heartless, cold monster of a god, and that side comes out once Asura defies him.
* [[God]]: He spins the threads of life and govern the life of all of existence.
** [[God Is Evil]]
Line 641 ⟶ 659:
* [[Physical God]]
* [[Powers That Be]]: a [[Big Bad]] Example. [[Moment of Awesome|Asura]] [[Asura's Wrath/Awesome|kills him.]]
* [[Pummel Duel]]: When he's been hit one too many times, he absolutely ''looses his shit'' and tries to beat Asura to a pulp with his bare hands.
* [[Rasputinian Death]]: This guy took no less than '''10''' bursts before finally dying.
* [[Reality Warper]]
* [[Rubber Man]]: His skin looks very rubbery and stretchy, which is more apparent when he gets punched in the face.
* [[Serial Escalation]]: The ultimate pinnacle of this in the game as far as bosses and enemies go. His giant form is many many times bigger than any other character in the game, to the point while even being out of the solar system he's still visible from the planet earth, he can casually fire really strong, really fast laser beams that goes across the solar system at several times faster than light, Throws entire planets and even '''STARS at you, and even tries to make the sun go super nova JUST TO TRY AND KILL YOU!'''
* [[Sequential Boss]]: First your fight his giant golden metal form in space, then you fight a smaller version in Naraka, then his human form, than his [[One-Winged Angel|Creator form]], as well as a [[Rule of Cool|QTE Battle against him]]!
* [[Smug Snake]]: He just ''oozes'' arrogance and condescendence when things are going his way. When he's defied by Asura however, he gets PISSED.
* [[The Sociopath]]: He appears to be charming and affable when speaking to Asura, but he's truly an unfeeling bastard of a god who can't even be bothered to watch over humanity, and like most sociopaths, he expresses extreme rage when Asura refuses to become his Redeemer.
* [[Sphere of Destruction]]: One of his final forms basic projectiles.
* [[Spotting the Thread|Spotting The Golden Thread]]: In the final boss fight with the Vlitra Core, the core seems to have glowing golden spikes sticking out of it. A few distant shots show that the core is actually [[Foreshadowing|suspended in a giant golden web.]]
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* [[True Final Boss]]
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: It begins when you "extend your arm", but becomes especially apparent when he ditches his magic and attempts a [[Pummel Duel]] with Asura after he lands yet another punch on him.
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: He tries to come across as one of these, saying he was causing the world suffer in order to get an heir after countless Eons of destroying and recreating the planet of Gaea, so that he can explore other worlds and guide others. Asura calls him out on this immensely, and as he beats down Chakravartin, [[Complete Monster|it's obvious that Chakravartin's intentions are nothing but shallow.]]