Atelier Iris 2: The Azoth of Destiny/YMMV

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  • Cliché Storm - The storyline is fairly standard JRPG fare; you could pretty much guess half the stuff that's going to happen next as you play it. Much like its predecessor, the game's strengths lie in its smooth combat system, the charm of the characters, and the franchise's iconic crafting system.
  • Moe Moe - Viese, at least somewhat. Some of this does come from the fact that she gets to caper around in Eden making things while Felt is fighting for his life in the grimdark world below. She sheds a fair amount of this once she joins the fighting party, natch.
  • That One Attack - Crimson Split. AND Crimson Moon. AND Shadow Azoth. Basically everything the Final Boss throws at you that aren't debuffs. In an otherwise fairly easy game, Gust does at least provided a worthy and legitimate challenge at the end.