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* [[Reliable Traitor]]: Greed, a member of the Toa Daedra. As his name suggests, he only cares about himself, and will abandon anyone who is of no use to him. In short, the only thing you can count on is that he will look out for himself before anyone else.
* [[Religion of Evil]]: Xa-Koro worships [[Big Bad|Makuta Teridax]] and is spreading their religion across the island. It doesn't help that they have [[Religion Is Magic|the powers to make people comply]].
* [[Rube Goldberg MachineDevice]]: Miha makes one for a prank.
* [[Sacrificed Basic Skill for Awesome Training]]: Only Toa who [[Discard and Draw|give up their elemental power can use]] [[Functional Magic|Xa-kuta]] .
* [[Screw Destiny]]: The Scarred Paladins refuse to wait for [[The Chosen One]] to lead them in rebellion against Xa-Koro.