Badass: Difference between revisions

update links
(Deleted historical box, because the linked page, Badass/Sandbox, no longer exists.)
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[[Badass]] is an adjective used to describe a character who gets away with outright insane stunts (defusing a bomb with their teeth, [[Did You Just Scam Cthulhu?|conning a mob boss]], [[One-Man Army|getting into a firefight with the entire army]], etc.) that would be very hard to pull off in [[Real Life]], or would get the person trying it killed several times over. A badass is a fantasy figure whom the audience roots for precisely because of how prone they are to [[Moment of Awesome|awesome moments]], to the point where they stretch or break the [[Willing Suspension of Disbelief]]. Of course, [[Willing Suspension of Disbelief]] may still be maintained depending on the mechanics of the universe.
It's notable that fans are more likely to tolerate a violent monster of a "hero" than a befuddled, cowardly [[Classical AntiheroAnti-Hero]].
Most attempts to parody or deconstruct the badass have turned into [[Misaimed Fandom]] -- no matter how nutty the character gets (like Rorschach from ''[[Watchmen (comics)|Watchmen]]),'' the fans just cheer on how badass the character is. This has led to a new [[Trope]]: the [[Sociopathic Hero]]. Writers beware: Take it too far and either [[God Mode Sue]] or [[Jerk Sue]] will stride [[Out of the Inferno]] of your work.
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For many outstanding examples of badassness, see [[Moment of Awesome]].
Considering almost ''every'' hero of ancient myth was Badass Incarnate[[TradesnarkTradesnark™|?]], this trope is [[Older Than Dirt]].
=== Now divided into [[Badass]] sub-pages: ===