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* [[Cultural Translation]]: ''Gundalian Invaders'' seems to have taken this literally, seeing as how Dan's new place of living, Bayview City, has American Football, Burger Joints, has people with english names like Jake, and he now lives fairly close to Julie, it can be assumed that he's moved to America.
* [[Cyborg]]: Helios gets cyberized willingly, as he has apparently attained maximum evolution and thus can't match Drago's insane power. He gets a new arm (that can [[Rocket Punch]], and once fired off it reveals a large [[Arm Cannon]]), a large [[Chest Blaster]] cannon, brand new wings with [[Shoulder Cannon]]s built into them, and the ability to regenerate any damage.
** ''Mechtanium Surge'' Helios dials down the cybernetics a bit - he retains the [[Chest Blaster]] and mechanical wings (this time being a [[JetpackJet Pack|jet pack]] with a set of lasers that can [[Roboteching|Robotech]]) but loses the cybernetic arm and the numerous tubes grafted onto him. His eyes also appear completely organic.
* [[Darker and Edgier]]: {{spoiler|Season 2 of New Vestroia made battling more lethal.}}
** ''Gundalian Invaders'' involves an actual ''[[War Is Hell|war]]''. Permanent character death is a common sight.