Bakugan: Difference between revisions

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* [[Char Clone]] - Spectra Phantom wears mostly red (including a mask), is blonde, is The Rival, {{spoiler|and is actually named Keith Fermin, the older brother of Mira Fermin}}. Also, Masquerade doesn't have a thing for red nor does he {{spoiler|she}} have a younger sister, but he is mostly this trope.
* [[Chest Blaster]]: Helios has the ''Ragnarok Cannon'' ability which essentially amounts to this. His Infinity evolution upgrades it into the ''Ragnarok Buster'', which now comes with a nifty hatch.
** Drago's Perfect Core abilities effectively work by Drago releasing a huge burst of rainbow-colored Perfect Core energy out of the gem on his chest. Helios was rebuilt to intentionally counter Drago, so keep that in mind.
** Subterra Bakugan tend to have these. Wilda (being a walking [[Mazinger Z]] homage and all) has the aptly named ''Chest Burn'' ability. Coredem has the ''Scale Arrow'' ability which is a concentrated burst of energy fired out of his chest.
* [[Combination Attack]]: Various special attacks can be used to boost the power level of your Bakugan if you're attacking with two Bakugan of elements next to each other on the elemental wheel...or across from each other on the wheel...or with the three that make up a triangle on that wheel. So there's a pretty good chance that any time two of the Brawlers are dueling together, they'll be able to use a combo attack.
** Hell, seeing as how regular (normally Aquos) Preyas can change his element at will and his evolution manifested in the form of a ''second'' Bakugan, Haos Preyas Angelo/Pyrus Preyas Diablo, Marucho is able to pull off the Aquos/Pyrus/Haos triangle attack all by himself--or would be, if any of the non-sentient Bakugan appeared at all during New Vestroia.
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* [[Cultural Translation]]: ''Gundalian Invaders'' seems to have taken this literally, seeing as how Dan's new place of living, Bayview City, has American Football, Burger Joints, has people with english names like Jake, and he now lives fairly close to Julie, it can be assumed that he's moved to America.
* [[Cyborg]]: Helios gets cyberized willingly, as he has apparently attained maximum evolution and thus can't match Drago's insane power. He gets a new arm (that can [[Rocket Punch]], and once fired off it reveals a large [[Arm Cannon]]), a large [[Chest Blaster]] cannon, brand new wings with [[Shoulder Cannon]]s built into them, and the ability to regenerate any damage.
** ''Mechtanium Surge'' Helios dials down the cybernetics a bit - he retains the [[Chest Blaster]] and mechanical wings (this time being a [[Jet Pack|jet pack]] with a set of lasers that can [[Roboteching|Robotech]]) but loses the cybernetic arm and the numerous tubes grafted onto him. His eyes also appear to be completely organic.
* [[Darker and Edgier]]: {{spoiler|Season 2 of New Vestroia made battling more lethal.}}
** ''Gundalian Invaders'' involves an actual ''[[War Is Hell|war]]''. Permanent character death is a common sight.
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* [[Killed Off for Real]]: {{spoiler|Sid, ALL of the twelve orders but Nurzak}}
** To date, all of the [[Big Bad|Big Bads]]
* [[Laughing Mad]]: Shadow ProbeProve.
* [[Lampshade Hanging]]: Typical dynamic: Dan is surprised by something [[Parrot Exposition|so he repeats what he just heard.]] [[Deadpan Snarker|Shun replies that that's exactly why whoever said that said so.]]
* [[Light Is Not Good]]: Some of the villains use Haos-attributed Bakugan.
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* [[Long-Distance Relationship]]: Julie and Billy.
* [[Luke, I Am Your Father]]: Spectra is {{spoiler|Mira's older brother Keith.}}
* [[Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter]]: Mira plays with this; she's ''already'' leading [[La Résistance]] at the start of ''New Vestroia'', and she's not an only child. She is, however, a very goodbeautiful teenage lookinggirl, and the actual daughter of mad scientist Clay Fermin.
** Alice, a Mad Scientist's Beautiful ''Granddaughter'', plays this straight. Well, sort of. Her grandfather, Michael, was taken over by negative energy after an accident with a dimensional transporter and became the evil Hal-G, and she tried to defend him, and was herself being used by him, first by being turned into Masquerade and then by being tricked into believing that Michael was [["I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight|in there somewhere]].
* [[Magical Girl]]: Elfin. while it wasn't so noticeable at first, when she evolved into Minx Elfin, she invokes this trope so much that she's practically become a [[Affectionate Parody|direct homage]] to Sailor Moon, complete with [[In the Name of the Moon]] style phrases. It's so blatantly obvious now that she even copied one of ''[[Sailor Moon]]'''s signature poses.
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* [[Capulet Counterpart|Montague Counterpart]]: Lync turns against the Vexos out of love for Alice.
* [[More Dakka]]: The entire premise of the Battle Gear is to load a Bakugan down with firepower. Sometimes, it involves [[Humongous Mecha|giant mechanical Bakugan]] that can [[Combining Mecha|combine]] into battle armor.
** Helios takes it to a major extreme by implementing Vestal technology into his body to become a technorganic dragon, improving it as he and Spectra see fit. The first Battle Gear he uses (also first in the series) is the Twin Destroyer, a pair of rapid-fire, quadruple-barreled machineGattling gun turrets. The next step up is the Zukanator, a missile-sized laser cannon that can rip through tempered steel plates like tinfoil.
** The Vexos use mecha-Bakugan as a complete replacement for the living ones, believing they can craft bigger weapons of destruction than Bakugan themselves can unleash.
** King Zenoheld starts off with Farbros, a mechanized dragon with immense firepower. It turns into a full-fledged battle suit when the [[Mecha Expansion Pack|Assail System]] is combined with it. But the most fearsome weapon he ever used was the Alternative, a continent-sized starship with garrisons of disposable attack bots (to be more precise, garrisons of Fortress Traps - the one that's ''crammed'' with More Dakka ''as is''), ''SAVAGE'' firepower that ''ripped a gaping hole in a moon'', then ''vaporized said moon", and the power to wipe out planets at the flick of a wrist.