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[[File:Baldr-Sky_3030.jpg|frame|Clockwise from the top: Makoto Minazuki, Aki Nishino, Nanoha Wakakusa, Rain Kirishima, Chinatsu Nagisa, Sora Minazuki]]
{{quote|''"The story moves violently in the interstice of the memory."''}}
'''''Baldr Sky''''' is a [[Cyberpunk]] [[Visual Novel]] that takes place in a world where nanotechnology has advanced greatly and that the newer generation people have brain chips, making it easy for them to connect to the virtual space net. ''Baldr Sky'' is part of Team Baldrhead’s long running series (along with ''[[Baldr Force EXE|Baldr Force]]'', ''Baldr Bullet'' and ''Baldr Fist''). The visual novel contains elements of [[Action Game|action gameplay]] with Kou piloting his simulacrum to fight. Unlike the majority of visual novels, every single character in the story is fully voiced.
Kou Kadokura wakes up and finds himself in a cyberspace battlefield controlling a [[Humongous Mecha|giant simulacrum]]. He faintly recalls going to sleep in his bed at the school dormitory, but now swarms of viruses are attacking him. He later realizes that he had just suffered a brain injury and [[Easy Amnesia|lost his memories]] of the past few years. His subordinate Rain Kirishima informs him that he is a lieutenant in a mercenary group and that they were chasing after the Drexler Organization, a group believed to be responsible for the tragedy "Gray Christmas" that changed Kou’s life.
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The first game is named ''Baldr Sky: "Lost Memory" Dive1'' and the second one is named ''Baldr Sky "Recordare" Dive2''. The two games together form the complete story. If both games are installed at the same time, ''Dive2'' will carry over saved data and also play the routes in ''Dive1''. There is also a fandisk named ''Baldr Sky DiveX "[[Dream World]]"'', which contains several short side stories including the period that Kou spent training as a mercenary. The fandisk also includes different battle modes where you can use any mecha that appears in the story.
* [[Accidental Pervert]]: Kou tends to be a victim of this.
* [[Action Girl]]: Rain, Chinatsu, Makoto, Shizel {{spoiler|and Sora}}.
* [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot]]
* [[Amnesiac Hero]]: Kou
* [[Apocalypse How]]: Class 3 Human Extinction
* [[Artificial Human]]: The human cloning process.
* [[Artificial Intelligence]]: A major theme in the story with an AI faction and anti-AI faction having a conflict with each other.
* [[Artificial Limbs]]: {{spoiler|Chinatsu lost most of her body during Gray Christmas.}}
* [[Attempted Rape]]: Gilberto and his group are guilty of trying to rape the heroine in several routes. It’s up to Kou to stop him before he succeeds.
** When Rain was caught by Gilberto in her route, she was planning to kill herself but Kou persuades her to wait for her rescue.
** Giberto’s group breaks into Noi’s clinic and was going to rape Nanoha, Makoto helps Kou in defeating Gilberto and Noi releases her killer robot on the group.
** Aki was kidnapped by Gilberto so she tries mentally escaping into the virtual net as Gilberto hunts for her. Kou saves Aki in cyberspace and Mohawk saves her in the physical world.
** Rain also experiences this right after Gray Christmas but she kills her assaulters.
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* [[Battle in the Center of the Mind]]: {{spoiler|Kou has one where he fights against a polluted copy of himself.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Battle Royale With Cheese]]: Occurs in Sora’s route where practically everyone supposedly dies but comes back at the end.}}
* [[Beam Spam]]: The attacks of Makoto’s simulacrum tend to be this.
* [[Big Bad]]: {{spoiler|Neunzehn}}
* [[BFGBig Freaking Gun]]: Weapons that Kou can use include several of these.
* [[The Big Guy]]: Mohawk
* [[Bittersweet Ending]]: Majority of the endings are this, even including the character’s "good" endings.
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* [[Brain In a Jar]]: {{spoiler|In order to save Nanoha in "Dreamland" ending, only her brain was preserved in a metal box connected to a virtual reality world.}}
* [[Broken Bird]]: Chinatsu became bitter after Gray Christmas, believing that Kurihara betrayed her and that the AI faction is hiding the truth from everyone.
* [[The Cameo]]: DiveX has cameo characters for battle including Kageaki Minato from [[Nitroplus|Full Metal Daemon Muramasa]] and Yukie Mayuzumi from [[Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai!|Maji De Watashi Ni Koi Shinasai]].
* [[Can't Live Without You]]: Kuu is connected to Sora and when Sora died, Kuu was supposed to disappear also. This confused Kou since Agent possesses the same ID signature as Kuu.
* [[Chainsaw Good]]:
** Father Gregory can transform his hands into chainsaws in cyberspace and his simulacrum carries this ability.
** The "Iron-file" virus uses it.
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* [[Collapsing Lair]]: In DiveX, {{spoiler|Chris invokes this when she is defeated.}}
* [[Cuteness Proximity]]: Rain can’t stop herself when she sees the kittens in Aki’s cyberspace. When the others find her in this state, she quickly blames that she was under a mental attack from the I.C.E.
* [[Cybernetics Eat Your Soul]]: Not actually true but {{spoiler|Chinatsu doesn’t consider herself to be human any longer and instead to be a zombie.}}
* [[Cyberpunk]]
* [[Cyberspace]]
* [[A Day Atat the Bizarro]]: The joke story in DiveX where Kou's and Sora's first meeting was a [[Crash Into Hello]] in a high school comedy setting. Gregory is the school director, while Anan is a student and Isao's son. The cyberspace settings is replaced with a [[Sentai]] parody with robot transformation.
* [[Death by Origin Story]]: Sora’s death on Gray Christmas was what triggers Kou to become a mercenary.
* [[Delayed Reaction]]: Sora had one when she first met Kuu. It took her a while to realize that Kuu has the same appearance as her.
** {{spoiler|1=In Aki's route, Kou also fails to recognize his own NPC simulacrum.}}
* [[Deus Est Machina]]: {{spoiler|1=A.I. Eve and the collective A.I. from multiple worlds, who consider Neunzehn’s actions through the multiverse to be a threat, so it create "Singularity" moments across different worlds to interfere with him. Kou’s NPC simulacrum in Sora’s route was recreated by the [[A Is]] for killing Neunzehn.}}
* [[Died in Your Arms Tonight]]:
** {{spoiler|Makoto has a vision this happening in her route when she is killed by Kou.}}
** {{spoiler|Nanoha in Sora’s route. She gets better at the end.}}
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* [[Embarrassing Cover Up]]: Kou’s excuse to Nanoha about his investigation of an illegal NPC sex club is that he is a healthy man that has needs.
* [[The End of the World as We Know It]]
* [[Enemy -Detecting Radar]]: There's a map on the upper right corner that shows where all the enemies are.
* [[Eroge]]
* [[External Combustion]]: Nanoha’s parents died from a car bomb.
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* [[He Who Must Not Be Seen]]: Neunzehn {{spoiler|who is actually a being with multiple brains connected together into one and then mechanically enhanced.}}
* [[Hold the Line]]: Several times in the story but especially in the mind hack moments where Kou has to prevent an invasion by a swarm of viruses from destroying several layers of protective gates.
* [[Hologram]]: Appears frequently along with [[Holographic Terminal]].
** Kou used to have a hologram picture of Sora in his room.
** Seira projects herself a few times as a hologram.
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* [[Lotus Eater Machine]]: Dominion believes that the entire world is a fake and that they have to return back to the real world.
* [[Love Potion]]: A virtual drug can be designed to have this effect. Kou has to use it to bypass security in the illegal sex NPC rooms.
* [[Mad Scientist]]:
** Kurihara and the members of Drexler organization are called this.
** Neunzehn is known as the greatest mad scientist of the century.
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** {{spoiler|Makoto: If you shoot senpai,}} I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you.
** {{spoiler|Sora (Neunzehn)}}: Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. {{spoiler|Love.}}
* [[Matchmaker Crush]]: Sora originally tried to get Kou and Rain together, but she and Kou fell in love instead.
* [[Matrix Raining Code]]: Used in the game’s opening and ending credit.
* [[Mayor Pain]]: Anan, who has been doing illegal activities and working with Dominion.
* [[Meido]]: All the heroines (except Aki) wear one a scene in DiveX.
* [[Miko]]: Dominion has a miko that directly acts under Father Gregory.
* [[Mind Rape]]: Father Gregory uses the characters most emotional moments against them.
** For Kou, he uses NPCs of Sora.
** For Rain, he uses NPC of her mother.
** Gregory also uses a mental trap program "Enchanter" that shows the person the illusion of their worst nightmares.
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** The pendant Sora got from Kou {{spoiler|was originally suppose to be Rain’s gift to Kou. The pendant appears in the hands of Agent and acts as a quantum dice that detects what world it she is in.}}
* [[Multiple Endings]]: There are different endings depending on choices Kou makes, on time it takes for specific battle and the victory/defeat outcome of major boss fight. The titles of the good endings are the heroine’s name.
** Rain has a good ending and "Ghost" ending that depends on the choice of whether {{spoiler|Kou struggles to survive or gives up trying to escape.}}
** Nanoha has a time specified battle when Kou has to rush to save Nanoha. Taking more than three minutes in the battle will lock out the good ending and lead to the "Dreamland" ending. Taking more than five minutes causes a [[Nonstandard Game Over]]. Finally, losing the final battle gives the "Embrace" ending.
** Chinatsu has one divergence path choice that leads to "Departure" ending {{spoiler|if Kou doesn’t believe in Agent’s actions}}. Choosing the other path leads to the good ending or "Connected Machine" ending depending of if Kou wins the last battle.
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* [[Not Blood Siblings]]: Kou and Aki
* [["No Warping" Zone]]: In cyberspace, characters can instantly "move" to any location they want unless there is a restriction placed in that area.
* [[The Nudifier]]: Father Gregory drops Aki into a mysterious pool of liquid that dissolves clothing.
* [[Oedipus Complex]]: {{spoiler|Neunzehn was said to have this feeling towards Kou’s mother and Sora.}}
* [[Official Couple]]: Kou and Sora. The problem is that Sora is dead.
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** Eiji Kadokura is said to be this.
** Kou also qualifies as he personally takes down numerous viruses by himself in several battles.
* [[One Game for the Price of Two]]: Dive1 contains the first three routes of the story, while Dive2 contains the last three. To be fair, Dive1 and Dive2 are very long and each takes more time to complete than a typical visual novel.
* [[Our Souls Are Different]]: Humans have wired ghosts that separate them from NPC in cyberspace.
* [[Overheating]]: Kou’s simulacrum can continue to use different weapons in a combo until his Overheat Meter is filled up. Then he has to wait for the meter to fall back to zero. [[Limit Break|Limit Breaks]] can go over the meter and there is one limit break that allows Kou to continue using weapons even pass the meter.
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** Nanoha’s parents died from a car bomb.
* [[Parental Incest]]: {{spoiler|While Aki is not a clone of Kou’s mother, Kou slept with Aki believing that she was one.}}
* [[Piggyback Cute]]:
** Kou gave one to Rain (whom he thought was Sora) when she injured her leg after Gray Christmas. He couldn’t see so Rain used neurojack for him to look through her eyes.
** In Rain’s good ending, their positions are reversed where Kou injured his legs and Rain used his eyes to see.
** In DiveX, Kou gives one to Rain {{spoiler|in World 7, after Rain was injured from Chris’ collapsing lair.}}
* [[Playful Hacker]]: Rain is a great hacker, but Makoto is even better as she can easily break in any location due to her Electronic Brain Syndrome.
* [[Point Build System]]: The "Force" credits that you get from battle lets you buy weapons and plug-ins such as higher health.
* [[Porn with Plot]]
* [[Power Trio]]: Kou, Chinatsu and Masa in the flashbacks. They participated as a team in a simulacrum tournament.
* [[Pretty Little Headshots]]: The US Assembly member will die from this kind of headshot even if Kou saves him from the mind hack.
* [[Psychic Link]]:
** {{spoiler|1=Kou and his NPC simulacrum have a link that that he used in Aki’s route when Dominion blocked his [[Electronic Telepathy]]. Kou made his NPC sent the distress signal instead.}}
** In DiveX, it shows that Sora also has this link with Kuu when she can feel where Kuu exactly is.
* [[Religion of Evil]]: Dominion
* [[Reflective Eyes]]: {{spoiler|In Sora’s route, it is used in one of Kou’s dream to show that perspective was from Sora and not Kou.}}
* [[Repetitive Name]]: Gilbert Gilberto
* [[Replacement Goldfish]]:
** After Gray Christmas, Kou suffers a head injury, causing him to be unable to use his eyes and ears. He mistook Rain for Sora when Rain used neurojack to help him.
** {{spoiler|In "Ghost" ending, Kou again believes that Rain is Sora and forgets about Rain’s existence. Rain goes along with this because she loves him so much that she just wants to be with him.}}
* [[Retraux]]: Aki’s personal level in cyberspace resembles old 8-bit games.
* [[Say My Name]]: Soraaa!
* [[SchrodingerSchrödinger's Butterfly]]: Mentioned a few times in the story. Several places in the virtual net resemble real life so much that some characters question if the their world is real. {{spoiler|In Sora's Route, it took Kou a while to realize that he was trapped in cyberspace.}}
* [[Sealed with a Kiss]]:
** Rain’s "Ghost" ending, doubling up as a {{spoiler|sad reveal that the Sora Kou sees is Rain.}}
** {{spoiler|Kou and Sora in the "Eternal" end.}}
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* [[Subordinate Excuse]]: Rain is following Kou because she loves him.
* [[Sex Bot]]: The pirate NPCs that were illegally created from Kuu’s data. Therefore this annoys Kou since they look like Sora.
* [[Taking the Bullet]]: In DiveX, Marcus who was mercenary in Kou’s group took the hit for Kou and died instead. This caused Kou to realize he was too soft in battle and he stopped showing mercy.
* [[TalkingInner to ThemselfDialogue]]: {{spoiler|In Sora’s route, almost everyone thought Kou was talking to himself but he was actually talking to Kuu.}}
* [[Time Stands Still]]: Occurs several times on the virtual net where every single AI freezes up.
* [[Title Drop]]: "Baldr Sky" is {{spoiler|the keyword that Kurihara used for the nanomachine capsule that he gave to Kou. When the keyword is stated, it provides data about the restoration program for the Assembler.}}
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* [[Timed Mission]]: Some missions have a hidden timer that might trigger a game over if the limit is passed. Taking too long on specific important battles will result in the normal ending instead of the good ending for Nanoha’s and Aki’s route.
* [[Tomato in the Mirror]]: {{spoiler|1=Kou in Sora’s route is actually the NPC that Aki created and doesn’t have a wired ghost. The real Kou died on Gray Christmas in that world.}}
* [[Tomato Surprise]]: {{spoiler|Sora was the brain unit that controls Neunzehn’s emotions and therefore in a sense, is Neunzehn. It is not possible to separate to her from Neunzehn since they merged completely.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Two Siblings in One]]: Sora and Kuu merged into one in "Eternal" end since Sora’s body could not be recovered from being part of Neunzehn.}}.
* [[Undercover As Lovers]]: Depending on route, Kou goes undercover with Rain, Chinatsu or Aki during the illegal NPC sex club to infiltrate without being noticed.
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