Baldur's Gate/Characters/Other Party Members: Difference between revisions

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* [[Adventure Duo]] - He and Jaheira, before his demise.
* [[Battle Couple]] - with Jaheira.
* [[Dark -Skinned Redhead]]
* [[Dropped a Bridge On Him]]
* [[The Generic Guy]] - He's a fighter with nondescript stats and no special abilities.
** That said, his Constitution is very high and his Intelligence 15 is unusual (if useless) for a fighter. (Strangely his INT is only 12 if recruited at level 1 without a bugfix, due to a typo in the game engine.)
*** There is some evidence to suggest that Khalid was meant to be a Fighter/Mage. There are also mods that restore him to this status.
* [[Half -Human Hybrid]] - Like Jaheira, a half-elf.
* [[Happily Married]] - Despite their differences, he and Jaheira are portrayed as having had quite a loving marriage.
* [[Henpecked Husband]] - "If at first I don't succeed... the wife won't let me forget."
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* [[Porky Pig Pronunciation]] - All the time.
* [[Sudden Sequel Death Syndrome]] - It wouldn't be possible to romance Jaheira in BG2 if he were still around, would it?
* [[Ugly Guy, Hot Wife]] - Not ugly, exactly, but not very charming. Several NPCs seem to think Jaheira is out of his league.
** One of them being Faldorn, but whether she believes it or is just trying to irritate Jaheira is debateable.
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* [[The Fatalist]]
* [[Got Me Doing It]] - Indirectly: an extremely minor character in [[Icewind Dale]] named Erevain realizes that he's complaining so much that he's beginning to sound like his cousin Xan.
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Voice]] - [[Jeff Bennett]], who also does the voice of Cespenar and Jan.
* [[Lawful Neutral]]:
* [[The Mean Brit]] - Or 'the suicidally depressed brit'.
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* [[Fantastic Racism]] - Against Viconia, but to be fair, she ''is'' evil.
** Surface elves and Drow have a very antagonistic relationship, as seen in BG2.
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Voice]] - Rob Paulsen, who has also done [[Pinky and The Brain|Pinky]]. Not that you could tell, though.
* [[Perpetual Frowner]] - Not surprising given his backstory, but he's never happy.
* [[Put On a Bus]] - Despite being a fairly popular character in the first game, he doesn't even make a cameo in the commercially released sequel. There are fan mods which put him back in however.
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* [[Facial Markings]]
* [[Handsome Lech]] - It gets him in trouble eventually.
* [[I'm a Man, I Can't Help It]] - To his eventual sorrow.
* [[Lovable Traitor]] - In BG2, there's a subplot in which he turns into one.
* [[My Rules Are Not Your Rules]] - Even with his unnatural dexterity aside, Coran is given some incorrect bonuses. He has three proficiency points in bows, even though multiclasses shouldn't be able to have higher than two. His base THAC0 and attacks per round are also higher than what a normal Fighter would have, let alone a multiclass.
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* [[Religion of Evil]] - In his case, the religion of [[Ax Crazy|ax crazy]], [[Cloudcuckoolander|mentally unhinged]] evil.
** Doesn't he worship Cyric, the new god of murder?
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]] - It doesn't get much bigger than believing you're destined to rule to world.
* [[Take Over the World]] - Of course!
* [[Third Person Person]] - Practically every time he speaks.
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* [[Casanova]]
* [[Gold Digger]] - His method of supporting himself.
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Voice]] - When not being a womanizing jerk, Eldoth is [[Mass Effect|reciting entries from the galactic Codex]]. With Neil Ross on the cast, it almost makes you wonder why they chose [[Kevin Michael Richardson]] as the narrator instead of a man who is largely associated with those kinds of roles.
* [[Jerkass]]
* [[Love Triangle]] - between he, Garrick, and Skie.
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* [[Knight Templar]] - Or [[Nature Hero]] Templar.
* [[Misanthrope Supreme]] - Goes along with [[Humans Are Bastards]], above.
* [[Nature Hero]] - Crosses the line into Nature [[Anti -Hero]] or worse in BG2 however.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]] - In BG1 she's a nondescript druid in gameplay terms and fairly even-tempered in personality despite her philosophy; in the sequel she's much more powerful, as well as much more ruthless.
* [[True Neutral]] -
* [[Voluntary Shapeshifting]] - She transforms into a panther when you fight her.
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]] - Of the eco-terrorist variety.
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* [[The Rival]] - To Tiax, whom he absolutely despises in every way.
* [[Shout Out]] - [[The Simpsons|Check the quote]].
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]] - The one thing that he and Tiax have in common.
:: '''Yeslick Orothiar'''
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Associated Tropes:
* {{spoiler|[[Anti -Villain]] - Type IV}}
* [[Back Stab]] - Like any self-respecting D&D thief.
* {{spoiler|[[Becoming the Mask]] - Despite the fact that he's [[The Mole|secretly working for Irenicus]], he does come to care for the rest of the party and hate himself for betraying them. He's magically compelled to do so anyway, however.}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Happily Married]] - The end of her romance arc with CHARNAME has her demanding him in marriage. You can accept the offer or not but it won't matter since you'll be married in the epilogue anyway.}}
* [[He Who Fights Monsters]] - Her epilogue if she's not romanced, as she goes on a vengeance spree against Sword Coast slaver rings. She eventually manages to calm down and returns to her home after springing some fellow Avariel from slavery.
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Voice]] - Voiced by the ever-sweet-voiced Kath Soucie.
* [[The Ingenue]] - At first.
* [[Last Girl Wins]] - If you choose her over Jaheira and Viconia, who are both met during the events of the first game.
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* [[Badass Boast]] - Anomen tends to brag about awesome, near-impossible battles he saw action in, though it's very debatable that he ever participated. There's a good chance he's rather intimidated by CHARNAME's resume and is just trying to measure up.
** If he's being romanced he even admits at one point that he hasn't been on many campaigns, and that the things CHARNAME's accomplished on her adventures are much more impressive than anything he's done.
* [[Big Screwed -Up Family]] - Anomen's family is a noble one quite possibly of this type, based on the things his father says.
* [[Black and White Morality]] - At first. Part of his character development is learning to look at the world with more nuance.
* [[Black Sheep]] - Anomen becomes this if he refuses to avenge his sister's death; ironically, becoming a ''better'' person is what causes his alienation.
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** Furthermore, he has lines like "Point the sword and I shall strike!" but as a fighter/cleric, he can't use any type of sword.
*** [[Painting the Medium|It's because the mouse cursor becomes a sword when you hover over the enemy.]]
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Voice]] - [[Pinky and The Brain|"NARF!"]] Sadly, his dialogue with Yoshimo contains no [[Actor Allusion]].
* [[I Have No Son]] - If he refuses to take revenge for his sister's death, his father disowns him.
* [[Impoverished Patrician]] - Not quite, as his family still has a rather posh estate in Athkatla, but his father is in financial trouble and they seem to be on their way to this.
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* [[Knight Templar]] - At first, it's what he thinks the ideal knight should be. He only actually becomes a knight if you convince him otherwise.
* [[Lawful Stupid]] - At first. The quest involving his family forces him to consider the limitations of inflexible moral codes.
* [[Lord Error -Prone]] - At first. He either grows out of it, or abandons it, depending on the player's actions.
* [[Miles Gloriosus]] - He's prone to bragging about things he couldn't possibly have done, but in his defense, he IS pretty powerful and only rarely are his "exploits" truly unbelievable.
* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]] - He wants to go on one after Saerk murders his sister. You can convince him not to, however. {{spoiler|Saerk isn't guilty, either, which will only torment the poor guy more if Saerk's been murdered when he finds out.}}
** It's kinda worse than that. {{spoiler|Initially there's not enough evidence to determine whether Saerk killed Anomen's sister or not. If Anomen murders Saerk, later it turns out Saerk isn't guilty. But if Anomen doesn't go after Saerk... guess what, it turns out Saerk hired the men who killed her.}}
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]] - He boasts incessantly about both his status as a member of the Order of the Radiant Heart and the many battles in which he's fought, but he's still a squire and hasn't even been knighted at the time he's encountered.
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]] - Anomen has daddy issues up the ass.
:: '''Korgan Bloodaxe'''
Line 669:
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]] - Vies with Minsc for nuttiest member of the party, though it's uncertain just how much is actual lunacy and how much is an act. They have a lot of banter, including Jan's bizarre attempts at stealing Boo.
* [[Crowning Moment of Funny]] - He has quite a few, though his attempt to steal Boo from Minsc might be the topper.
* [[EverythingsEverything's Better With Monkeys]] - In his ending he manages to control a pack of knife-wielding gibbons to kill [[Asshole Victim|Vaelag.]] Anything is possible with that many knife-wielding gibbons.
* [[Gadgeteer Genius]] - He's managed to invent a high tech explosive crossbow, vision-enhancing goggles, and an energy absorbent suit. Not bad for a pseudo-Renaissance setting.
** With the Banter pack mod installed, Jan will invent a number of other things, like a monstrously overengineered crossbow for Valygar which he dubs 'the permanent solution to his wizard problem'. Valygar, in a rare moment of [[Genre Savvy]], asks if this will be one of those weapons that shoots the bolt around the world and hits the firer in the back. Jan replies that it's 100% guaranteed. Try to use it in-game and you'll find this is entirely accurate.
Line 686:
* [[The Munchausen]] - And how.
** Don't you mean the [[Incredibly Lame Pun|MunchJansen?]] DOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!
* [[NamesName's the Same]] - Jan Jansen does not come from Wisconsin.
** Nor does he work in a lumber mill there, despite any claims to the contrary.
* [[Noodle Incident]] - Quite a few of the crazier events he makes reference to in his stories go unexplained.
Line 719:
* [[Chaotic Neutral]] - Puts the "Chaotic" into this alignment.
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]] - His troupe performed a play that satirized [[Planescape|Duke Rowan Darkwood, Factol of the Fated]]. Darkwood sicced a demonic bounty hunting crew on them. [[All There in the Manual|For those in the know of the Planescape setting]], this is perfectly in-character for him.
* [[Dual -Wielding]]
* [[Expy]]: Exotic, tattooed, bisexual, dual-wielding, rogue-esque elf with fatalist views and associated with birds? Are we talking about Haer'Dalis or [[Dragon Age|Zevran]] here?
** That should be the other way around- Our lovable Blade can't be the expy if he came 10-odd years before Zevran. Aside from aesthetics, they're actually quite different characters.
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* [[Gentleman Thief]] - He presents himself as such when first encountered. He becomes available after being rescued from a powerful wizard, who had caught Haer'Dalis in the act of burglarizing his home to steal a gem, and magically enslaved him. When you free him from this condition, Haer'Dalis admits that he'd come to acquire the gem but takes offense if you call him a thief.
* [[Glass Cannon]] - Strength? 17 (on a scale of 2-19). Dexterity? 17. Constitution? ...9.
* [[Half -Human Hybrid|Half Elf Hybrid]] - Haer'Dalis' race is stated as 'tiefling' (a human with demonic ancestry); according to himself his father was an elf and his mother "no human". Probably some type of cambion.
* [[Large Ham]] - Though, he is a stage actor.
* [[Love Triangle]] - With the PC and Aerie, possibly.
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* [[Shipper On Deck]] - Added by the Banter Pack, Haer'Dalis ships ''Jaheira and Edwin'' into a [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]] relationship... Though it ''might'' have been just for the sake of screwing with them. Naturally, neither of them are amused.
* [[Show Within a Show]] - Or "Show Within A Video Game." He was set to play the lead in Raelis Shai's play, before his abduction.
* [[Spell My Name With an "S"]] - His name is variously given as Haer'Dalis, Haer Dalis', HaerDalis', Haer-Dalis'...
* [[Spoony Bard]] - He is a Blade, which gives him some special abilities, but is often considered to downplay the only aspects that could even make a bard worthwhile such as high lore.
** It does however allow use of the ring of free action bug, which regardless of the fact that he is a numerically poor character makes him very powerful in defensive stance.
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* [[The Hunter]] - Due to his background, he's dedicated his life to hunting down and destroying practioners of evil magic.
* [[In the Blood]] - The way he feels about his family's legacy of magical power/insanity.
* [[ItsIt's Personal]] - {{spoiler|After his lover's death in ''Unfinished Business'', he becomes one of the many people who want Irenicus' head.}}
* [[Katanas Are Just Better]]
* [[Lamarck Was Right]] - Valygar believes his family is cursed to become mages: after Lavok became a necromancer, his entire family line was made up of wizards until he decided to become a ranger.
* [[Luke, You Are My Father]] - Well, ancestor, but yeah, this is what Valygar tells Lavok.
* [[Mistaken for Gay]] - Bizarrely, it happens to him a few times.
* [[Nay Theist]] - He lives in a world where the gods are an inarguable fact of life--heck, he's travelling around with the son of a dead god! But he also notes that many gods are psychotic [[Jerkass|Jerkasses]], so he needs a better reason than their existence to worship them. Which is a pretty gutsy stance, considering the atheist afterlife in the Realms is to be shoved into a teeming wall of slowly-decaying souls for all eternity.
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* [[The Comically Serious]] - She's not amused by Korgan's crude come-ons.
* [[Cute Bruiser]] - If you're going to call her that, make sure to do it where she won't hear you.
* [[David Versus Goliath]] - A very minor quest has her solo an ogre, but given [[Pint -Sized Powerhouse|how powerful she is]] and [[Curb Stomp Battle|how quickly the fight is likely to end]], this likely counts as a subversion.
* [[Expecting Someone Taller]] - NPCs are constantly commenting that they didn't expect such a renowned hero to turn out to be a halfling, which gets on her nerves.
* [[Fake Brit]] - A rather posh one at that. As noted below, she's voiced by Canadian actress Jennifer Hale.
* [[For Great Justice]] - Though she tends to be a bit more subtle about it than Minsc or Keldorn.
* [[Healing Hands]] - One of her paladin-like powers.
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Voice]] - Jennifer Hale also voices Dynaheir, [[Planescape Torment|Fall-from-Grace]], [[Knights of the Old Republic|Bastila Shan]], [[Mass Effect|(Female) Commander Shepard]], [[Metroid|Samus Aran]], [[Avatar: The Last Airbender (Animation)|Avatar Kyoshi]], and (most ironically of all) [[Justice League|Giganta]].
* [[Hobbits]] - And a nice variation from the typical good-hearted-but-mischievous-rogue type.
* [[Hope Bringer]] - One of her unique special powers is the ability to inspire courage in allies.
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* [[No Fourth Wall]] - At one point, Aerie asks why Mazzy isn't officially a Paladin, to which Mazzy will reply that halflings can't become Paladins. Aerie comments that, not long ago, all halflings seemed to be thieves (like in first edition D&D) and that another paradigm shift might come along, and Mazzy's response is that the gods aren't just going to come out and make a 'third edition' of the world.
* [[Odd Friendship]] - She will, completely of her own accord, appoint Valygar as her squire.
* [[Pint -Sized Powerhouse]] - One of the best fighters in the game, despite being the size of an eight-year-old girl.
* [[The Pollyanna]]
* [[Redheaded Hero]]
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* [[The Comically Serious]] - He's a pretty serious guy and fairly humorless compared to Jan, Imoen, Yoshimo, and the like.
** His humour is a lot more subtle and less frequent than the others, but it's most definitely still there. Heck, at one point Yoshimo starts singing a... Rather ribald verse he claims to have found scribbled in the margins of a holy text, then halfway through stops and apologises to Keldorn for his language. Keldorn promptly finishes the verse, much to Yoshimo's astonishment, and implies he was the one who scribbled it in the book while an initiate several decades earlier.
* {{spoiler|[[Dying Moment of Awesome]] - His [[One -Man Army]] ending earns him a place at the right hand of the freaking ''god of justice''.}}
* [[Fantastic Racism]] - The one chink in his otherwise impeccable morality: he is utterly unable to abide the Drow Viconia and will actually try to kill her if you keep them together in the party for too long. Granted, she ''is'' evil, but it's not like she does anything particularly death-worthy in front of him. Unless you ''tell'' her to.
** And even then, the way he fanboys over Drizzt Do'Urden suggests he might have eventually been able to look past her race if it weren't for her attitude and [[Religion of Evil|choice of deity]].
** He has a similarly dim view of sahuagin, suggesting that you simply [[Kill 'Em All]] rather then take a side in their civil war.
* [[For Great Justice]] - Does a paladin need any other motivation?
* [[Infinity Plus One+1 Sword]] - He's the only recruitable character capable of wielding the Carsomyr, the Holy Avenger.
* [[Good Adultery, Bad Adultery]] - His wife's cheating on him, and the "good" way to handle it is to suggest that there's a distinction between the two. He eventually forgives her and they move past it as a couple.
* [[Good Scars, Evil Scars]] - He's literally and figuratively scarred from a lifetime of battling evil.
* [[Justice Will Prevail]] - It's the ideal to which he's devoted his life, but he seems unsure of it at times.
* [[Knight in Shining Armor]] - Somehow an even straighter example than Mazzy.
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* [[Married to The Job]] - Quite reluctantly so, as his main sidequest makes clear.
* [[Odd Friendship]] - Keldorn and Minsc. Despite being opposed on the Law/Chaos scale, Keldorn can respect anyone who pursues justice.
* [[One -Man Army]] - In his ending, Keldorn {{spoiler|faces down a horde of giants by himself, albeit being fatally injured and dying in the end. Even the gods are impressed by that one. Heck, after he dies the ''hand of the god of Justice'' personally reaches down and carries him to the afterlife.}}
* [[Retirony]] - In his character epilogue.
** Not entirely though, since he was ''already'' retired at the time and had been for a good five years, but was press-ganged into fighting anyway due to the urgent need for skilled fighters.
* [[Shell -Shocked Veteran]] - Still fighting hard, though.
* [[Team Dad]] - He acts this way toward Anomen, Mazzy, the PC, and several other characters.
* [[Token Good Teammate]] - Evil-aligned players sometimes try to keep him around for his anti-mage tanking capabilities and his ability to wield the game's [[Infinity Plus One+1 Sword]], but it's hard to pull off since he is liable to [[What the Hell, Hero?|protest when the protagonist does something wrong]] and [[Fantastic Racism|doesn't like Viconia]].
* [[Video Game Cruelty Potential]] - In the subplot with his wife, who has [[Good Adultery, Bad Adultery|taken a lover because she's lonely]], it's possible for the PC to get his wife put in jail and her lover executed. This causes Keldorn's children to hate him forever.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]] - As is [[Justified Trope|suitable for]] [[Lawful Good|a]] [[Knight in Shining Armor|Paladin]], he will complain vociferously and/or leave the party forever if you don't behave uprightly.
:: '''Cernd'''
Line 873:
* [[Glorified Sperm Donor]] - How his former wife and {{spoiler|his son}} end up feeling about him.
* [[Green Thumb]] - The reason he's bent on investigating what's happening at the Druid Grove.
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Voice]] - Jason Marsden does a lot of cartoon work these days, which may make it something of a weird experience if you pick up the game now.
* [[Ice Cream Koan]] - Cernd speaks almost entirely in [[Koan|koans]], some of which are meaningful, some of which are meaningful but pointlessly elaborate, and some of which are [[Ice Cream Koan|just plain gibberish]].
** Sometimes he is called on it...
{{quote| Cernd: As the trees are buffeted and snapped in the face of the gale, I shall be as the bamboo and flex.<br />
Protagonist: Oh shut up. }}
*** and sometimes he [[Precision F -Strike|phases out of them abruptly for emphasis]].
{{quote| Cernd: As the simple wasp must coerce the flower to release its nectar, so will I rip your throat from its moorings and drain your lifeblood if I do not see Deril and my child! UNDERSTAND?!}}
* [[In Harmony With Nature]] - Standard operating procedure for a druid.
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* [[Parental Abandonment]]
* [[Our Werewolves Are Different]] - Despite the fact that werewolves are canonically [[Always Chaotic Evil]] in this setting, Cernd's a pretty peaceable guy.
* [[Promotion to Parent]] - Cernd takes responsibility for his child, but then quickly [[What the Hell, Hero?|abandons him at the Druid Grove to go adventuring again]].
* [[Simple Staff]]
* [[Stealth Insult]] - He gets an epic-level one against Edwina.
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* [[All Your Base Are Belong to Us]] - Her family's estate has been taken over by a pack of trolls. {{spoiler|It's later intimated that this was the doing of Isaea.}}
* [[Aristocrats Are Evil]] - Nalia herself is an aversion, but her fiance and [[Arch Enemy]] Isaea plays the trope straight.
* [[Arranged Marriage]] - Part of what she's rebelling against. Of course, given the [[Smug Snake|kind]] [[Aristocrats Are Evil|of]] [[Neutral Evil|person]] [[Villain With Good Publicity|her]] [[Screw the Rules, I Have Connections|fiance]] is, her reluctance to marry him is perfectly justified.
* [[Black Magician Girl]] - And in ToB, she won't let you forget it.
* [[Blue Blood]] - Despite her altruism and favorable disposition toward the common people, she still displays some aristocratic attitudes at times.
* [[Break the Cutie]] - In ToB, she realizes that rushing into the world to do generic goodness won't really accomplish much, and though she remains a good person, she gets more vindictive and sarcastic.
* [[Chaotic Good]] - A classic case, at least at first.
* [[DaddysDaddy's Girl]] - She greatly admires her father, but rarely even mentions her mother.
* [[Damsel in Distress]] - Her subplot ends up with the PC having to rescue her after she's abducted by her fiance Isaea.
* [[Expy]] - She started out as a [[Suspiciously Similar Substitute]] for Imoen, whom the developers originally planned to have Irenicus kill off/drive permanently insane. When Imoen's popularity among players convinced them to reconsider, they didn't change the "red-haired do-gooder thief/mage" thing much.
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* [[Heroes Want Redheads]] - Averted. Of the female NPCs who aren't either halflings or related to the main character by blood, she's the only one who can't be romanced.
** [[Fridge Brilliance]] - because she isn't a (half) elven divine caster!
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Voice]] - Averted. She is voiced by the same actress as Viconia, despite the fact that the two are near polar opposites in personality, but unless you know that you'd have a hard time telling.
* [[Insufferable Genius]] - Shows shades of it in ToB.
* [[Insult to Rocks]] - In reference to Isaea:
Line 945:
* [[Evil Laugh]]
* [[Heroic Comedic Sociopath]]
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Voice]] - Performed by the rather prolific VA, Jason Marsden, who also voices Ajantis and Cernd.
* [[Lampshade Hanging]] - If the player character talks to him, he will point out how odd it is that someone would actually initiate a conversation with a freaking weapon. Granted he's a [[Talking Weapon]], but still...
* [[Large Ham]]
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* [[Talking Weapon]]
* [[Was Once a Man]] - It's unclear whether it's the actual spirit of Lilarcor that lives on inside the weapon or if it's just a constructed personality modelled after the human. Or whether or not that would make any difference in the slightest.
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?]] - He ''really'' doesn't like forges.
{{quote| "FORGE?! Did someone say forge?! Get it away from me, man! It BUUUUURRRRRRRNNNNSSSS!!"}}
* [[Word of Dante]] - With Minsc's tendency to go berserk with two handed swords and Lilarcor's cool abilities it's become standard procedure to let Minsc wield Lilarcor. Of course, there are mods which allow Minsc [[And Zoidberg|and Lilarcor]] to banter with other party members.