Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden: Difference between revisions

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* [[Alternate History]]: The Revolutionary War wasn't fought for America, but [[Inherently Funny Words|Jickleberg]]. The aftermath of the war is the Cyberpocalypse.
* [[Always Check Behind the Chair]]: Lampshaded with [[Grail in the Garbage|the trash cans in the Spalding building.]]
* [[Antidote Effect]]: Averted; healing items work by percents instead of fixed numbers. You'll still want to buy the all-purpose [[Standard Status Effect]] cure instead of the individual status medicine, though.
* [[Anti-Grinding]]: [[Actually Four Mooks|Wandering enemies]] don't respawn, [[Good Bad Bugs|except in one area]] that gets visited twice.
* [[Antidote Effect]]: Averted; healing items work by percents instead of fixed numbers. You'll still want to buy the all-purpose [[Standard Status Effect]] cure instead of the individual status medicine, though.
* [[Big Bad]]: Like many JRPGs, [[Giant Space Flea From Nowhere|you don't see him or hear about it at all]] until you've beaten everything else.
* [[Bigger on the Inside]]: Dikembe Mutombo's entire tomb is inside Cyberdwarf's house in Cesspool X.
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* [[Face Heel Turn]]: {{spoiler|Vinceborg}}.
* [[Fallen Hero]]: Michael Jordan plays this role, especially given that ''[[Space Jam]]'' is considered canon.
* [[Fantasy Kitchen Sink]]: Features dwarves, the undead, elemental [[Magic Knight|Magic Knights]], aliens, genies, and superpowered basketball players, among other things. In near-future America without explanation, no less.
* [[Fan Sequel]]: To ''[[Space Jam]]'', and (naturally) to the obscure Genesis game ''Barkley, Shut Up and Jam!''.
* [[Fantasy Kitchen Sink]]: Features dwarves, the undead, elemental [[Magic Knight|Magic Knights]], aliens, genies, and superpowered basketball players, among other things. In near-future America without explanation, no less.
* [[Fight Woosh]]: About 20+ different wooshes, chosen at random.
* [[Flat What]]: Barkley delivers one upon seeing the "reward" for {{spoiler|turning in the F.I.N.A.L.G.U.N. to Mark.}}
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* [[Furry Fandom]]: They live in the sewers of Neo New York. Surprisingly, they're actually treated pretty fairly - they're decent people (some hostility towards the "norms" aside, and that's required for the standard post-apocalypse sewer-dweller template), rather intelligent and insightful. Barkley's a dick to them, but he's a dick to ''everyone'' in this game. All in all, they come off far better here than in, say, ''[[Kingdom of Loathing]]''.
* [[Future Food Is Artificial]]: In the post-cyberpocalypse, mankind will live off of Protein Paste and [[Nostalgia Filter|Hi-C Ecto Coolers]].
* [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]]: After getting the [[Sword of Plot Advancement]], Barkley claims he can "sink a three-pointer from 30 yards away", but his accuracy doesn't seem to improve at all from it.
* [[Gaiden Game]]/[[Fan Sequel]]: Allegedly.
* [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]]: After getting the [[Sword of Plot Advancement]], Barkley claims he can "sink a three-pointer from 30 yards away", but his accuracy doesn't seem to improve at all from it.
* [[Genre Savvy]]: Hoopz is an experienced enough gamer that he immediately knows what to do when the party encounters some well-worn vidcon trope.
* [[Global Currency]]: Neo-Shekels.
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* [[Idiot Ball]] - Cuchulainn's Tomb. Just... Cuchulainn's Tomb.
{{quote|"Gold... Incan Gold..."}}
* [[Involuntary Suicide Mechanism]]: This seems to kick in on {{spoiler|Vinceborg}} near the end... {{spoiler|or he killed himself on purpose}}.
* [[Irrelevant Sidequest]]: Several, such as rewriting a poem and negotiating a labor contract, much to Barkley's annoyance.
* [[I Know Madden Kombat]]
* [[I Know Mortal Kombat]]: "Vidcons, dad."
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* [[Infinity+1 Sword]]: Shimmerglobe.
** Also, {{spoiler|after obtaining both the Hell B-Ball and Shimmerglobe, Barkley will [[Dual Wield]] them.}}
* [[Inn Security]]: {{spoiler|If you rest in the nearby inn after defeating Ghost Dad, he will come to you and thank you for helping him rest in peace.}}
* [[Informed Ability]] - Barkley can supposedly perform the Verboten Jam and the Chaos Dunk, but never actually does it during gameplay. (Given what the Chaos Dunk [[Weapon of Mass Destruction|does]], he might simply refuse to use it in combat despite being capable of it.) {{spoiler|Shadow Barkley}} does use the Verboten Jam against you when you fight him, having no moral qualms with it, unlike Barkley. It is a [[One-Hit Kill]] on anyone it hits regardless of equipment or stats, making it [[Gameplay and Story Integration|actually as powerful as you are told]].
** Actually, reading the descriptions of some of Barkley's abilities during combat would imply that all of Barkley's special moves are Verboten Jams, which would make it more of a fighting style than a single special move.
*** The term seems to be used inconsistently in homage to badly translated JRPGs.
* [[Inn Security]]: {{spoiler|If you rest in the nearby inn after defeating Ghost Dad, he will come to you and thank you for helping him rest in peace.}}
* [[Involuntary Suicide Mechanism]]: This seems to kick in on {{spoiler|Vinceborg}} near the end... {{spoiler|or he killed himself on purpose}}.
* [[Irrelevant Sidequest]]: Several, such as rewriting a poem and negotiating a labor contract, much to Barkley's annoyance.
* [[Jump Scare]] - Parodied. At one point in the Sugar Caves, an image of a sugar shaker will flash on the screen, horror-movie style.
* [[Lampshade Hanging]] - "Both of these keys broke when I put them in the door! And the sugar counter's gone!" "Thankfully we won't need those items anymore."
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* [[Monster Compendium]]: The Animayor's bestiary, although most of the entries are never actually encountered elsewhere.
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]: The Ultimate Hellbane, {{spoiler|Ghastly Darklord}}.
* [[New Game+]]: {{spoiler|Victorian Steampunk mode.}}
* [[New Neo City]]: Neo New York.
* [[Never Found the Body]]: {{spoiler|The fates of Barkley and Balthios are unknown after Barkley performs another Chaos Dunk at the end of the game.}}
* [[Never Got to Say Goodbye]]
* [[New Game+]]: {{spoiler|Victorian Steampunk mode.}}
* [[New Neo City]]: Neo New York.
* [[No Fair Cheating]]: If you quit and restart the game after losing money gambling, the gambler will come up to you, take all your money, and auto-save the game.
* [[Non-Indicative Name]]: The soundtrack's metadata is full of vaguely obscene, badly typed nonsense, most of which has nothing to do with the music at all (with a few exceptions like '[[Blatant Lies|Hilarious]] [[Dark Reprise|Georgia Brown]]', [[Blue Dragon|'jesus christ the guy from deep purple sang this']], and the simply titled [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|'sad']]).
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* [[Punctuated! For! Emphasis!]]: Courtesy of Dikembe Mutombo. [[NBA Jam|BOOM! SHAKA! LAKA!]]
* [[Putting on the Reich]]: The B-Ballnacht
* [[Real Person Fic]]: Well, duh.
* [[Ragnarok Proofing]]: The Spalding factory is mostly untouched years after being abandoned due to the Chaos Dunk.
* [[Real Person Fic]]: Well, duh.
* [[Redemption Equals Death]]: {{spoiler|Vinceborg}}.
* [[Red Herring]]: {{spoiler|Barkley touches the Incan gold in Cuchulainn's Tomb}}... and it is never mentioned again. Perhaps we'll see the results in Chapter 2, if it ever comes out.
** Depending on your choices, two NPCs will swear revenge on you in the latter half of the game, only to never be heard from again. In fact, generally the game makes up and doesn't follow through on plot threads and gameplay elements so often it's easier to count the number of sidequests or arcs that don't leave hanging threads.
* [[RPGs Equal Combat]]: There's a "basketball game" that consists of Barkley throwing basketballs at an enemy that shoots back at him with a gun.
** [[Stealth Pun]]: That would make it more of a shootout.
* [[Running Gag]]: Diabetes is used not only as a [[Standard Status Effect]] corresponding to poison, it's also mentioned off-hand several times {{spoiler|and becomes a major plot point later on.}}
** Balthios's terrible taste in poetry.
** Reginald using a different name in every conversation that talks about him.
* [[RPGs Equal Combat]]: There's a "basketball game" that consists of Barkley throwing basketballs at an enemy that shoots back at him with a gun.
** [[Stealth Pun]]: That would make it more of a shootout.
* [[Sdrawkcab Name]]: {{spoiler|Yelmirb}}.
* [[Serious Business]]: Basketball is a forbidden art.
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* [["Wake-Up Call" Boss]]: While the first few bosses off the game are fairly easy, the [[Bill Cosby|Ghost Dad]] is a major kick in the nuts considering how early in the game you face him. He has a ridiculous amount of VP, he can power himself up with Ghost Muscle, he can reduce your attack power, and he can inflict multiple random status ailments on the entire party with Ghostly Curse. That last attack is particularly brutal because there isn't a whole lot you can do about the multiple status ailments that early in the game. And he is ''very'' liberal with it. If you allow the fight to go on too long, your characters will become weakened so much that they will do very little damage to him.
* [[We Can Rule Together]]: Things go slightly downhill if you accept this offer.
* [[Wrestler in All of Us]]: Cyberdwarf performs suplexes for his physical attacks.
* [[World Map]]: Parodied - It appears just before the last dungeon, and there's only two locations on it.
* [[Wrestler in All of Us]]: Cyberdwarf performs suplexes for his physical attacks.
* [[X Meets Y]]: The developers stated in an interview that is's like "[[Final Fantasy VI]] meets [[Space Jam]]" or something to that effect. Alternatively, ''[[NBA Jam]]'' meets ''[[Fallout]]'' meets ''[[Dragon Ball]]''.
* [[You Are the Translated Foreign Word]]