Batman/Characters/Arkham Series: Difference between revisions

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==== [[Batman]]/Bruce Wayne ====
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Kevin Conroy]] in ''Asylum'', ''City'', and ''Knight'', Roger Craig Smith in ''Origins''}}
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** [[Broken Ace]]: Especially noticeable in Arkham City, when Batman wants to {{spoiler|save Talia from the Joker, rather than stop Strange's plan to kill, at the very least, thousands.}}
* [[And Your Reward Is Clothes]]: Arkham City has a number of [[DLC]] costumes, including 70s Neal Adams, [[The Dark Knight Returns]], [[Batman: The Animated Series|Animated]], [[Batman Beyond]]<ref>It's still Bruce in the suit, not Terry</ref>, [[Grant Morrisons Batman|Batman Inc.]], and [[Sinestro Corps War|Sinestro Corps]].
* [[Badass]]: It's the Goddamn Batman, what were you expecting?
* [[Badass]]
** [[Badass Baritone]]: Provided by Kevin Conroy in ''Arkham Asylum'', ''Arkham City'', and ''Arkham Knight'', while Roger Craig Smith voiced him in ''Arkham Origins''.
** [[Badass Baritone]]
** [[Badass in Distress]]: {{spoiler|Temporarily when captured by the Joker in the beginning of Arkham City, sort of the entirety of the game on a smaller scale, and definitely during his capture by Harley in "Harley Quinn's Revenge".}}
** [[Badass Normal]]
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* [[Bruce Wayne Held Hostage]]: How he ends up in Arkham City.
* [[Building Swing]]: With his [[Grappling Hook Gun]].
* [[Charles Atlas Superpower]]: Capable of tossing thugs around effortlessly, grabbing heavy items that are tossed at him and hurling them right back, and can go toe-to-toe with Titan-enhanced criminals as well.
* [[Charles Atlas Superpower]]
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: Batman only has [[Thou Shall Not Kill|one rule]]. Everything else is fair game.
* [[The Cowl]]
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'''Batman''': I noticed. }}
* [[The Determinator]]: "I'll never let [[The Joker|you]] win. ''Never''."
* [[The Dreaded]]: Criminals are utterly ''terrified'' by him, and will quickly fall to pieces in stealth segments once you start picking them off.
* [[The Dreaded]]
* [[Genius Bruiser]]: Comes with the territory when you're not only a brutal masked vigilante, but a skilled detective to boot.
* [[Genius Bruiser]]
* [[Genre Savvy]]: It's Batman, what do you expect?
* [[Good Is Not Nice]]: Listen to the things he says to the Riddler's informants (not to mention knocking them out anyways).
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'''Batman''': {{spoiler|"'''I'll make it.'''"}} }}
** He also fights off the Mad Hatter's mind control. It doesn't matter if it's in his head or his blood, Batman will fight it.
** Not to mention in ''Arkham Origins'' he ends up getting poisoned by Copperhead during her boss fight and only has a few minutes to live with the effects already taking a toll on his body. He's still able to soldier through and cure himself while handily taking her down.
* [[High Altitude Interrogation]]: Batman can question Riddler's henchmen in this manner, provided the player is close enough to interact with a nearby ledge. Also his preferred method of questioning {{spoiler|Quincy Sharp}} in a cutscene.
* [[Hurting Hero]]: He shows signs of this a third of the way into ''Arkham City'', and he gets even worse in ''Harley Quinn's Revenge''.
* [[Hyperspace Arsenal]]: He can even keep inventions he jury-rigs himself on the fly (the REC) or gets from others (the Freeze Blasts and Freeze Clusters) on him, even though his utility belt isn't even built for that.
* [[Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique]]: He's no stranger to these as this is standard procedure when handling Riddler's informants. He also ends up removing Mr. Freeze's life-support system when Freeze won't tell him how to deactivate his weapons.
* [[Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique]]
* [[Lantern Jaw of Justice]]
* {{spoiler|[[Master Swordsman]]: Wields Talia's scimitar against Clayface.}}
* [[Mighty Glacier]]: He's not as fast as [[Catwoman]], [[Robin]], or [[Nightwing]], but he's much stronger and has higher maximum upgraded [[Body Armor as Hit Points|body armor]].
* [[Neck Lift]]: Whenever you aren't close to a ledge or wall, he'll do this to Riddler informants before knocking them out cold.
* [[Neck Lift]]
* [[Not So Above It All]]: Batman's pride is a serious issue; a large section of the problems he faces in City could have been avoided if he had simply gone with the flow. He stubbornly refuses help from anyone even when it would clearly help, like when {{spoiler|Robin offers to help him find Ra's al Ghul}}. He refuses to take orders from anyone; the entire boss fight with Mr. Freeze could have been avoided if he had simply agreed to {{spoiler|get Nora}}. Finally, he is so dead set on doing what he wants, he was willing to {{spoiler|let Arkham City and everyone in it burn in order to get Talia, that Alfred has to cut off access to his Satellites to get him back on track}}.
** [[Fridge Brilliance|This happens after getting injected with Joker's blood.]] See [[Sanity Slippage]].
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* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: As Bruce Wayne.
* [[Offhand Backhand]]: Can be pulled off. However, the version most fans are familiar with is saved for a cutscene near the end of the first game.
* [[Parental Abandonment]]: [[Memetic Mutation|''HIS PARENTS ARE'' '''''DEEAAAAAAAD!!!''''']]
* [[Parental Substitute]]: To Robin., Which Strange analyzes in the Catwoman tapes.
* [[Perpetual Frowner]]
* [[Rich Idiot With No Day Job]]: His façade as Bruce Wayne is this.
* [[Sanity Slippage]]: It's implied that being injected with Joker's blood is taking a toll on Batman's sanity. For starters, when he defeated Mr. Freeze, he hallucinates Joker's laughing head on Freeze's body.
** {{spoiler|Goes into full throttle after Joker's death. Throughout the DLC, he is much more gruff, his internal monologue is entirely about the goal at hand and his threats to the informants lose any playfulness. Hell, he even begins to speak much more like a [[Guttural Growler]].}}
* [[Shut UP, Hannibal]]: Don't bother trying a [[Hannibal Lecture]] on him. Just don't. He's kind of sick of it by now. Bones will break.
* [[Smoke Out]]: As of Arkham City, he can use Smoke bombs if things get hairy during stealth segments. He can also break fire extinguishers and use them as smaller-level smokescreens.
* [[Smoke Out]]
* [[Technical Pacifist]]
* [[Thou Shalt Not Kill]]: However rough he is on criminals, Batman would never intentionally kill one of them, {{spoiler|or let the Joker die while it was within his power to save him.}}
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==== [[The Joker]] ====
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Mark Hamill]] in ''Asylum'' and ''City'', [[Troy Baker]] in ''Origins''}}
* [[Actually Pretty Funny]]: Almost spoken word for word to Batman {{spoiler|[[Famous Last Words|as he kicks the bucket]]}}.
* [[Arch Enemy]]: Is this to Batman, of course.
* [[Are We There Yet?]]: Asks this in the prequel comic to the first game, while handcuffed in the Batmobile. Batman's response is [[Offhand Backhand|simple but effective]].
** Yet again in the prequel comic to the ''second'' game, as he's being transferred down the hallway while strapped in a wheelchair. The guard [[Deadpan Snarker|takes it in stride]]. {{spoiler|Probably because he and the boys were planning to [[Cold-Blooded Torture|slice Joker up]] [[Genocide Backfire|for all the guards he killed last time...]]}}
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: Enforced at the end of the first game where he pulls a [[One-Winged Angel]]. Otherwise, he's more than capable to beat up a room of guards, including Cash and Gordon. Next to Batman, though, he's an [[Elite Mooks|Elite Mook]] with [[Contractual Boss Immunity]], or at least {{spoiler|Clayface's portrayal of his fighting ability as such was enough to convince Batman.}}
* [[Ax Crazy]]: While he ''is'' hilarious, the Joker is still a psychotic madman who you do ''not'' want to get on the wrong side of. Case in point: In ''Origins'', {{spoiler|he's acting fine while giving out more orders to kill Batman to his assassins, and notices Electrocutioner playing [[Space Invaders]] on his phone. Things are going well until Electrocutioner gets mad at him. Cue Joker screaming in his face, kicking him into an office chair, and shoving him out the window of the penthouse apartment that they use as headquarters and letting him fall to his death. Joker then goes on to offer his henchmen some fruitcake.}}
* [[Ax Crazy]]
* [[Backstab Backfire]]: {{spoiler|After losing his chances at immortality, Joker begs for the cure. Batman tells him that he'll most likely start committing crimes again anyways. Joker, interpreting it as a refusal, then stabs Batman in the shoulder, causing Batman to drop the cure vial, which shatters on the floor and ruins any chances of Joker's survival.}}
** {{spoiler|It gets even worse when Batman says immediately after the vial was broken that he still would have given Joker the cure.}}
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* [[Batman Gambit]]: The events of the first game could've been avoided entirely or drastically changed if someone had put proper handcuffs behind Joker's back, or simply left him in full restraints.
** Another possibility would be when he yells "boo" at the medic, while 4 or 5 guards are pointing rifles. If just one of those guards had [[Boom! Headshot!|overreacted...]]
* [[Big Bad]]: Of the first game {{spoiler|and of ''Origins'' due to him impersonating Black Mask for most of it.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Big Bad Ensemble]]: With Hugo Strange in Arkham City.}}
* [[Body Horror]]: Big time with this incarnation. In ''Arkham Asylum'', he {{spoiler|takes a huge Titan dose and transforms into a huge, hideous Titan monster with his spine poking out of his back, his ribs protruding from his sides, and a huge claw on each finger}}. And in ''Arkham City'', he's extremely sick, and his face is one large, disgusting rash.
* [[Card-Carrying Villain]]: Is an absolutely evil dick and takes a lot of pride in it.
* [[The Chessmaster]]: Let's see: he organized the development of a secret Titan project, arranged for the supervillains he needed to be at Arkham during his plan, arranged for Blackgate to be burned down, and planned his own recapture and escape, doing most of this from his own jail cell. After his escape, he manipulated Batman into wandering around Arkham until he was ready for their final confrontation.
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]
* [[Create Your Own Villain]]: The only consistent thing in all his back stories is Batman.
* [[Deal with the Devil]]: Joker's interview tapes with Hugo Strange reveal {{spoiler|that he is willing to work with the guy in exchange for making his last days of his life "more comfortable."}}
* {{spoiler|[[Death by Irony]]: Although he finds it [[Actually Pretty Funny|kinda funny]].}}
* {{spoiler|[[Distressed Dude]]}}: {{spoiler|The aforementioned run-in with the guard and his crew. He's only rescued [[Just in Time|at the very last second]] by an [[Dressing as the Enemy|incognito]] Harley Quinn}}.
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* [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good]]: {{spoiler|He just couldn't see that Batman would have given him the cure even after all of the horrible things he's done.}}
* [[Evil Laugh]]: What'd you expect?
* [[Faux Affably Evil]]: He's so damn entertaining, yet at the same time is [[Complete Monster|completely monstrous.]]
* [[Fighting Clown]]
* [[Foreshadowing]]: He pretty much {{spoiler|spoils the ending of Arkham City}} if you choose not to jump out of the church immediately when he activates the bombs.
* [[For the Evulz]]: Pretty much why he does the things he does.
* {{spoiler|[[Go Out with a Smile]]: Pun aside, The Joker's last words were a weak, amused chuckle and claiming that Batman's statement that despite what he continuously does, he still would have saved Joker had he not attempted to knife Batman in the back, was actually pretty very funny.}}
* [[Groin Attack]]: Some of the Joker's finishers invoke this trope.
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* [[Laughing Mad]]: It's [[The Joker]]. What did you expect?
* [[Lean and Mean]]: A more typical example in the first game, but once he falls ill, his body absolutely withers away.
* [[The Mad Hatter]]
* [[Monster Clown]]: As well as his normal state, he becomes a ''literal'' one at the end of the first game, after shooting himself with the Titan formula. His appearance in the second game also seems to come close to a literal interpretation of the trope, given his disease-induced deformities.
* [[Muscles Are Meaningless]]: He is fully capable of beating up (and killing) several guards and security officers at once, all of whom having heavier frames than him, as well as body armor.
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* [[Absolute Cleavage]]
** [[Vapor Wear]]: She is obviously not wearing a bra.
* [[And Now for Someone Completely Different]]: Can be played as during certain parts in the story if you have her DLC installed.
* [[And Your Reward Is Clothes]]: Her alternate costumes includeare [[Batman: The Animated Series|Animated]] and [[The Long Halloween]].
* [[Anti-Hero]]: Type III or IV, at least after choosing to save Batman. At first she's an...
* [[Anti-Villain]]: Type I.
* [[Baby Got Back]]: HerGiven skintighthow catsuitshe reallywears flattersa herskintight rathercatsuit, nice ass. Itit's no surprise that her reveal trailer focused primarily on ither ample behind for a few seconds. It even has a thong-like design implemented.
* [[Badass Normal]]: Is capable of kicking all kinds of ass without all of Batman's fancy gadgets.
* [[Badass Normal]]
* [[Bait the Dog]]: She strikes a deal with Ivy to retrieve her orchid in return to clearing a way to Strange's vault (where the orchid is), {{spoiler|only to drop the plant on the floor and crushing it.}}
* [[Caltrops]]: Can be used to trip up enemies.
* [[Ceiling Cling]]: One of the things that sets her apart from Batman.
* [[Classy Cat Burglar]]
* [[Combat Stilettos]]
* [[Dance Battler]]: Tends to use an almost dance-like martial art when fighting.
* [[Dark Action Girl]]: While she's still not evil, her actions show that her morals aren't that up to par yet. She even comments about when she started getting a conscience and actually hesitated whether to let Batman die or not.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: You thought Alfred was bad? Her whole dialogue oozes sass as well as her thoughts.
* [[The Dev Team Thinks of Everything]]: There are secret doors in Wayne Manor that Catwoman can't use.
* [[Femme Fatale]]
* [[Fragile Speedster]]: Her fighting style has a lot of emphasis on speed, and she can't have her health upgraded to the extent that Batman can.
* [[Fragile Speedster]]
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: In an interesting conversation found on the interview tapes, Hugo Strange comes to the conclusion that Selina might suffer from this more than even she is aware of. From his analysis, she despises men because her father abandoned her, and this is the reason that she can't come to trust Batman. Still, she loves him and seeks his approval, and the way she goes about this is to get his attention by stealing and dressing seductively.
* [[Goggles Do Something Unusual]]: Hers give her vision similar to Batman's Detective Mode, albeit not as good as everything is slightly blurry and it can't differentiate between normal enemies and ones who wield guns.
* [[Goggles Do Something Unusual]]
* [[Green Eyes]]: The game made them particularly striking.
* [[Moral Dilemma]] <--> [["Friend or Idol?" Decision]]. While Batman isn't exactly her ''friend'', she does meet this trope twice. The first one, subtly, consisted of helping/saving him when he was confronting the Joker or getting into the vault. It wasn't difficult. The second one was much more grave, and she either had to save Batman from the verge of death or get out of Arkham City with the loot she recently gained. She placed more consideration for this decision.
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]
* [[Murderous Thighs]]: She tends to use them during her take-down animations.
* [[Parental Substitute]]: To Holly Robinson. In her interview tapes, Hugo Strange draws parallels between her relationship with Holly to Batman's relationship with Robin.
* [[Pungeon Master]]
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* [[And Your Reward Is Clothes]]: His [[DLC]] costumes include [[Batman: The Animated Series|Animated]] and [[Kingdom Come|Red Robin]].
* [[Badass Cape]]: Though less badass and versatile of a cape than Batman's, his still is used in stun maneuvers and gliding.
* [[Badass Normal]]: Par for the course if you're a member of the Bat-Family.
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: Saves Batman from Ra's Al Ghul's assassins. Also {{spoiler|saves Batman from asphyxiation in "Harley Quinn's Revenge"}}.
* [[Brought to You by The Letter "S"|Brought To You By The Letter R]]: He also draws an R when spraying Explosive Gel.
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** [[Shield-Bash]]: He can also hit enemies with it.
* [[One-Scene Wonder|One Scene Boy Wonder]]: Appears in one single cutscene of the game's story, in which he takes down two of the League of Assassin's members confronting Batman, before being given a sample of Bruce's blood to analyze and being told he's needed in Gotham while Batman deals with Arkham City
** Gets more screentime in the ''Harley Quinn's Revenge'' DLC. While you do play as Batman for a good amount of time, a lot of the focus is on him {{spoiler|due to Batman's [[Badass in Distress]] status.}}
* [[Sidekick]]
* [[Simple Staff]]: Noted because Tim Drake is often touted as the best staff user in DC. It shows in his combat.
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==== [[Nightwing]]/Dick Grayson ====
{{quote| Voiced by: NoneQuinton Flynn (Only grunts in Arkham City), Josh Keaton in ''Origins'' (As Robin)}}
* [[Baby Got Back]]: This being [[Memetic Sex God|Dick Grayson]] we're talking about, having a rather ample ass is no surprise.
* [[Badass Normal]]
* [[Blue Eyes]]
Line 244 ⟶ 245:
* [[Offhand Backhand]]: One of his counters involves doing this to two thugs at once by jabbing them both in the gut with his escrima sticks.
* [[Perpetual Smiler]]: As a counterpoint to [[Perpetual Frowner|Batman]], Nightwing only looks grim in his 3D model.
* [[Pretty Boy]]: Especially when compared to Batman and Robin.
* [[She Fu]]: Played with; while his acrobatics [[Female Gaze|show off his body]] only slightly less than Catwoman's, his fighting style is otherwise pretty methodical. He'll do flashy flips and flourishes a ''lot'', but half the time during and every second in between is spent just [[Spam Attack|laying into thugs]] in the [[Combat Pragmatist|fastest and most effective possible way]]. Occasionally taking breaks for his [[Rule of Fun|many wrestling maneuvers]].
* [[Shock and Awe]]: His escrima sticks are electrified in this game. And it is ''ever'' so satisfying to [[Who's Laughing Now?|use them on the mooks]].
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[two minutes and five unconscious thugs later]<br />
'''Thug #6:''' [''absolutely terrified''] Nightwing?! Are you there?! ''What are you?!'' }}
* [[The Voiceless]]: Though his body language and facial expressions show that he is pretty cocky and fun loving. While he still doesn't talk a lot in ''Origins'', he at least now gets some in-game quotes as opposed to simply grunts.
* [[Wrestler in All of Us]]: Will occasionally do a head-scissors takedown if near the proper environment. Will perform a release German Suplex as a noisy take down in Predator gameplay.