Batman/Characters/Arkham Series: Difference between revisions

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==== [[Harley Quinn]]/Harleen Quinzel ====
{{quote| Voiced by: Arleen Sorkin (in Arkham Asylum) /, [[Tara Strong]] (in Arkham City), Arkham Origins, and Arkham Knight}}
* {{spoiler|[[Ax Crazy]]: Following the end of Arkham City, a psychiatrist says, in his professional opinion, that she has [[Sophisticated As Hell|"completely lost it"]] following [[The Joker]]'s death. [[Even Evil Has Standards|Her own mooks agree.]] Her [[Stalker Shrine]] to him kind of proves them right.}}
* [[Baby Got Back]]: Given how she switched to a biker chick outfit in ''City'' complete with tight leather pants, she gets more than a few scenes that go out of their way to focus on her ass.
* [[Bad Bad Acting]]: In contrast with her original origin story, in which she ''did'' sound professional, her interview tapes have her speaking in the same tone of voice as her Harley Quinn persona, whilst trying to maintain her status as an Arkham psychiatrist.
* [[Bare Your Midriff]]: Her outfits in ''Asylum'' and ''City'' bared her belly, while she appears to be a bit more covered up in ''Knight''. This doesn't come up at all in ''Origins'' due to her still being a psychiatrist.
* [[Big Bad]]: Of ''[[Batman: Arkham City]]'''s "Harley Quinn's Revenge" [[Downloadable Content]].
* [[Blondes Are Evil]]
** [[Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette]]: In the DLC "Harley Quinn's Revenge," she actually becomes a lot ''more'' evil than before, and apparently she either let her natural brunette haircolor out, or she dyed it black. It's back to blond in ''Arkham Knight'' though.
* [[Bound and Gagged]]: {{spoiler|Talia managed to find her and take the cure from her before she could get it to Joker. It seems she decided to leave her this way afterwards. If the player finds her, they can have fun gagging and ungagging her and listening to her reactions.}}
* [[Critical Psychoanalysis Failure]]
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* [[Dark Action Girl]]: In the comic, we see her take out Arkham guards with as much skill as the playable characters, and she's able to trade more blows with Robin than her goons could.
* {{spoiler|[[Death Seeker]]: Became one after Joker's death in an attempt to [[Together in Death|be with him in the afterlife]]. Her plot in "Harley Quinn's Revenge" was an attempt to at least attempt [[Revenge by Proxy]] to make Batman suffer, at most an attempt to [[Taking You with Me|take him with her]].}}
* {{spoiler|[[Determined Widow]]: A villainous version as of the end of ''[[Batman: Arkham City]]'', even calling herself a widow to one of her new mooks in [[Downloadable Content|"Harley Quinn's Revenge"]]. Granted, [[Death Seeker|her]] [[Together in Death|goal]] isn't very long-lasting, but she is far more proactive and effective (against Robin, anyway) than she was previously.}} Now in ''Arkham Knight'', {{spoiler|she still seems to have control over Joker's gang.}}
* [[The Ditz]]: [[Lampshaded]] by Batman himself in both games: "She never was very bright." in the Arkham Asylum and repeated but with "smart" in Arkham City.
** The Riddler also repeatedly calls her an idiot, as do her own Mooks.
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* [[The Dragon]]: To [[The Joker]].
** [[Dragon Ascendant]]: Although Joker is still the leader of the gang, she has to run the gang until he recovers. After {{spoiler|Joker's death}}, she becomes the full leader of the gang. It's also implied that the gang under her leadership had actually decreased its popularity, with a lot of them considering defection from the group.
* [[Dumb Blonde]]: Though she does have her smart moments, such as {{spoiler|being able to successfully kill Doctor Young after Batman saves her from Zsasz,}} and {{spoiler|stealing the cure for Titan poisoning under Batman and Mr. Freeze's noses while the two fought.}}
* [[Dumb Blonde]]
* [[Girlish Pigtails]]
* [[Goth]]: Her new look in the "Harley Quinn's Revenge" DLC for the second game.
* [[Hand Cannon]]: Sports an absolutely massive one in "Harley's Revenge" that seems to operate like a one-handed [[Grenade Launcher]]. {{spoiler|Batman [[Taking the Bullet]] for a cop she's trying to kill with it is how he's knocked out and captured}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Hot Mom]]: Except implied to not be by "Harley Quinn's Revenge" and the "false positives" note and confirmed later by Rocksteady.}}
* [[I'll Never Tell You What I'm Telling You]]: To the point of a [[Running Gag]]. She does this in both games {{spoiler|''and'' in the "Harley Quinn's Revenge" DLC for the second game. At least in the latter case one of her [[Mooks]] has the decency to tell her that she did so}}.
** [[Did I Just Say That Out Loud?]]: Usually the result, whether finding it out on her own or being told by a [[Mook]].
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* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: Par for the course for Harley.
* [[Multicolored Hair]]: The tips of her pigtails for her Arkham City design are colored black and red, whilst the rest is her traditional blonde.
* [[Naughty Nurse Outfit]]: Her outfit in the first game. Her outfit in ''Arkham Knight'' combines this with her biker outfit in ''City.''
* [[Of Corsets Sexy]]: BothAll of her outfits in the series have one, and her character profile in the first game depicts her traditional jester look as having one too.
* [[The Other Darrin]]: In the first game, she's voiced by her original voice actor, Arleen Sorkin, whereas in the secondother oneones, she's played by [[Tara Strong]].
* [[Perky Female Minion]]
* [[Promoted to Playable]]: Is set to receive her own challenge maps in ''Arkham Knight''.
* [[Psycho Psychologist]]
* [[Revenge]]: Her motivation towards Batman after {{spoiler|Joker's death}}.
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* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: Comes off as a lot more competent in the second game, since she's managing all of Joker's goons while he's inactive. She's also worlds ahead of her portrayal in the TV Series and comics, with the result that overheard conversations between mooks suggest she frightens them almost as much as the Joker: some claim that she's even crazier than he is, and suggest that one of her roles in both Arkham Asylum and Arkham City involves torturing and/or killing the Joker's [[You Have Failed Me|less efficient minions]].
** Oh, and that's not even getting into her DLC in the second game, Harley Quinn's Revenge.
* [[Unholy Matrimony]]: With the Joker of course!
* [[Victoria's Secret Compartment]]: Where she keeps Joker's "party list" in the first game, and {{spoiler|the key to Batman's cage}} in the "Harley Quinn's Revenge" DLC for the second game.
* [[Violently Protective Girlfriend]]
Line 311 ⟶ 314:
==== Killer Croc/Waylon Jones ====
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Steve Blum]] in ''Asylum'' and ''City'', Khary Payton in ''Origins''.}}
* [[Absurdly Spacious Sewer]]: His "cell" in Arkham is one of these, located deep underneath the Asylum. Of course, given how ''big'' Croc is, it'd have to be.
* [[Axe Crazy]]: Due to his condition, his mind becomes more savage and animalistic as the years go by.
* [[Bald of Evil]]: Has no hair thanks to his genetic condition.
* [[Bizarre Human Biology]]: His backstories place him at suffering from a form of "regressive atavism", meaning he has inherited traits of pre-human species.
* [[The Brute]]: Usually tends to be used as brute force by whoever is hiring him.
* [[The Brute]]
* [[Demoted to Extra]]: In ''Arkham City'' he gets a brief cameo where he can only be seen at a particular time.
** [[Easter Egg]]
* [[Fangs Are Evil]]
* [[Guttural Growler]]: Has a very raspy, monstrous tone of voice that helps sell how much of a literal beast the guy is.
* [[I'm a Humanitarian]]: Croc is explicitly mentioned as having eaten people in the past, and during the game, tries to eat Scarecrow and Batman when they encounter one another in his lair. During his patient interview, Dr. Gretchen Whistler doesn't believe him about this particular aspect... he later proves her wrong when he bites off and swallows Cash's hand right in front of her.
** Although numerous characters believe he doesn't qualify as human.
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* [[Serial Killer]]: He is responsible for the "disappearance" of hundreds of Gotham vagrants.
* [[Villains Out Shopping]]: He shows up in the VIP section of the Iceberg Lounge challenge map as a [[Funny Background Event]], [[Smoky Gentlemen's Club|drinking a glass of brandy and smoking a cigar]].
* [[Warmup Boss]]: Is this in ''Arkham Origins'' as he's the first of Black Mask's assassins who tries to take down Batman.
==== Victor Zsasz ====
Line 337 ⟶ 344:
* [[Ax Crazy]]: Dear GOD.
* [[Bad Liar]]: Although he hypes himself up as a deliverer of lost souls, there are several times during his phone calls where he expresses regret at not being a better gambler or anger at the Penguin for cheating him out of his money. {{spoiler|His breakdown about the mark being "the only thing (he) has left"}} further proves this.
* [[Bald of Evil]]
* [[Covered with Scars]]: That he made himself.
* [[Dirty Coward]]: His behavior during the story of the first game definitely has shades of this, as he absolutely refuses to confront Batman physically on his own, opting to take a hostage during both of their encounters. Given that he seems capable of killing guards with relative ease, though, it's more likely that [[Know When to Fold'Em|he's aware of his limitations]].
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: He starts [[The Immodest Orgasm|moaning in anticipation]] when {{spoiler|preparing to kill Dr. Young.}} He also behaves this way in ''Arkham City'' to his captives when you're sneaking around in his hideout.
* [[Evil Phone]]: His [[Sidequest]] involves a number of them, through which he delivers his sick [[Motive Rant|Motive Rants]].
* [[Good Scars, Evil Scars]]: Just like his comics counterpart, he has a collection of tally scorings, that ''he carved into his own skin'', that cover almost his ''entire body''. His design in the game seems to be intended to show this off as much as possible.
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* [[Serial Killer]]: Of the "Power/Control" type, according to Dr. Young's notes.
* [[Shadow Archetype]]: He claims his life reached a turning point when his wealthy parents died, leaving him with lots of money but lost and alone in the world, and a desire to find some purpose to live for. Just like Bruce Wayne back then, except that Bruce didn't find his purpose in killing people.
* [[Soft Spoken Sadist]]: Has a very gentle, whispery sounding voice that only serves to make him creepier than he already is.
* [[Tattooed Crook]]: Slightly more noticeable in the concept art.
* [[Walking Shirtless Scene]]
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* [[Abusive Parents]]: He mentions that his dad was an abusive asshole who would beat him regularly.
* [[Attention Whore]]: His character bio mentions that he has a compulsive need for attention.
* [[Bad Boss]]: In the second game, he replaces Joker as the commentator during the Predator and Combat side missions. He's just as abusive to the [[Mooks]] as Joker was in the first game.
Line 366 ⟶ 374:
* [[Electronic Speech Impediment]]: In Arkham City, whenever talking to anyone remotely, his transmissions are constantly distorting and stuttering, in a distinctly [[System Shock|SHODAN-like]] manner.
* [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good]]: His reason for believing that Batman is just like any other criminal? "''No one's that selfless''". He even firmly believes the only way he could afford all of his gadgets is a theory that Batman robs the criminals he captures and pays off Gordon to look the other way.
* [[Evil Genius]]: [[Smug Snake|While he may not be as smart as he thinks he is]], he's still a pretty intelligent guy when it comes down to it given his knack for placing trophies in hard to find areas as well as his complicated storage devices for them in ''City''.
* [[Evil Genius]]
* [[Fingerless Gloves]]: To go along with his rougher look in this incarnation.
* [[Four Eyes, Zero Soul]]: Is shown to wear a set of shades that wouldn't look out of place as a part of Elton John's ensemble in ''City''.
* [[Four Eyes, Zero Soul]]
* [[Hoist by His Own Petard]]: {{spoiler|Once Batman solves all riddles, the Riddler puts bombs on hostages, which blow up if they stop moving at all, and forces them to walk around the room endlessly. After saving those hostages and subduing the Riddler, Batman puts the bombs on the Riddler and force him to walk around the room instead. Even though Batman and others know that the bombs are deactivated, they just let the Riddler suffer. It's immensely satisfying.}}
* [[Ignorant of Their Own Ignorance]]: Most people, in his [[Sarcasm Mode|humble]] opinion.
* [[Insufferable Genius]]: One of his defining characteristics as he never shuts up about how much smarter he is than other people.
* [[Insufferable Genius]]
* [[It's All About Me]]
* [[Mood Swinger]]: Dr. Young claims that his "tantrums" have compromised numerous therapy sessions, and based on what we can hear, she's right.
* [[Narcissist]]: ''Very'' self-absorbed and obsessed with stroking his ego and trying to outsmart Batman whenever he can.
* [[Narcissist]]
* [[No Celebrities Were Harmed]]: It's likely unintentional, but in ''Arkham City'', he bears an uncanny resemblance to Stephen Merchant.
** In ''Arkham Asylum'', his artwork makes him heavily resemble [[Neil Patrick Harris]]. His voice in all the games also sounds pretty similar to him.
** And in ''Arkham Knight'', many fans have compared his appearance to [[Charlie Sheen]]. This seems to be a recurring thing for Riddler.
* [[Passive-Aggressive Kombat]]: When not outright insulting others, he'll often engage in this as a form of criticism.
* [[Psychopathic Manchild]]: He wants to turn Arkham City into his personal [[Death Trap|playground]].
* [[Social Darwinist]]: Or so he claims.
* [[Smug Smiler]]
* [[Smug Snake]]: He is ''so'' arrogant and self-absorbed, but it makes it so much more satisfying to take him down.
* [[Smug Snake]]
* [[Troll]]: Riddler loves to troll everybody, including other super villains.
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: In the first game he gets more and more unhinged as Batman slowly solves all of his riddles. In the second game it happens {{spoiler|as Batman locates and rescues more hostages.}}
Line 386 ⟶ 396:
==== The Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane ====
{{quote| Voiced by: Dino Andrade in ''Asylum'', John Noble in ''Knight''}}
* [[Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever]]: Appears as a building-sized version of himself during Batman's hallucinations. Getting seen by him ends badly.
* [[Deadly Doctor]]
* [[Badass Baritone]]: His new voice actor is John Noble, so he sounds suitably badass and gruff.
* [[Big Bad]]: Is set to appear as this in ''Arkham Knight!'' He's had Gotham City evacuated under fear of having bombs full of fear gas detonated, and seems to have gotten Batman's bigger foes to team up so they can all take him down.
* [[Body Horror]]: His encounter with Croc ''seriously'' left him worse to wear as the ''Arkham Knight'' trailer shows. He's blind in one eye, the skin on his face as well as his lips seem to have been completely torn off, and he seems to be on some sort of life-support system.
* [[Deadly Doctor]]: Especially since this doctor loves to drive people insane by exposing them to their biggest fears.
* [[Evil Gloating]]: Subjects Batman to [[Trash Talk|constant mockery]] during the latter's fear gas hallucinations.
* [[Evil Genius]]
* [[Evil Laugh]]: Gives a rather impressive one during the stealth parts of his segments.
* [[Evil Laugh]]
* [[Giggling Villain]]: He boasts a rather impressive chortle.
* [[Hannibal Lecture]]: His patient interviews constitute a extended one on fear, and how it drives the human condition.
* [[He's Just Hiding]]: In-universe, several of the inmates speculate that Scarecrow was killed by Killer Croc during the events of the first game, but there was evidence (such as [[The Stinger]] in the first game, as well as his gas mask being found near hay as part of a riddle by the Riddler in the second game) that he actually survived.
** {{spoiler|Batman can find a boat in the Arkham City harbor full of fear toxin, documents in Crane's name, and a near-catatonic inmate tied to a chair. Scarecrow definitely set up shop at some point. The numbers stations you can listen to via the cryptographic sequencer also hint at his return.}} His return in ''Arkham Knight'' flat-out confirms his survival if nothing else did.
* [[In the Hood]]: Always wears a hood as a part of his wardrobe.
* [[Know When to Fold'Em]]: When Batman gets over a large dose of his Toxin, Crane wisely makes a break for it.
* [[Lean and Mean]]: He looks borderline anorexic!
* [[Level in Boss Clothing]]
* [[Mad Scientist]]
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: In a rather impressive move, he managed to charm Dr. Young into thinking that he was both sane and innocent, and that he might qualify for a job as a researcher in the Titan Progam.
* [[Mind Rape]]: His specialty.
* [[Playing with Syringes]]: Wears a glove where each finger is tipped with one.
* [[Psycho Psychologist]]
* [[Scary Scarecrows|Scary Scarecrow]]
Line 409 ⟶ 424:
==== Bane ====
{{quote| Voiced by: [[Fred Tatasciore]] in ''Asylum'' and ''City'', J.B. Blanc in ''Origins''}}
* [[Badass]]: Made clear in ''Origins'' where he isn't quite hopped up on Venom and Titan as he proves to be quite the deadly adversary for Batman.
* [[Badass Spaniard]]
* [[Badass Baritone]]: Both Fred Tatasciore and J.B. Blanc give him a rather deep, impressive sounding voice.
* [[Badass Spaniard]]: More like a Badass South American, but it still works.
* [[Blood Knight]]: He absolutely loves to fight, and even set up an underground fighting ring within Arkham City where he allows willing combatants to fight each other to the death with the grand prize of facing off against him. And in the climax of ''Origins'', {{spoiler|he's more than happy to go to his death in a fight against Batman if it means making him break his one rule.}}
* [[Body Horror]]: When Batman and Gordon come across him in the first game, Dr. Young had the Venom compound completely drained from his blood, leaving him bone-thin and gasping for breath. Then Joker injects him with an experimental dose of the Titan formula, bulking him up to a far greater degree than his Venom usually allows.
** This first happens in ''Arkham Origins'' where he looks like a normal albeit-heavily built man for most of the game, {{spoiler|but turns into a hulking monstrosity once pumping himself full of TN-1.}}
* [[The Dragon]]: Seems to serve as this for {{spoiler|Joker}} in ''Origins'', as he's the final assassin left standing after the night, and directly helps with {{spoiler|taking over Blackgate Prison.}}
* [[Easy Amnesia]]: It's pretty convenient that {{spoiler|TN-1 induces it on the consumer, causing him to forget Batman's secret identity.}}
* [[Enemy Mine]]: He forms a temporary alliance with Batman to destroy the caches of Titan stashed all over Arkham City. {{spoiler|But he really just wants it all for himself.}}
* [[Final Boss]]: Serves as the final boss of ''Origins'' over at {{spoiler|Blackgate Prison.}}
* [[Genius Bruiser]]: While there were hints to this in ''City'', it really comes out in Origins {{spoiler|when he's able to deduce Batman's identity and ends up attacking Wayne Manor, almost killing Alfred in the process.}} Even when {{spoiler|he's become a near mindless screaming beast after overdosing on TN-1, he's still smart enough to jam Batman's detective vision as the fight goes on.}}
* [[Gratuitous Spanish]]: Refers to Dr. Young as "the bruja" (meaning "witch"), but otherwise speaks (or rather shouts) English in the rest of his dialogue.
** Subverted in the comic, where [[You Are Already Dead|his only spoken line]] is in Spanish, but his thoughts are in English.
* [[Mercy Kill]]: Bane ends up having to do this to a Joker henchman laced with the Titan formula who had Bane at his mercy, because the henchman in question was suffering from a cardiac arrest and experiencing a very painful death.
* [[One-Winged Angel]]: He usually looks like an emaciated, scrawny man when not pumped up on Venom, but will hulk out to monstrous proportions once exposed to it, the effects are even worse on Titan. {{spoiler|this is played up well during the final boss fight in ''Origins.''}}
* [[Ungrateful Bastard]]: He gets pissed off after {{spoiler|Batman restarts his heart after shutting it off with the Electrocutioner's gauntlets as a way to exploit a loophole in his no-killing rule. Bane hulks out and tries to kill him.}}
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: If the digital graphic novel prequel to Arkham City are anything to go by, Bane might want to destroy the source of Titan by any means necessary.
** {{spoiler|The end of his sidequest reveals he only wanted the Titan for himself, not to destroy it. Of course, Batman [[Genre Savvy|already knew from the start.]]}}
Line 425 ⟶ 450:
* [[Bare Your Midriff]]: Wears a mostly unbuttoned prisoner's shirt which exposes this and a whole lot of cleavage.
* [[Bi the Way]]: Hinted at given how she blows a kiss to Harley after being freed from her imprisonment.
* [[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: Induces this on Arkham Asylum's staff as well as various thugs and TYGER guards in Arkham City as a means to have some protection.
* [[Climax Boss]]: Her boss fight happens after Joker's entire plan has been revealed and the island is going down the crapper even further due to her Titan-induced rampage. And she's fittingly difficult to boot.
* [[Demoted to Extra]]: While she does have an obvious base of operations in Arkham City, it's not only inaccessible but she keeps to herself and isn't seen in the main game at all. You can only see her during Catwoman's missions if her DLC is installed.
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: She tries to kill Catwoman for ''forgetting to water some plants she was looking after.''
** Though this is Ivy we're talking about here. To her, all plants' lives are as precious, if not more than, a person's. From her perspective, Catwoman allowed some of her children to starve to death. [[Mama Bear|It's natural she'd be a wee bit peeved.]]
*** If you visit her as Catwoman after completing the game, Catwoman blames Strange for the death of the last plant (which she actually killed out of spite). Ivy swears vengeance on all of humanity.
* [[Does Not Like Shoes]]: Never seems to wear them, though it's justified given the fact that she wants to be as close to nature as she can.
* [[Does Not Like Shoes]]
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: She didn't support Joker's rebellion, and also {{spoiler|initially}} requested for Batman to stop Joker and his plans because of the negative affects on her plants. {{spoiler|This attitude only changed after she got hopped up on Titan courtesy of Joker.}}
* [[Evil Redhead]]: One of her defining features to the point where "Red" is Catwoman's go-to nickname for her.
* [[Evil Redhead]]
* [[Gaia's Vengeance]]
* [[Green Eyed Red Head]]: Her eyes even seem to ''glow'' green for this incarnation. {{spoiler|Although that's a common effect of being infected with Titan}}.
* [[Green Thumb]]: Has a natural affinity for plants thanks to her powers.
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: Attempted one by opening up a flower shop. However, as she continued to see humanity destroying the environment, she couldn't take it anymore and killed a customer who came into her shop to buy flowers for his wife after having cheated on her.
* [[Mama Bear]]: She does not appreciate her plants being harmed.
* [[Misanthrope Supreme]]: Identifying with plants more than animals, she despises humans.
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: Given that she's a sexy green-skinned, red-headed woman wearing only an unbuttoned shirt exposing her stomach and cleavage, uses leaves that form a set of boyshorts for panties, and has a sexy voice as well as flirtatious mannerisms reminiscent of a succubus, this is to be expected. Justified though as she plays this up as a way to kill humans by seducing them.
* [[Pet the Dog]]: While she hates humans for the most part, she is genuinely fond of Harley Quinn and blows her a kiss for breaking her out of her containment area in Arkham Asylum.
* [[Stripperiffic]]: Her "patient uniform" consists of nothing but a single red shirt, held together at cleavage level by only two buttons, and panties ''made of leaves''.
* [[The Vamp]]: She's basically a succubus with an affinity for plants.
* [[The Vamp]]
* [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity]]: Unfortunately, her intentions in stopping the Joker's plans failed when she realised her plants were growing stronger as a result of the Titan formula.
Line 445 ⟶ 477:
* [[The Cameo]]: In both games.
* [[Demonic Dummy]]: Hinted to be this, though as per usual for Scarface it's kept ambiguous.
* [[Talking to Himself]]: Both Scarface and the Joker share the same voice actor. There's a good reason for that, as {{spoiler|Joker used Scarface in a Ventriloquist Dummy act very late in Arkham Asylum when expressing irritation at Batman not being stopped.}}
Line 478 ⟶ 510:
** {{spoiler|[[Everything's Better with Spinning]]}}
* [[Shapeshifter Guilt Trip]]: He [[A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing|attempts to impersonate Gordon and Cash]] in the hopes that Batman will let him out of his cell. [[Foregone Conclusion|It doesn't work]].
* [[Sizeshifter]]: While he can convincingly pass for a human, his true form is that of a hulking monster made of mud and clay.
* [[Sizeshifter]]
* {{spoiler|[[Kill It with Ice|Slowly Whittle It Down With Ice Grenades]] [[Kill It with Fire|and Fiery Explosions]]}}
* [[Spot the Thread]]: Scanning him with Detective Vision reveals he has no bones, no matter what form he's taken. Also, {{spoiler|if you pay very close attention, "Healthy Joker" is slightly less wacky than the real deal. Not to mention that you can scan "Healthy Joker" with Detective Vision during his boss fight.}}
Line 485 ⟶ 517:
* {{spoiler|[[The Unexpected]]: We go from Joker's machinations, [[Gambit Pileup|Gambit Pileups]], and somewhat humanoid enemies into feeding grenades into a full-on massive mud-slinging monster, and then whacking him with a sword.}}
* [[Up to Eleven]]: {{spoiler|The largest humanoid boss in the series, and a candidate for the fastest. Also necessitates the most extensive beatdown.}}
* [[Voluntary Shapeshifting]]: His whole gimmick focuses on this.
* [[Walking Spoiler]]: {{spoiler|it's almost impossible to go into detail about what he does in Arkham City without completely spoiling Joker's Body Double gambit.}}
==== Two-Face/Harvey Dent ====