Batman/Characters/Arkham Series: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|Voiced by: [[Troy Baker]]}}
* [[Ascended Extra]]: He's been shown to be teaming up with Harley Quinn and Penguin in the upcoming ''Arkham Knight'', as most of Batman's enemies are confirmed to be teaming up to take him down which means that he could end up with a bigger role than before.
* [[Advertised Extra]]: He shows up in the first mission and as the [[True Final Boss]] of Catwoman's story. And that's it, so basically he's there only for the very beginning and very end of the plot, mostly because all the other villains are more pressing worries. Mitigated somewhat by the fact that his gang controls larger and larger territory as the game progresses.
* [[BigArch BadEnemy]]: OfServes Catwoman'sas story,this anywayto Catwoman.
* [[Badass Baritone]]: Courtesy of Troy Baker.
* [[Big Bad]]: Of Catwoman's story, anyway. Even then, he's only relevant for the very first and final chapters.
** [[Big Bad Wannabe]]: He is the first villain Batman "fights" (not counting Bruce Wayne's brief run-in with the Penguin) and his gang spends the aftermath on the backfoot against Penguin and Joker's goons. They only rise to prominence because Batman is forced to prioritize the other two villains first, so while Two-Face {{spoiler|wins the gang war and becomes the most powerful inmate in Arkham City by the end of the game}}, it's only because he wasn't that big a threat in the first place. He's also the least challenging to fight, albeit partly because the other two have Mr. Hammer and Sickle as lieutenants {{spoiler|along with Solomon Grundy and Clayface throwing some legitimate bossfights}}, plus some Titan canisters. He's one of the last prisoners to be incarcerated, so all the best territory, [[Mooks]], and resources have already been taken. Of the three gang leaders, he's the least imaginative and ambitious, so even when he gets a huge amount of power in Arkham City, he doesn't do much to form any area in his own image or clean out Joker and Penguin's remaining forces.
* [[Benevolent Boss]]: It's hinted that he legitimately cares for his troopshenchmen unlike the Joker and Penguin, as he intended to bolster the morale of his troops after becoming leader.
** Likewise, when listening to the recruiters at the beginning. Two-Face's way of testing the recruits is simply having them fight each other until only some are left standing. Those who stand are in, those who aren't can come back later and try again. Penguin, meanwhile, threatens his own men harshly over the radio, and Joker has new recruits killed on random days just because.
** Not only that, but even his henchmen seem to have much better attitudes with him as their boss. At the very beginning of the game if you listen to the mooks messing with Jack Ryder, they'll mention how lucky he is he ran into them, since Penguin or Joker's thugs would have probably tortured him to death, or worse, brought him before their boss. They just want to break in the new fish, which as far as normal prison behavior goes, and compared to the sadistic behavior of the criminals under the other two super villains employ, isn't all that bad as it's more or less violent hazing.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: Two-Face (or rather, the good half of him) is reluctant to kill Catwoman immediately, as they are in a courtroom, which is a place of justice. He also appears to be the nicest of the three super-criminal gang bosses and treats his henchmen a lot better (One incident aside) than [[Complete Monster|the other two.]]
* [[Guttural Growler]]: His evil half has a distinctive growling voice.
* [[Joker Jury]]: He subjects Catwoman to one at the start of the second game... With her tied up and hanging over a tank of acid. Ironically, he chose this because the good side of the coin went up. If it hadn't, he would have simply shot her point-blank.
* [[Numerological Motif]]: As one would expect, he's obsessed with the concept of duality and the number two.
* [[Redemption Rejection]]: Hugo Strange, of all people, [[Sadistic Choice|offers to do whatever he can to cure Two-Face if he simply refuses to catch his coin when Strange flips it into the air, or tell him where Catwoman is and what she is doing if he does catch it]]. Two-Face sounds torn over what to do, but ultimately catches the coin. Strange is rather disappointed by the choice.
* [[Shut Up, Kirk]]:
{{quote|'''Two-Face:''' [[That Was Objectionable|OBJECTION!]] ''(shoots Batman)'' Overruled.}}
* [[Split Personality]]: As one would expect from him.
* {{spoiler|[[The Bad Guy Wins]]: Although it's a subtle and non-depressing variation. Two-Face was the underdog of the game at the start, but by the end of the story, he's more or less seized control of at least Park Row and the Bowery. He's in hiding after Catwoman's story is finished, but that's better than Penguin and Joker are doing.}}
* [[This Is for Emphasis, Bitch]]: "Two guns, bitch!"
** Really, 50% of his dialogue towards Catwoman invokes this. He ''really'' hates her.
* [[The Man in the Mirror Talks Back]]: As noted above, his good and evil halves debate whether they should execute Catwoman immediately or hold a trial for her (the evil and good halves supporting the respective actions.)
* [[Two-Faced]]